Are We A Nation Of Moochers?...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Interesting article from John Nolte.

Charles Sykes Makes the Case That We Are a ‘Nation of Moochers’

Charles Sykes is a longtime Milwaukee talk-radio host and the prolific author of a number of books that helped to shape my personal political worldview, including 1988’s eye-opening “Profscam,” and 1993’s “A Nation of Victims,’ two works as timely today as they were decades ago.

“A Nation of Moochers: America’s Addiction to Getting Something for Nothing” (St. Martin’s Press) was just released, and the fact that I’m writing this at the very moment President Barack Obama is announcing yet another government plan (his fourth, I think) to “bail out” those “victims” who bought homes they couldn’t afford, makes this informative and engaging page-turner feel about as urgent and timely as any author could hope for.


What you need to know up front is that “Moochers” isn’t an attack on the poor or needy or, for that matter, a specific political party. In fact, from beginning to end, Sykes makes clear that as a country we have an obligation to feed the hungry and offer shelter to the homeless. Moreover, he isn’t even targeting a particular group, which would be impossible without a sawed-off shotgun anyway, because America’s moochers come from every level of our society.

What Sykes is targeting is a mentality, a dangerous and un-American mentality that infects almost every aspect of our culture, and one that is currently being bred into our children by those on both the left and right who are empowered by fomenting and excusing the dependence, greed, and selfishness of others. From corporate welfare to school lunches for the well-to-do to Wall Street bailouts to paying millionaires not to grow crops to tax breaks for Hollywood gajillionires to unending unemployment benefits to disaster relief for those who haven’t suffered disasters to TARP, and finally, to the shameless who walk away from mortgages they can afford to pay — what Sykes is exposing is that we are on the march to becoming Greece. Not just a European welfare state, but the kind of welfare state where the populace has been engineered by a nanny state to riot at the very thought of not being able to mooch the life to which they have become accustomed.

A large part of the problem is that thanks to those who control the levers of our media and culture, the only thing we’re taught to be ashamed of anymore is the act of attempting to shame someone. As a result, those who “want” instead of “need,” are openly and proudly grabbing all the goodies they can get their shameless hands on, and doing so at the expense of others. Worse still, those others haven't even been born yet.

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» Charles Sykes Makes the Case That We Are a ‘Nation of Moochers’ - Big Government
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All successful systems develop parasites. Sucker fish on whales...lawyers...etc
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Interesting article from John Nolte.

Charles Sykes Makes the Case That We Are a ‘Nation of Moochers’

Charles Sykes is a longtime Milwaukee talk-radio host and the prolific author of a number of books that helped to shape my personal political worldview, including 1988’s eye-opening “Profscam,” and 1993’s “A Nation of Victims,’ two works as timely today as they were decades ago.

“A Nation of Moochers: America’s Addiction to Getting Something for Nothing”

The USA didn't change, brainwashed dittoheads- It's ANOTHER GD Pub depression- and throw in Voodoo for the rich and skyrocketing college and health costs they won't do anything about, it's a GD good thing Obama and the Dems got in FAST this time...snap out of it and change the channel...
Interesting article from John Nolte.

Charles Sykes Makes the Case That We Are a ‘Nation of Moochers’

Charles Sykes is a longtime Milwaukee talk-radio host and the prolific author of a number of books that helped to shape my personal political worldview, including 1988’s eye-opening “Profscam,” and 1993’s “A Nation of Victims,’ two works as timely today as they were decades ago.

“A Nation of Moochers: America’s Addiction to Getting Something for Nothing”


God you're deranged. :lol:
Interesting article from John Nolte.

Charles Sykes Makes the Case That We Are a ‘Nation of Moochers’

Charles Sykes is a longtime Milwaukee talk-radio host and the prolific author of a number of books that helped to shape my personal political worldview, including 1988’s eye-opening “Profscam,” and 1993’s “A Nation of Victims,’ two works as timely today as they were decades ago.

“A Nation of Moochers: America’s Addiction to Getting Something for Nothing”


God you're deranged. :lol:
It could be worse......if I was some.....

The USA didn't change, brainwashed dittoheads- It's ANOTHER GD Pub depression- and throw in Voodoo for the rich and skyrocketing college and health costs they won't do anything about, it's a GD good thing Obama and the Dems got in FAST this time...snap out of it and change the channel...

So we are Nation of Moochers. Thanks.
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Interesting article from John Nolte.

Charles Sykes Makes the Case That We Are a ‘Nation of Moochers’

Charles Sykes is a longtime Milwaukee talk-radio host and the prolific author of a number of books that helped to shape my personal political worldview, including 1988’s eye-opening “Profscam,” and 1993’s “A Nation of Victims,’ two works as timely today as they were decades ago.

“A Nation of Moochers: America’s Addiction to Getting Something for Nothing”


God you're deranged. :lol:

Actually, $arah is a perfect example. She put in a cameo appearance as a state governor, she has quit everything she ever started and during the time she's been in the national picture, she has made enormous money off of doing nothing. And, she's a lousy mother.

She's certainly not the first but what is really deranged is that there is a radical religious right wing nut fringe that celebrates and adores her for being a chronic failure.

I still wish she would run for some office but why should she? She's got a recording studio in her home and gets paid big bucks to say really stupid stuff on foxNOTnews. I mean, have you ever really listened to her pearls of wisdom? Its that movie where the dumbest guy in the world is mistaken for the leader.

Actually, $arah is a perfect example. She put in a cameo appearance as a state governor, she has quit everything she ever started and during the time she's been in the national picture, she has made enormous money off of doing nothing. And, she's a lousy mother.

She's certainly not the first but what is really deranged is that there is a radical religious right wing nut fringe that celebrates and adores her for being a chronic failure.

I still wish she would run for some office but why should she? She's got a recording studio in her home and gets paid big bucks to say really stupid stuff on foxNOTnews. I mean, have you ever really listened to her pearls of wisdom? Its that movie where the dumbest guy in the world is mistaken for the leader.

Uh yeah, why don't you and the other PDS weirdo go beat each other off in another thread? Off ya go now freakos.
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In the U.S.A. moocher behavior modification begins very early in one's life. We first become aware from different sources that the rich powerful people are admired and respected. The catch no one really cares what rich powerful people do to make their money. What they do care about is getting something for nothing.

We wonder why children sell drugs from street corners and in dark alleys. The answer is simple, our children are programmed by movies and TV where the life of criminals are depicted as a way to quick wealth. Making the brain washing more effeictive these fictional criminals dress in fine clothes, drive the most expensive cars, live in fine homes, have gorgeous women at their beck and call and perhaps most important are respected for doing absolutely nothing.

But, the major instructors in how to become a Class A Moocher goes much higher. All the way to the top, in fact. to find those whom we've elected to represent our interests. Hopefully, that clears up confusion about where the American Getting-Something-For-Nothing attitude originates and thrives. Politicians don't get a bad rap because they're hard working dedicated people - actually most of them are attorneys - which means they came into the room with questionable motives. And they've amply proven themselves to be untrustworthy when it comes to adequately and actually doing the jobs they were elected to do.

As for shame in America - are you serious - America has no shame. If it did, George W. Bush and his group of felonious henchmen would have been tarred, feathered and run out of town on rail. Instead of sent out to pasture, where they are assured of living a better than the majority of Americans.

Before blaming the people, The Banks and Wall Street must be publicly held accountable for their criminal acts. And Congress must be sanctioned for their indifference or incompetence for doing absolutely nothing even after knowing there were serious problems in Americas economic structure, which could at any time completely fall apart.

Mark Twain and I share a healthy distrust of those politicians under the misguided belief that their election to public office provided them with a shield from accountability. I leave you with 3 of his quips about politicians and politics. And because I'm a dog lover, one of his best quotes on that subject:

We have the best government that money can buy.

It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress.

Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.

The more I know about people, the better I like my dog.

Actually, $arah is a perfect example. She put in a cameo appearance as a state governor, she has quit everything she ever started and during the time she's been in the national picture, she has made enormous money off of doing nothing. And, she's a lousy mother.

She's certainly not the first but what is really deranged is that there is a radical religious right wing nut fringe that celebrates and adores her for being a chronic failure.

I still wish she would run for some office but why should she? She's got a recording studio in her home and gets paid big bucks to say really stupid stuff on foxNOTnews. I mean, have you ever really listened to her pearls of wisdom? Its that movie where the dumbest guy in the world is mistaken for the leader.
Some would say...and even some world leaders would agree that Obama is in WAY over his head. he's insulted our allies, apologized for us being who we are around the world, but you are just hunky dory with that.

Get lost you non-American twerp.
God you're deranged. :lol:

Actually, $arah is a perfect example. She put in a cameo appearance as a state governor, she has quit everything she ever started and during the time she's been in the national picture, she has made enormous money off of doing nothing. And, she's a lousy mother.

She's certainly not the first but what is really deranged is that there is a radical religious right wing nut fringe that celebrates and adores her for being a chronic failure.

I still wish she would run for some office but why should she? She's got a recording studio in her home and gets paid big bucks to say really stupid stuff on foxNOTnews. I mean, have you ever really listened to her pearls of wisdom? Its that movie where the dumbest guy in the world is mistaken for the leader.
Some would say...and even some world leaders would agree that Obama is in WAY over his head. he's insulted our allies, apologized for us being who we are around the world, but you are just hunky dory with that.

Get lost you non-American twerp.

He has not "insulted our allies", he has never "apologized" for the US and what I am NOT hunky dory with is some idiot who regurgitates shit he heard from foxNOTnews as though its fact.

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