Are we a frog in the boiling water?


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Listen to Obama shed a tear for those illegal immigrants. They've been here and think of themselves as Americans in every way, pledged allegiance to the flag; but they don't have papers. BFD!

It's gotten to a point that politicians have to tip toe against that type of rhetoric. Look__ I can't go live in any other country in the world and expect citizenship and a permanent home there.

Also, why should we punish the people who come here legally? Why should we be forced to give health care and education to people who we did not invite here?

I know this is old school thinking; but this is freaking ridiculous. We need to get a hold of this problem. I'm tired of listening to these bleeding heart manipulator imposters like Obama.
What you said is NOT old school thinking! It happens to be the federal laws that everyone in the nation has to follow. The illegal aliens are thumbing their noses at the politicians and breaking all the immigration laws currently on the books and committing identity theft and the list on and on and on...

I'd just like to break ONE federal law. I want to stop paying income taxes to support these illegal alien law breakers is that OK President Obama?!

Granny says we're a victim of our own success, improving economy draws more illegals...
Study: Improved economy draws illegal immigrants
October 25. 2012 - Illegal immigration from Mexico reached historic lows during the recession, but with the economy improving, the number of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. from Mexico is growing.
Want a sign that the economy is on the rebound? Illegal immigration from Mexico is starting to rise again, according to a new report. Immigration from Mexico fell to historic lows during the worst years of the recession. After four decades that brought 12 million people from Mexico to the U.S., people started heading back home and continued doing so from 2007 to 2011.

It's impossible to pinpoint the exact number of people crossing the southwest border with Mexico, but the study by U.S. and Mexican researchers estimates that immigrants headed north in the first half of 2012 outnumbered those heading back for the first time since 2007. "Illegal immigration is a market indicator," said Roy Beck, CEO of NumbersUSA, an Arlington, Va.-based think tank that advocates lower levels of legal and illegal immigration. "They all got gigantic networks of family and friends who are already here sending information back and forth. So this is basically another sign that the economy is picking up."

The report is a collaboration between the University of Southern California and El Colegio de la Frontera Norte in Tijuana, a Mexican government-sponsored research group. Researchers used interviews with people along the border and data from the U.S. and Mexico.

Jeffrey Passel, the senior demographer at the non-partisan Pew Hispanic Center who was not involved in the report, said the findings look legitimate. But he said the small increase in people coming from Mexico does not mean the United States is close to the massive influx of illegal immigrants seen recently. For example, in 2000, 770,000 Mexicans immigrated, legally and illegally, to the U.S. In 2010, that number fell to 140,000. "Right now, we're in a period where Mexican migration to the U.S. is at very low levels," Passel said.

Listen to Obama shed a tear for those illegal immigrants. They've been here and think of themselves as Americans in every way, pledged allegiance to the flag; but they don't have papers. BFD!

It's gotten to a point that politicians have to tip toe against that type of rhetoric. Look__ I can't go live in any other country in the world and expect citizenship and a permanent home there.

Also, why should we punish the people who come here legally? Why should we be forced to give health care and education to people who we did not invite here?

I know this is old school thinking; but this is freaking ridiculous. We need to get a hold of this problem. I'm tired of listening to these bleeding heart manipulator imposters like Obama.

You need to be a bit more factual with your posts, Mr Beck.

As we all know, those illegals that have always pledged alliegance are the CHILDREN of illegals - often they don't know until they reach adulthood that they aren't citizens.

I had a coworker that was brought over from Europe after WW2. Her parents were naturalized when she was a toddler, as a toddler there's no way she could have taken the tests herself, and no one at the INS told her parents that the baby needed a green card. The parents later had a son that was a citizen. So the coworker spent her whole life thinking she was an American. INS came after her while we were working together - she was 50 years old, married, with 2 kids and 3 grandkids, both parents deceased. INS wanted to deport her but she knew nothing about the old country, the language, any relatives that might be there. After 4 years of legal wrangling they finally let her take the naturalization test, which she passed.

The whole point of the Dream Act is that INS is short-handed enough that they can't chase down every illegal. They'd much rather go after the criminals, the bad ones we all want gone ASAP. So if the good ones behave themselves they go on track for green cards and naturalization, and INS can go after bad guys.

It's efficient.

Quit bitching.
Listen to Obama shed a tear for those illegal immigrants. They've been here and think of themselves as Americans in every way, pledged allegiance to the flag; but they don't have papers. BFD!

It's gotten to a point that politicians have to tip toe against that type of rhetoric. Look__ I can't go live in any other country in the world and expect citizenship and a permanent home there.

Also, why should we punish the people who come here legally? Why should we be forced to give health care and education to people who we did not invite here?

I know this is old school thinking; but this is freaking ridiculous. We need to get a hold of this problem. I'm tired of listening to these bleeding heart manipulator imposters like Obama.


Reagan and the GOP loved amnesty for illegals. Many still do.


What you said is NOT old school thinking! It happens to be the federal laws that everyone in the nation has to follow. The illegal aliens are thumbing their noses at the politicians and breaking all the immigration laws currently on the books and committing identity theft and the list on and on and on...

I'd just like to break ONE federal law. I want to stop paying income taxes to support these illegal alien law breakers is that OK President Obama?!


If we're going to give them amnesty make them earn it, sign eveyone of them up with 4 years of military service. Put them on the front lines and send real Americans to the back as support. I bet they'll turn tail for home.
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