Arizona Tourist Trade drops like a rock!!


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
NOGALES, Ariz. — The number of legal visitors [Consumers] entering Arizona from Mexico has plummeted amid the controversy of increased enforcement of state immigration laws.

Total cross-border visits into Arizona in the months after Gov. Jan Brewer signed the immigration enforcement law in April have fallen 17% compared with the same period in 2009, according to Customs and Border Protection data. The drop-off amounts to about 12,500 fewer people daily, the data show.

A study issued in January by the University of Arizona's Economic and Business Research Center says the more than 24 million legal visitors who visited the state in 2007-08 spent about $2.7 billion at stores, restaurants, hotels and other businesses. "Almost 23,400 wage-and-salary jobs in Arizona are directly attributable to Mexican visitor spending," the report says.

Drop in legal Mexican visitors hurts southern Arizona -

But not to worry, Brewer's tourist trade to prisons will make her a fortune!!! LOL!

The local CBS news affiliate in Phoenix, Arizona broke a story on Aug 12, 2010 implicating ties between Gov. Jan Brewer's administration and a for profit prison corporation destined to profit handsomely by providing state contracted private detention services for illegal immigrants arrested and detained under the new SB 1070 illegal immigration state law.

Newsvine - POLL: (updated) Arizona Immigration bill SB 1070 may have also been a Wall Street "for profit" state prison out-sourcing scheme; Arizona GOP and private "for profit" prisons may soon be under federal investigation; GOP campaign donations u
What they've lost in tourism is probably more than made up in savings from entitlements that can now actually go to Americans.
Entitlements like welfare to illegal aliens can stop. It's the American taxpayers money. They should be able to use it, to take care of education needs, needs for the poor and elderly and fix roads and public parks, buildings and bridges. That's what the entitlements are for. We American taxpayers pay for it all, why shouldn't we reap some of the benefits? Where does it say, in the Constitution that America should take care of Mexico and their peoples needs or any other country? NO WHERE! That's why we have got to kick government out of office.
NOGALES, Ariz. — The number of legal visitors [Consumers] entering Arizona from Mexico has plummeted amid the controversy of increased enforcement of state immigration laws.

Total cross-border visits into Arizona in the months after Gov. Jan Brewer signed the immigration enforcement law in April have fallen 17% compared with the same period in 2009, according to Customs and Border Protection data. The drop-off amounts to about 12,500 fewer people daily, the data show.

A study issued in January by the University of Arizona's Economic and Business Research Center says the more than 24 million legal visitors who visited the state in 2007-08 spent about $2.7 billion at stores, restaurants, hotels and other businesses. "Almost 23,400 wage-and-salary jobs in Arizona are directly attributable to Mexican visitor spending," the report says.

Drop in legal Mexican visitors hurts southern Arizona -

But not to worry, Brewer's tourist trade to prisons will make her a fortune!!! LOL!

The local CBS news affiliate in Phoenix, Arizona broke a story on Aug 12, 2010 implicating ties between Gov. Jan Brewer's administration and a for profit prison corporation destined to profit handsomely by providing state contracted private detention services for illegal immigrants arrested and detained under the new SB 1070 illegal immigration state law.

Newsvine - POLL: (updated) Arizona Immigration bill SB 1070 may have also been a Wall Street "for profit" state prison out-sourcing scheme; Arizona GOP and private "for profit" prisons may soon be under federal investigation; GOP campaign donations u

I think you missed this little tidbit from your own source Shintao;
The drop in tourism has been a trend for several years. In fiscal 2007-08, according to Customs and Border Protection data, nearly 209 million people came into the U.S. legally via land ports from Mexico. That number dropped 10% last year — even before Arizona's immigration-law controversy.
I wonder how the state can distinguish dollars spent in Arizona by Mexicans from dollars spent in Arizona by anyone else?

I also wonder if more Mexicans are going to Texas, or California to spend their pesos?
Nah, I've been to AZ and I see many, many latinos from across the border shopping in Tucson. How can I tell? From years of dealing with them.

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