Are Same-Sex Couples Better Parents?


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
By Lisa Belkin

"“These children do just fine,” says Abbie E. Goldberg, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at Clark University, who concedes there are some who will continue to believe that gay parents are a danger to their children, in spite of a growing web of psychological and sociological evidence to the contrary. Her new book, “Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children,” is an analysis of more than 100 academic studies, most looking at groups of 30 to 150 subjects, and primarily on lesbian mothers, though of late there is a spike in research about gay fathers.

In most ways, the accumulated research shows, children of same-sex parents are not markedly different from those of heterosexual parents. They show no increased incidence of psychiatric disorders, are just as popular at school and have just as many friends. While girls raised by lesbian mothers seem slightly more likely to have more sexual partners, and boys slightly more likely to have fewer, than those raised by heterosexual mothers, neither sex is more likely to suffer from gender confusion nor to identify themselves as gay."

Are Same-Sex Couples Better Parents? - Motherlode Blog -

What's good for kids?
By Lisa Belkin

"“These children do just fine,” says Abbie E. Goldberg, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at Clark University, who concedes there are some who will continue to believe that gay parents are a danger to their children, in spite of a growing web of psychological and sociological evidence to the contrary. Her new book, “Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children,” is an analysis of more than 100 academic studies, most looking at groups of 30 to 150 subjects, and primarily on lesbian mothers, though of late there is a spike in research about gay fathers.

In most ways, the accumulated research shows, children of same-sex parents are not markedly different from those of heterosexual parents. They show no increased incidence of psychiatric disorders, are just as popular at school and have just as many friends. While girls raised by lesbian mothers seem slightly more likely to have more sexual partners, and boys slightly more likely to have fewer, than those raised by heterosexual mothers, neither sex is more likely to suffer from gender confusion nor to identify themselves as gay."

Are Same-Sex Couples Better Parents? - Motherlode Blog -

What's good for kids?


By Lisa Belkin

"“These children do just fine,” says Abbie E. Goldberg, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at Clark University, who concedes there are some who will continue to believe that gay parents are a danger to their children, in spite of a growing web of psychological and sociological evidence to the contrary. Her new book, “Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children,” is an analysis of more than 100 academic studies, most looking at groups of 30 to 150 subjects, and primarily on lesbian mothers, though of late there is a spike in research about gay fathers.

In most ways, the accumulated research shows, children of same-sex parents are not markedly different from those of heterosexual parents. They show no increased incidence of psychiatric disorders, are just as popular at school and have just as many friends. While girls raised by lesbian mothers seem slightly more likely to have more sexual partners, and boys slightly more likely to have fewer, than those raised by heterosexual mothers, neither sex is more likely to suffer from gender confusion nor to identify themselves as gay."

Are Same-Sex Couples Better Parents? - Motherlode Blog -

What's good for kids?

No. Nor are they natural parents.
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By Lisa Belkin

"“These children do just fine,” says Abbie E. Goldberg, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at Clark University, who concedes there are some who will continue to believe that gay parents are a danger to their children, in spite of a growing web of psychological and sociological evidence to the contrary. Her new book, “Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children,” is an analysis of more than 100 academic studies, most looking at groups of 30 to 150 subjects, and primarily on lesbian mothers, though of late there is a spike in research about gay fathers.

In most ways, the accumulated research shows, children of same-sex parents are not markedly different from those of heterosexual parents. They show no increased incidence of psychiatric disorders, are just as popular at school and have just as many friends. While girls raised by lesbian mothers seem slightly more likely to have more sexual partners, and boys slightly more likely to have fewer, than those raised by heterosexual mothers, neither sex is more likely to suffer from gender confusion nor to identify themselves as gay."

Are Same-Sex Couples Better Parents? - Motherlode Blog -

What's good for kids?

No. Nor are they natural parents.

You have shifted decidedly in your views.
Are Same-Sex Couples Better Parents?

Comment #79 was especially poignant, funny and true:

I cannot remember seeing a dumber question in a headline. Granted, my memory's not what it used to be. But still...

And reading the article, there is NOTHING to suggest the premise of the headliner, unless you accept as axiomatic that anything "nontraditional" is "better." Accepting that, of course, would also end up in labeling people who abuse their children horribly in any way as "better," since a much higher percentage of abused kids end up felons, which is certainly "nontraditional." (Should I now wait for logic-impaired legions to accuse me of comparing gay parents to abusers, or give the NYT readership the benefit of a doubt its website authors/editors seem not to have earned?)

My daughter is now taking Geometry, and asked me why she has to learn logic. I strained to answer her, until this morning. Now, I can tell her clearly and plainly: so she never writes an article and headline like this one.

Thank you for making Geometry relevant to the real world. Math rocks!
Better? I suspect they are just like any other parent, they have their good days and their bad days and simply pray that the good outweighs the bad. At least we can say with a fair degree of certainty that the children of these couples, as are those of hetero couples who adopt, are wanted. That's good enough for me.
How odd that every study I've ever seen show that the children of openly homosexual parents do have more problems, do need counseling more often, and have trouble making friends in school.

Go figure.
wierd because the friend I have you have same sex parents are very well adjusted and never had problems. My one guy friend ended up to be great guy, great dad, and treats his girlfriend great. His mom's are awesome!
By Lisa Belkin

"“These children do just fine,” says Abbie E. Goldberg, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at Clark University, who concedes there are some who will continue to believe that gay parents are a danger to their children, in spite of a growing web of psychological and sociological evidence to the contrary. Her new book, “Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children,” is an analysis of more than 100 academic studies, most looking at groups of 30 to 150 subjects, and primarily on lesbian mothers, though of late there is a spike in research about gay fathers.

In most ways, the accumulated research shows, children of same-sex parents are not markedly different from those of heterosexual parents. They show no increased incidence of psychiatric disorders, are just as popular at school and have just as many friends. While girls raised by lesbian mothers seem slightly more likely to have more sexual partners, and boys slightly more likely to have fewer, than those raised by heterosexual mothers, neither sex is more likely to suffer from gender confusion nor to identify themselves as gay."

Are Same-Sex Couples Better Parents? - Motherlode Blog -

What's good for kids?

No. Nor are they natural parents.
why does that matter? My brother's are not my mom's biological sons but you would never know it. And I sure as hell don't think of them any differently than my brother's and sister's who I am blood related to.
Being raised by people other than your biological parents is not the same as being raised by gays.

Children of same-sex couples tell their story - The Boston Globe

"Interviews by the Globe with nearly two dozen children in families across the region found some still struggling to sort out their feelings about being unlike their peers in this one important way. Some still shrink from a neighbor's gaze in hopes that their secret will not be found out."

And here's an 11 year old child whose apparent life focus is on the defense of homosexuality. An odd hobby for an 11 y.o.

"Children like 11-year-old Deanna Makinen, a stocky fifth-grader with rod-straight blonde hair and her mother's vivid-blue eyes. Deanna has been talking a lot about her two mothers lately and is working on a computer presentation about gay marriage to present to her church."

"It is generally believed by therapists and counselors that children of gay men and lesbians whose parents were formerly married have somewhat more difficulty than those born to or adopted by a same-sex couple."

"The middle school years can be a difficult time for any child. For those of same-sex parents it can be even more so, experts and the children themselves say, partly because of the dread of being labeled "different," but also because they are dealing with their own budding sexuality. Some rage at their parents. Some beg them not to attend school events or to express affection toward each other in public. And often, rather than endure complicated questions, some stop inviting friends over to the house."

Heck, sounds perfectly "normal" to me.
Psychiatrists are nut jobs, I am surprised they dont go on shooting sprees.

Kids need a mom and a father, I dont give a shit if the crack pots think differently. i dont care if I cant post a link or a source.

it is still a fact, children naturally want the truth.

Sure a lot of kids can adapt, humans are great at adapting, that does not make it right, hell gay men adapt to not having women, they just make do with what was suppose to be used for poo, thats how well they adapt, so now we will force children to adapt to something that is not natural.

You can do it but that does not mean you should. All the studies in the world will never stop a child from crying knowiing they will never have a normal mother and father relationship.
Being raised by people other than your biological parents is not the same as being raised by gays.

Children of same-sex couples tell their story - The Boston Globe

"Interviews by the Globe with nearly two dozen children in families across the region found some still struggling to sort out their feelings about being unlike their peers in this one important way. Some still shrink from a neighbor's gaze in hopes that their secret will not be found out."

And here's an 11 year old child whose apparent life focus is on the defense of homosexuality. An odd hobby for an 11 y.o.

"Children like 11-year-old Deanna Makinen, a stocky fifth-grader with rod-straight blonde hair and her mother's vivid-blue eyes. Deanna has been talking a lot about her two mothers lately and is working on a computer presentation about gay marriage to present to her church."

"It is generally believed by therapists and counselors that children of gay men and lesbians whose parents were formerly married have somewhat more difficulty than those born to or adopted by a same-sex couple."

"The middle school years can be a difficult time for any child. For those of same-sex parents it can be even more so, experts and the children themselves say, partly because of the dread of being labeled "different," but also because they are dealing with their own budding sexuality. Some rage at their parents. Some beg them not to attend school events or to express affection toward each other in public. And often, rather than endure complicated questions, some stop inviting friends over to the house."

Heck, sounds perfectly "normal" to me.

really what is normal Allie? Everyone's normal is different.
Any child who has parents who are getting divorced and have a new partner are going to have hard time in middle school. Everyone gets made fun of.
I don't have a "normal" family but to me it is normal and none of my brother's and sister's ended up bad people. I have a friend who had two parents, lived the american dream and she is more fucked up than anyone I know.
By Lisa Belkin

"“These children do just fine,” says Abbie E. Goldberg, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at Clark University, who concedes there are some who will continue to believe that gay parents are a danger to their children, in spite of a growing web of psychological and sociological evidence to the contrary. Her new book, “Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children,” is an analysis of more than 100 academic studies, most looking at groups of 30 to 150 subjects, and primarily on lesbian mothers, though of late there is a spike in research about gay fathers.

In most ways, the accumulated research shows, children of same-sex parents are not markedly different from those of heterosexual parents. They show no increased incidence of psychiatric disorders, are just as popular at school and have just as many friends. While girls raised by lesbian mothers seem slightly more likely to have more sexual partners, and boys slightly more likely to have fewer, than those raised by heterosexual mothers, neither sex is more likely to suffer from gender confusion nor to identify themselves as gay."

Are Same-Sex Couples Better Parents? - Motherlode Blog -

What's good for kids?

No. Nor are they natural parents.

Dead on.


really what is normal Allie? Everyone's normal is different.

No, everyone's Normal is the Same...

Abnormal Exists, and that's a Reality, but it shouldn't be the Standard.

A Child Exists Naturally because of the Mother and a Father of that Child.

Humanity's Flaws and Free Will do NOT Negate this Natural Fact.


Psychiatrists are nut jobs, I am surprised they dont go on shooting sprees.

One just did...

As for what they say now as Opposed to in my Lifetime...

The AMA as Recently as the 70's said that Homosexuality was Mental Disorder...

Pressure from Interest Groups and the Ease of getting into that Industry Caused their Stand to Change for Obviously PC Reasons.

Because it's a Mental Disorder doesn't Dictate that they aren't Capable of Functioning in Society, but to Try to Normalize the Abnormal is Absurd, and Psychiatry used to Know Better.


By Lisa Belkin

"“These children do just fine,” says Abbie E. Goldberg, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at Clark University, who concedes there are some who will continue to believe that gay parents are a danger to their children, in spite of a growing web of psychological and sociological evidence to the contrary. Her new book, “Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children,” is an analysis of more than 100 academic studies, most looking at groups of 30 to 150 subjects, and primarily on lesbian mothers, though of late there is a spike in research about gay fathers.

In most ways, the accumulated research shows, children of same-sex parents are not markedly different from those of heterosexual parents. They show no increased incidence of psychiatric disorders, are just as popular at school and have just as many friends. While girls raised by lesbian mothers seem slightly more likely to have more sexual partners, and boys slightly more likely to have fewer, than those raised by heterosexual mothers, neither sex is more likely to suffer from gender confusion nor to identify themselves as gay."

Are Same-Sex Couples Better Parents? - Motherlode Blog -

What's good for kids?

A Man can NOT be a Mother to a Daughter...

A Woman can NOT be a Father to a Son...

Because Life is Imperfect, and Situations like Death and Divorce, and Out of Wedlock Pregnancies Exist, doesn't Mean that what's Best for a Child, which is a Mother and a Father, should be Placed on an Equal Level with ANY other Situation for Children.

A Civil Society MUST have Rational Standards.



At the very least they don't tend toward religious extremism so aren't apt to raise kids that kill "in the name" of their God.

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