Are the truthers on USMB real truther, or wanna bes?

Are the thruthers at USMB up to the quality of truthers on other message boards?

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The question of truther quality has been raised. The question is ;
Are the truthers (toofer, troofers, et al) at USMB up to the quality that you have seen on other message boards?

i doubt the percentage of deadbeat twoofers that abandoned their children is as high on other boards.
Since all Troofers, whether they acknowledge being Troofers (like terral) of not (like bent tight) are inherently dishonest, it is difficult to imagine a useful way to get a handle on the question posed in the OP.

I'd vote: "It doesn't matter." Whether they believe their own irrational spew or not makes no practical difference.
I knew guys over on that had simple, almost believable scenarios in place as to what happened. Very few moving parts. None of these boobs is here for anything other than the attention we give them. I mean just look at the comments; do any of you who are reading this feel that they are capable of maintaining a relationship with another human being?
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I knew guys over on that had simple, almost believable scenarios in place as to what happened. Very few moving parts. None of these boobs is here for anything other than the attention we give them. I mean just look at the comments; do any of you who are reading this feel that they are capable of maintaining a relationship with another human being?

Maybe we need to get gunny to go over there and recruit some of those more responsible troofers.
It just seems like we should have troofers that recognize their responsibility to represent their movement in a better light than has been done here.

I mean, it's the difference between the keystone cops and the LA SWAT team.
I knew guys over on that had simple, almost believable scenarios in place as to what happened. Very few moving parts. None of these boobs is here for anything other than the attention we give them. I mean just look at the comments; do any of you who are reading this feel that they are capable of maintaining a relationship with another human being?

Maybe we need to get gunny to go over there and recruit some of those more responsible troofers.
It just seems like we should have troofers that recognize their responsibility to represent their movement in a better light than has been done here.

I mean, it's the difference between the keystone cops and the LA SWAT team.

The last time I was over at (they play for keeps over there), there wasn't too many of the dyed-in-the-wool truthers left (spelled correctly). I'm sure they would barf at what has become of their "movement" and those who claim to represent it; either by their doctrine or their deeds.
I knew guys over on that had simple, almost believable scenarios in place as to what happened. Very few moving parts. None of these boobs is here for anything other than the attention we give them. I mean just look at the comments; do any of you who are reading this feel that they are capable of maintaining a relationship with another human being?

Maybe we need to get gunny to go over there and recruit some of those more responsible troofers.
It just seems like we should have troofers that recognize their responsibility to represent their movement in a better light than has been done here.

I mean, it's the difference between the keystone cops and the LA SWAT team.

The last time I was over at (they play for keeps over there), there wasn't too many of the dyed-in-the-wool truthers left (spelled correctly). I'm sure they would barf at what has become of their "movement" and those who claim to represent it; either by their doctrine or their deeds.

Yep, their doctrine makes the illogical and disagreeable, while their deeds (as a group) make the treasonous.
These troofers believe a lot of the same things as the white supremacists, the new world order anti-semites, the nutcase branch survivalist militia groups and the people that believe the government is run by reptilian alien shape-shifters.
I am starting to see they are all groups made up of the same people.
dont forget the Chemtrails!!

(thats one of my favorites to laugh at)
So far, based upon this scientific poll, we don't have any 'real' truthers here.

What happens next? Maybe we should post a petition to gunny to recruit some real ones, or at least let some of us recruit some real truthers.

We are in a truther deficit people-wake up!!!!!!
clownlite and creativedreams(that one needs no improvement) are the only ones that according to poling come even close, and if one considers that I encouraged the troofers to vote for themselves and their buddies, like a handicap, then even the tie between these two isn't surprising.

Maybe they are sockpuppets of each there is a conspiracy.
clownlite and creativedreams(that one needs no improvement) are the only ones that according to poling come even close, and if one considers that I encouraged the troofers to vote for themselves and their buddies, like a handicap, then even the tie between these two isn't surprising.

Maybe they are sockpuppets of each there is a conspiracy.

i think terral and christophera may be the same person or at least closely related. perhaps identical twins. they both have these wildly silly scenarios that even other twoofers think are completely crazy.

.....and they both failed to pay child support.

hmmm... i guess that excludes them from being the same person but they sure are created from the same jello mold.
another childish thread of yours to hide behind created by a loyal Bush dupe with his head up his ass in denial about government conspiracys.thanks for again displaying your maturity level here.
another childish thread of yours to hide behind created by a loyal Bush dupe with his head up his ass in denial about government conspiracys.thanks for again displaying your maturity level here.

Typical response from a wanna be.

Your just ticked off that you are considered a wanna be by 66% of the electorate.

I guess his 2/3 rating as a poser proves one thing: its good to have a conspiracy theory, but if you're going to go out on a limb; you really should give some thought to what you're doing out there.

He's living and dying (mostly dying) with a theory that the CIA outsourced the demolition of WTC to Mossad. And he doesn't want us to think he's crazy?

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