Are You Ashamed to Be White?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004

Don't care?

Don't like affirmative action, but you don't agree with William Joyce?

Poll time.

My truth is that I think "I'm proud to be white" is kinda goofy... I wouldn't say I'm "proud to be white" in the sense that I take credit for the way I was born. But I do feel a sense of kinship with other whites and a desire to defend them against attack in this world. My thought is, race is way, way, way bigger deal than we admit, and whites sliding to the minority is going to mean SERIOUS-ass pain for us, and we better commence to circling wagons or we're going to be wiped out with nobody carrying on to even remember we were here. I mean, if nothing else, why not be white and fight? If it's our destiny to die off as a race, who says we have to die like groveling dogs, begging for non-whites to forgive/accept/love us?
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I'm actually kind of ashamed to be white...especially white of german decent. Whites in general have inflicted the most pain on society as a whole. We, collectively, are the most arrogant, selfish, self-entitled group of people.

We seem to operate under the belief that by virtue of the color of our skin we are somehow superior to those who are not like us.... We (collective we) fail to realize that it's not the color of ones skin that makes someone a worthwhile and honorable person but rather the goodness of your heart and the kindness you show to others.

integrity, honesty, and generosity is not define by black nor white.
I'm actually kind of ashamed to be white...especially white of german decent. Whites in general have inflicted the most pain on society as a whole. We, collectively, are the most arrogant, selfish, self-entitled group of people.

We seem to operate under the belief that by virtue of the color of our skin we are somehow superior to those who are not like us.... We (collective we) fail to realize that it's not the color of ones skin that makes someone a worthwhile and honorable person but rather the goodness of your heart and the kindness you show to others.

integrity, honesty, and generosity is not define by black nor white.

What crap--I'm sorry you bought the propaganda but feel free to dump that fake guilt whenever your done using it.
I have no pride associated with the amount of melanin in my skin. I find that to be ridiculous...why be proud that I don't have as much of a certain type of chemical in my body than someone else? Nor am I proud about the amount of estrogen or adrenaline flowing through my veins, while we're discussing it.

I am proud that my mother's family came from Ireland through all sorts of adversity and strife to start a new life for themselves. I am proud that my father's family came from the highlands of Scotland and made numerous adventurous stops along the way in the Caribbean and Mexico. My trips to Ireland and Scotland to visit my relatives and their homes have brought be closer to my roots.

I am proud that my ancestors made successful lives for themselves in this nation - and I'm exceptionally proud to be a citizen of a nation that is so wildly successful and free that my relatives risked their lives to come here so their children and grandchildren could live in this great land.

None of that...has anything to do with being white...and everything to do with being an American of Scotch-Irish descent.
What crap--I'm sorry you bought the propaganda but feel free to dump that fake guilt whenever your done using it.

you know, 200+ years of TRUTH isn't propaganda dillo...

and I'm not dumping guilt on anyone... I stated my opinion... you are free to disagree if you like... that's within your right ya know...
you know, 200+ years of TRUTH isn't propaganda dillo...

and I'm not dumping guilt on anyone... I stated my opinion... you are free to disagree if you like... that's within your right ya know...

I don't need you to remind me of my rights---wallow in you're "shame", whitey!
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I don't need you to remind me of my rights---wallow in you "shame", whitey!

Perhaps my "shame" comes more from the fact that I am of german decent, only second generation American on my father's side in fact.... and my father's grandparents were nazi sympathizers. Yes I feel shame having that legacy in my background. If that offends you then OH FUCKING WELL!

Whites, especially of American (including but not limited to German Americans) ancestry, have created the most advanced technology, and spurred on the greatest growth of Human populations in history.
We, collectively, are the most industrious, liberty minded, self educated, self motivated, generous, compassionate, honest, ethical, and prosperous people in the world.

We need to operate under the fact that we are a genetically and culturally distinct population that is a growing minority that no one is looking out for. We must remember our traditional family and national values to promote our numbers and self identity in a world awash with "multi-culturalism" and "global economics".

Don't care?

Don't like affirmative action, but you don't agree with William Joyce?

Poll time.

My truth is that I think "I'm proud to be white" is kinda goofy... I wouldn't say I'm "proud to be white" in the sense that I take credit for the way I was born. But I do feel a sense of kinship with other whites and a desire to defend them against attack in this world. My thought is, race is way, way, way bigger deal than we admit, and whites sliding to the minority is going to mean SERIOUS-ass pain for us, and we better commence to circling wagons or we're going to be wiped out with nobody carrying on to even remember we were here. I mean, if nothing else, why not be white and fight? If it's our destiny to die off as a race, who says we have to die like groveling dogs, begging for non-whites to forgive/accept/love us?

No. What do I have to be ashamed of?

Doesn't mean I think my skin color makes me superior to anyone else.
Perhaps I should say I'm ashamed of the actions of some white people instead of saying I'm ashamed of being white. I can't help that I'm white, it's just the luck of the draw.
I'm glad you rethought your shame.

Its amusing that people like you think its terrible and "propaganda" to be ashamed of ones ancestors, but being proud is all well and good. Thats not propaganda, its just natural! Or some shit.
I'm actually kind of ashamed to be white...especially white of german decent. Whites in general have inflicted the most pain on society as a whole. We, collectively, are the most arrogant, selfish, self-entitled group of people.

We seem to operate under the belief that by virtue of the color of our skin we are somehow superior to those who are not like us.... We (collective we) fail to realize that it's not the color of ones skin that makes someone a worthwhile and honorable person but rather the goodness of your heart and the kindness you show to others.

integrity, honesty, and generosity is not define by black nor white.

I disagree. I don't think like that, nor do I associate with people who do. I also see no reason to single out and villify whites for doing the same things every other race has done since the dawn of Man while it was the dominant race.

Racists and racism exist. They always have and since it's big business for some, probably always will. From the black/hispanic/whatever minority activists who stand nothing to gain and a lucrative business to lose with the defeat of racism, to the ignorant white haters who blame their lack of prosperity on someone different rather than their own lack of ability.

This continent was dominated by racist Native Americans before we ever got here. Then there are the succession of races that ruled Europe and Asia who saw every other race as inferior.

Sorry, no shame here. I haven't done anything to anyone to feel the need for any and don't hold your breath waiting on me to feel shame or apologize for what others have done, the vast majority being before I was born. I'll stand accountable for MY actions. No one else's unless I have direct control of them.
Its amusing that people like you think its terrible and "propaganda" to be ashamed of ones ancestors, but being proud is all well and good. Thats not propaganda, its just natural! Or some shit.

Try reading idiot--her initial claim was that she was
kind of ashamed to be white

They tried to eradicate this type of thinking among blacks yet you think it's natural for whites to feel ashamed of their race ? You bought it too, I see.
I disagree. I don't think like that, nor do I associate with people who do. I also see no reason to single out and villify whites for doing the same things every other race has done since the dawn of Man while it was the dominant race.

Racists and racism exist. They always have and since it's big business for some, probably always will. From the black/hispanic/whatever minority activists who stand nothing to gain and a lucrative business to lose with the defeat of racism, to the ignorant white haters who blame their lack of prosperity on someone different rather than their own lack of ability.

This continent was dominated by racist Native Americans before we ever got here. Then there are the succession of races that ruled Europe and Asia who saw every other race as inferior.

Sorry, no shame here. I haven't done anything to anyone to feel the need for any and don't hold your breath waiting on me to feel shame or apologize for what others have done, the vast majority being before I was born. I'll stand accountable for MY actions. No one else's unless I have direct control of them.

I see your point and agree to a degree but I still feel some shame in being connected genetically to anyone who could've sympathized with Hitler. I had a young friend in grade school whose parents wouldn't allow her to play with me when they found out I was German... that was my first taste of shame and perhaps it's stuck with me all these years...right or wrong.. it's there...

I don't apologize for what others have done, that's not my place....but I don't adhere to their beliefs. I was raised by a father who was extremely racist and it caused me no small amount of grief that I did not share his views. He was quite ashamed that I dated outside my race but I don't judge people based on the hue of their skin.. it's how they treat me as a person... an asshole can be any color and those are the people I try to avoid...
I disagree. I don't think like that, nor do I associate with people who do. I also see no reason to single out and villify whites for doing the same things every other race has done since the dawn of Man while it was the dominant race.

No other "race" of people on this planet has ever done what the white man has done to people, which includes evils that spans over almost every continent on this planet. Thats like saying eating a cheese burger at McDonalds is the same as eating a Big Mac. This is an undisputed fact that cannot be denied and the most evil act was the emergence of white supremacy which has touched the fabric of nearly every society. No other "race" of peope have done any comparable acts, so don't try to understate and play down the acts of whites

Racists and racism exist. They always have and since it's big business for some, probably always will. From the black/hispanic/whatever minority activists who stand nothing to gain and a lucrative business to lose with the defeat of racism, to the ignorant white haters who blame their lack of prosperity on someone different rather than their own lack of ability.

How much of that "white hate" you speak of can you really pin on the lack of ability and or lack of prosperity vs racism, discrimination and outright indifference to the crimes and wrongs that were done to non-whites? Alot of whites by virtue of white privilege already have more than one leg up on non-whites when it comes to opportunities for success and no, affirmative action has *NOT* evened out anything. "Whiteness" in America is what has allowed whites to be on top here.

This continent was dominated by racist Native Americans before we ever got here. Then there are the succession of races that ruled Europe and Asia who saw every other race as inferior.

Evidence? The native Americans were friendly to the white man, thats what allowed whites to take advantage of them and way to go, you actually tried to make Native Americans just as racist as the whites who nearly exterminated them just to make whites not look as bad. The colourblind card is beig played here to understate the wrongs of whites once again and you wonder there's still so much resent against whites by non-whites because of garbage like this you just posted.

Sorry, no shame here. I haven't done anything to anyone to feel the need for any and don't hold your breath waiting on me to feel shame or apologize for what others have done, the vast majority being before I was born. I'll stand accountable for MY actions. No one else's unless I have direct control of them.

Will you also admit that you and most whites in America benefit greatly and have a higher social and economic position today because of those past evil actions by whites in the past?
I see your point and agree to a degree but I still feel some shame in being connected genetically to anyone who could've sympathized with Hitler. I had a young friend in grade school whose parents wouldn't allow her to play with me when they found out I was German... that was my first taste of shame and perhaps it's stuck with me all these years...right or wrong.. it's there...

I don't apologize for what others have done, that's not my place....but I don't adhere to their beliefs. I was raised by a father who was extremely racist and it caused me no small amount of grief that I did not share his views. He was quite ashamed that I dated outside my race but I don't judge people based on the hue of their skin.. it's how they treat me as a person... an asshole can be any color and those are the people I try to avoid...

I would no more apologize and/or feel shame for Hitler than I will Japanese Americans being locked up in internment camps no more than I will apologize for the fact slavery was pretty much legal and practiced worldwide until the 1800s and blacks were hardly the only ones to suffer slavery.

I was never taight to be racist. Racism is a luxury of people who can afford it. We were always just as poor as anyone else.
No other "race" of people on this planet has ever done what the white man has done to people, which includes evils that spans over almost every continent on this planet. Thats like saying eating a cheese burger at McDonalds is the same as eating a Big Mac. This is an undisputed fact that cannot be denied and the most evil act was the emergence of white supremacy which has touched the fabric of nearly every society. No other "race" of peope have done any comparable acts, so don't try to understate and play down the acts of whites

How much of that "white hate" you speak of can you really pin on the lack of ability and or lack of prosperity vs racism, discrimination and outright indifference to the crimes and wrongs that were done to non-whites? Alot of whites by virtue of white privilege already have more than one leg up on non-whites when it comes to opportunities for success and no, affirmative action has *NOT* evened out anything. "Whiteness" in America is what has allowed whites to be on top here.

Evidence? The native Americans were friendly to the white man, thats what allowed whites to take advantage of them and way to go, you actually tried to make Native Americans just as racist as the whites who nearly exterminated them just to make whites not look as bad. The colourblind card is beig played here to understate the wrongs of whites once again and you wonder there's still so much resent against whites by non-whites because of garbage like this you just posted.

Will you also admit that you and most whites in America benefit greatly and have a higher social and economic position today because of those past evil actions by whites in the past?

What a bunch of "Im a victim" whining. And I'm laughing my ass off at your "Native Americans were friendly to whites" BS. A few were. The vast majority of Native Americans weren't friendly to other tribes, much less whites. Their way of life was xenophobic and warring. So sell THAT one down the road.

And don't say "you." I reject outright your feeble attempt to attribute the real or imagined crimes of others to me.

The garbage being posted is YOURS. Who the fuck are YOU to tell me what I believe? I wasn't raised to be a racist piece of shit like you. I was raised to accept people for who and what they are based on their actions.

If that wasn't enough, there's no room for frightened, hatemongering idiots like you in a Marine rifle squad/unit/company. Your ass would have been peeling fucking potatoes just as fast as some white trash cracker preaching the same shit, and for only as long as it took me to have your ass processed the fuck out of the Corps.

People like YOU get people killed and I wouldn't tolerate you for half-a-heartbeat.

You're as big a piece of shit, ignorant hater as any white racist.

Now run your little everything-o-phobic ass off and get a REAL fucking argument.

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