Are there More Black Men in Jail or In College ?

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
[ame=]YouTube - Are there More Black Men in Jail or In College ?[/ame]
:confused: This could be the answer ... there are 3 choices now, maybe?


What do I know, I'm old! :D
The white systems sets them up to go to jail.More in the Penitentiary, than in College.Its all a big set up by the white power structure, system.
The white systems sets them up to go to jail.More in the Penitentiary, than in College.Its all a big set up by the white power structure, system.

Then according to your video, the white power structure ain't what it used to be, 'cuz college is winning out:

Total in college: 864,000
Total incarcerated: 801,995 (jail + prison)

In the 18-24 age group:
College: 473,000
Prison: 106,000

(these numbers from the guy in the video, in reference to the year 2005)
Then according to your video, the white power structure ain't what it used to be, 'cuz college is winning out:

Total in college: 864,000
Total incarcerated: 801,995 (jail + prison)

In the 18-24 age group:
College: 473,000
Prison: 106,000

(these numbers from the guy in the video, in reference to the year 2005)

The white power structure i still as strong as ever and still oppressive, just give credit to the fact that black people have improved themselves over the years, our gains don't equal minuses for whites.
The white systems sets them up to go to jail.More in the Penitentiary, than in College.Its all a big set up by the white power structure, system.

it sure is the fault of whitey...

rims, crack, baby mamas and thug life has nothing to do with it.

My best friend from HS is a black man who is now an art teacher in the city of StL. It's not about who is keeping you down, it's about how much effort you make in rising above the generalizations. If you dont want to go to jail, dont rob a liquer store. Want an education? stop dropping out of HS. If it's a choice between rims and books, choose books. This gov. doesn't keep you down. YOU keep you down. Hell, white thrash in trailer parks don't have the BENEFIT of affirmative action programs.
The white power structure i still as strong as ever and still oppressive, just give credit to the fact that black people have improved themselves over the years, our gains don't equal minuses for whites.

yea.. tell that to one more qualified white kid who cant get into college because of a QUOTA. If white people has "all white colleges" like the half a dozen black colleges I can name you'd be screaming about segregation.
yea.. tell that to one more qualified white kid who cant get into college because of a QUOTA. If white people has "all white colleges" like the half a dozen black colleges I can name you'd be screaming about segregation.

How many white kids are affected by so-called quotas? And once again, affirmative action is for qualified people to have a chance to succeed, not less qualified and or unqualified people. Fact is, affirmative action has benefited white women more than black people as a whole. Black ncolleges are historically Black Colleges because these were the only institutions blacks were allowed to attend at one time, but nobody is stopping whites from attending them, whites don't need the National Guard and police escort to attend HBCUs, whites don't need a Supreme Court order to attend HBCUs, my people had to go through all of those things.
If ANY kid is affected by a quota it's too many. THAT is what non-racist standards are. And, nobody is stopping blacks from going to college instead of living a thug life fantasy either. In 2008 NO ONE needs the national fucking guard to ensure that ANY ethnic class gets to go to school. YOUR PEOPLE have equal rights thanks largely to WHITE people. Racism on your part doesn't make it acceptable just because you had an ancestor who knew segregation. Affirmative action is nothing more than rationalized Racial Profiling.
How many white kids are affected by so-called quotas? And once again, affirmative action is for qualified people to have a chance to succeed, not less qualified and or unqualified people. Fact is, affirmative action has benefited white women more than black people as a whole. Black ncolleges are historically Black Colleges because these were the only institutions blacks were allowed to attend at one time, but nobody is stopping whites from attending them, whites don't need the National Guard and police escort to attend HBCUs, whites don't need a Supreme Court order to attend HBCUs, my people had to go through all of those things.

BS. Look at affirmative action on the reservations. They will hire less qualified people based upon their BLOODLINES ALONE. Because they can.
If ANY kid is affected by a quota it's too many.

The white man is reaping what he has sowed, quotas are *NOT* significantly hurting white people, they're just crying like whiny punks because their white supremacy has told them that they are entitled to everything whenever they want it and only a handful of blacks, whom the white man has castrated and oppressed.

YOUR PEOPLE have equal rights thanks largely to WHITE people.

Wrong, my people bled and died in the streets for equality and thanks to then struggling we have made some gains but we're still far off.
The white man is reaping what he has sowed, quotas are *NOT* significantly hurting white people, they're just crying like whiny punks because their white supremacy has told them that they are entitled to everything whenever they want it and only a handful of blacks, whom the white man has castrated and oppressed.

thats your OPINION. Putting you on the farm wasn't SIGNIFICANTLY any worse than the tribal life you'd have had back in the homeland. See how that works?

You can't fight to end racism and then insist on racist policies that benefit your demographic. Dont forget, you are FREE to take your black ass back to Africa if you think you'd have it better there. No one keeps you here.

Wrong, my people bled and died in the streets for equality and thanks to then struggling we have made some gains but we're still far off.

And white people bled and died for your freedom too. You didn't get the right to vote merely on the effort of blacks. Given your MINORITY status thats just stupid as hell. Good grief, it was WHITE people who created this nation that you enjoy.

Again, if you are so mistreated by EQUALITY then take your ass back to Africa and see how long your fantasy lasts.
How many white kids are affected by so-called quotas?

How can any of us know?

It wasn't like Yale wrote me and told me I didn't make the cut because I wasn't the right color or gender.

Just like they didn't write to equally qualified Black kids who did make it and say, We're taking you here because you're Black and we're seeking ethnic diversity.

But you know, I never met a poor disadvantaged Black kid at the university I attended. Every one of them came from far more affluent families than I did.

So this White boy wonders if that policy really helped the Black people it was supposed to be helping, or did it just make it easier for the upper middle class blacks to attend that school?

We'll (meaning those Black kids and I) will never really know.

And once again, affirmative action is for qualified people to have a chance to succeed, not less qualified and or unqualified people.

True, and in that sense it is a good law.

Fact is, affirmative action has benefited white women more than black people as a whole.

Yes, it certainly appears to be that way.

But remember that women also were historically screwed.

Black ncolleges are historically Black Colleges because these were the only institutions blacks were allowed to attend at one time, but nobody is stopping whites from attending them, whites don't need the National Guard and police escort to attend HBCUs, whites don't need a Supreme Court order to attend HBCUs, my people had to go through all of those things.

The white man is reaping what he has sowed, quotas are *NOT* significantly hurting white people, they're just crying like whiny punks because their white supremacy has told them that they are entitled to everything whenever they want it and only a handful of blacks, whom the white man has castrated and oppressed.

thats your OPINION. Putting you on the farm wasn't SIGNIFICANTLY any worse than the tribal life you'd have had back in the homeland. See how that works?

The Bass is an African American and his family has been in America with an attested and documented presence of well over 175 years removed from Africa which means the Bass is probably more American than your pasty white butt. The Bass didn't just step off the boat from Africa and who the hell are you to say that life back in Africa was worse than being on the slave plantation? Don't let your white supremacy fry your brain. Those Africans who were brought here lost their names, parts of their culture and more importantly their freedom.

You can't fight to end racism and then insist on racist policies that benefit your demographic. Dont forget, you are FREE to take your black ass back to Africa if you think you'd have it better there. No one keeps you here.

If you don't like affirmative action take your white ass back to Europe, plain and simple as that, African Americans are just as American as white Americans and America was never originally a white man's land to begin with. You are showing shades of latent white supremacy. Anytime a white man with a criminal record is more likely to get a job over a black, college educated man with no criminal record this country still has a problem with racism and discrimination and affirmative action isn't racist, but white supremacy is racist.

And white people bled and died for your freedom too. You didn't get the right to vote merely on the effort of blacks. Given your MINORITY status thats just stupid as hell. Good grief, it was WHITE people who created this nation that you enjoy.

Black people died for the few gains we have made and yes there were a handful of whites who died in the struggle among us, but the Civil Rights Effort was the fight and achievement of black people and you crazed crackers didn't create this country and could not have without black people. A significant amount of those things called American originated from African Americans. America is *NOT* a white man's creation you jackass. Like the Bass said, go back to Europe or to some other pasty white Aryan land if you don't like affirmative action. The white man is responsible for creating the conditions which led to second class citizenship of Black Americans with instutionalized racism, discrimination, slavery, segregation, etc, and now you want to whine and cry about affirmative action as if the white man is being done some great injustice?
Im sick and tired of black people acting like victims. You don't get arrested because you are black anymore than i get arrested because i am white. You get arrested when you are caught breaking the law. If I go and rob a liquor store tomorrow and get caught...I go to jail, end of story. If black people don't want to be stereotyped for commiting's a novel idea....QUIT! Go to college, get an education...good, I support that. Don't dare act like I or any other white man is racist though, when you get arrested for ridin' dirty down da skreet bout to pop a cap in a nigga. Thats not cool and no one is scared of you. Get over you fake badass persona and get a life and be somebody and other people won't stereotype you for being losers. Watch this video before my head explodes.

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What if you get arrested just because you are black? Or shot and killed for being brown?

I hear what you are saying but I also think black people are more apt to get rougher treatment from the cops and the courts.

And, whining. Everyone does it, as your post shows.
The Bass is an African American and his family has been in America with an attested and documented presence of well over 175 years removed from Africa which means the Bass is probably more American than your pasty white butt. The Bass didn't just step off the boat from Africa and who the hell are you to say that life back in Africa was worse than being on the slave plantation? Don't let your white supremacy fry your brain. Those Africans who were brought here lost their names, parts of their culture and more importantly their freedom.

PROBABLY? and, I PROBABLY have less of a criminal background than your dirty black ass. What, exactly, do you think PROBABLY means to the individual? And, again, if you can't gel with America and it's past, from WHITE people creating the fucking nation to WHITE people voting to allow you equal rights, then take your African ass back to Mugabe-ville and see how long your crack pipe dream lasts. Again, you are FREE to leave.

If you don't like affirmative action take your white ass back to Europe, plain and simple as that, African Americans are just as American as white Americans and America was never originally a white man's land to begin with. You are showing shades of latent white supremacy. Anytime a white man with a criminal record is more likely to get a job over a black, college educated man with no criminal record this country still has a problem with racism and discrimination and affirmative action isn't racist, but white supremacy is racist.

naw.. I think I'll go ahead and stick around and VOTE against your racist quotas. You see, I'm still part of the majority, bitch. AA was a knee jerk reaction to a civil rights era LONG dead. It's no more a Constitutional right than driving. No more MANDATORY than ghetto populations staying in school.

And, yes, originally this nation WAS whiteys. By OUR benevolence your ass is off the cotton farm. Im reciting the facts. don't blame me if you dropped out of high school to avoid paying child support to your baby mamma and didn't know that America is a creation of WHITE people. And you have no more proof of your goofy, half assed non-sequiter than you have the balls to take your black ass back to Africa where, apparently, there is some nubian utopia where every black man is a king.

Indeed, white supremecy is racist. Finally figure that out? And racist quotas based on ethnic criteria are just as bad weather they benefit blacks OR whites. I'll let that seep into your brain as you figure out some lame assed excuse for perpetuating racist ethnic standards as long as they benefit you.

Black people died for the few gains we have made and yes there were a handful of whites who died in the struggle among us, but the Civil Rights Effort was the fight and achievement of black people and you crazed crackers didn't create this country and could not have without black people. A significant amount of those things called American originated from African Americans. America is *NOT* a white man's creation you jackass. Like the Bass said, go back to Europe or to some other pasty white Aryan land if you don't like affirmative action. The white man is responsible for creating the conditions which led to second class citizenship of Black Americans with instutionalized racism, discrimination, slavery, segregation, etc, and now you want to whine and cry about affirmative action as if the white man is being done some great injustice?

Handful my ass. While not the main cause of the civil war the bloodiest fucking war in the history of the continental US saw MANY whites die so that you could be free. By discounting their sacrifice you dont do blacks OR the reflection of your education any favors.

You stupid son of a bitch, YOU CANT VOTE IN CIVIL RIGHTS AS A MINORITY. Every black voter could have cast two fucking votes and you'd STILL fall short without WHITE PEOPLE supporting civil rights. Acting like that era was a fucking black panther wet dream just shows how fucking ignorant you are.

Show me anyone other than a WHITE dude who signed our Declaration of Independence, ya fucking idiot. Just ONE motherfucker. Go ahead. I'll wait.

You,sir, are a perfect example of why it's not white people, but your own goddamn willingness to be ignorant that keeps your population down. Go buy some rims, thugly, and blame whitey on your baby mamma and crack addiction. It sure does beat putting effort into kowing the fact of the matter.

learn to swim while you are at it, motherfucker.
What if you get arrested just because you are black? Or shot and killed for being brown?

I hear what you are saying but I also think black people are more apt to get rougher treatment from the cops and the courts.

And, whining. Everyone does it, as your post shows.

Prove it. Im a lot more inclined to accept videos like that of Rodney King and Evidence rather than the typical martyr bullshit. Racism is racism. It's not something we cling to once the teeter totters.

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