Are there any mirror fixers out there?

Hi crew. I think all the mirrors in the hall are broken. I'm fairly proficient at breaking mirrors but never was formally trained in their repair. Help!!!

Yeh. I broke my bathroom mirror but I didn't bother replacing it. Didn't need to. I've got a good memory for faces.
Hi crew. I think all the mirrors in the hall are broken. I'm fairly proficient at breaking mirrors but never was formally trained in their repair. Help!!! Some of you know my wife who is on here quite frequently. What the hey is it with this forum? We've been together since 1981 and she never had this kind of an interest in these things. What have you guys done to her? You bastards stole my wife!!!

Oh crap, another jealous husband I have to watch out for.
My mirror must be on the fritz, too.

Slowly but surely it appears to be turning my hair white.

I'd get it fixed but it's a good look on me.
Hi crew. I think all the mirrors in the hall are broken. I'm fairly proficient at breaking mirrors but never was formally trained in their repair. Help!!! Some of you know my wife who is on here quite frequently. What the hey is it with this forum? We've been together since 1981 and she never had this kind of an interest in these things. What have you guys done to her? You bastards stole my wife!!!
Mr. Bones?

well dear you must tell us what she has become interested in ...for us to help...

we cover a wide range of subjects...some as shallow as the morning dew...others in in beathing the death horse in real depth...if you get my drift...

but no...i let hubby keep his own name..and his topic of message boards leans to porno or worm farming....a vastly complex pervert

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