Arizona Fascists set to punish Employers


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
Like all laws, once there is a foot in the door, it just keeps growing like wart on a hog. Of course the right who wants to deny Latinos their rights can congratulate themselves for where this law is headed. First the license, then next year the business itself, then fines, then any property made from the business, prison time 3-Strikes laws, etc.

Think they can't do it? Don't they already confiscate cars of guys hiring a prostitute? Attach wages of dead beat moms/dads?

Can a business’s license be taken away if it knowingly hires undocumented workers?

The U.S. Supreme Court is not expected to render a decision before summer.

But if a hearing in the nation’s highest court last Wednesday gave any indication, it seemed that the justices are likely to sustain an Arizona law that threatens to take away the licenses of businesses that knowingly hire workers who are in the United States illegally.

Republican Gov. Jan Brewer, Napolitano's successor, was at the court Wednesday to show her support for the law.

High Court Mulling Law Punishing Employers Who Hire Undocumented - Fox News Latino
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Come again? "Deny Latinos their rights"? WTF?

But never mind. Shintao, what exactly is your complaint? Do you think lifting a license for breaking the very law the license was granted under is an unfair punishment?
Come again? "Deny Latinos their rights"? WTF?

But never mind. Shintao, what exactly is your complaint? Do you think lifting a license for breaking the very law the license was granted under is an unfair punishment?

This is exactly what we should be doing shintao.... prsecuting the businesses that knowingly hire illegals.

This is why they keep putting themselves in danger to come here. Because lazy Americans who dont want to work hard themselves in order to make ends meet.

Bravo Arizona

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