Are moderates of either political orientation the only people worth listening to?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I certainly think so.

Micheal Moore and Glenn Beck are complete tools.
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Yes, but be careful of the way the parties and the MSM frame the concept of "moderate." On social issues, they pretty much have it right, but on economic issues, most Democrats are to the right of the nation's political center.
Only in a very general way, every mainstream, moderate view was once a radical concept. Many have found themselves on the wrong side of history clinging to the conventional and the familiar.
The Dems are liberal on social issues, fairly conservative on economic. The Pubs are normally conservative on both. The Libertarians are lost, as usual.
The Dems are...fairly conservative on economic.

Oh my! Thanks for the laugh! Yes, those frugal Dems, always pushing to live within our means. Why just look at Democrat controlled cities in America...they're flush with cash. And when the Dems control Congress, federal spending just falls off to a trickle.
I certainly think so.

Micheal Moore and Glenn Beck are complete tools.

There is a difference between moderates and those on the wings who can moderate their views. A staunch conservative or very progressive liberal who is able to see the other side and moderate his/her own views in order to accomplish something positive for all is completely different from those on the far right and left who won't budge from their views to the detriment of us all. They are the ones who have made our political environment so divisive and angry and who have made it impossible for our government to operate efficiently.
The Dems are...fairly conservative on economic.

Oh my! Thanks for the laugh! Yes, those frugal Dems, always pushing to live within our means. Why just look at Democrat controlled cities in America...they're flush with cash. And when the Dems control Congress, federal spending just falls off to a trickle.

We are talking about economic theory, pancho. The Dems are not as foolish as Pubs would believe, who, in the far right, are absolutely stupid.

The Dems offered $4T in cuts in return for minimal revenue increases, and the Ryanistas shot it down and nearly tumbled the markets.

Spending during the Reagan and Bush years went sky high, similar to the Dems.

Get off your hobby horse, kiddo.
The Dems are...fairly conservative on economic.

Oh my! Thanks for the laugh! Yes, those frugal Dems, always pushing to live within our means. Why just look at Democrat controlled cities in America...they're flush with cash. And when the Dems control Congress, federal spending just falls off to a trickle.

We are talking about economic theory, pancho. The Dems are not as foolish as Pubs would believe, who, in the far right, are absolutely stupid.

The Dems offered $4T in cuts in return for minimal revenue increases, and the Ryanistas shot it down and nearly tumbled the markets.

Spending during the Reagan and Bush years went sky high, similar to the Dems.

Get off your hobby horse, kiddo.

Now, now, don't back away from your statement. The Democrats are economic conservatives. You said it, you live with it.

To your "example", the Democrats offering the promise of future cuts in exchange for tax increases now...where have we heard that before?! Tell you what, would your Dems support cuts NOW in exchange for the promise of future tax hikes? I wonder...
Oh my! Thanks for the laugh! Yes, those frugal Dems, always pushing to live within our means. Why just look at Democrat controlled cities in America...they're flush with cash. And when the Dems control Congress, federal spending just falls off to a trickle.

We are talking about economic theory, pancho. The Dems are not as foolish as Pubs would believe, who, in the far right, are absolutely stupid.

The Dems offered $4T in cuts in return for minimal revenue increases, and the Ryanistas shot it down and nearly tumbled the markets.

Spending during the Reagan and Bush years went sky high, similar to the Dems.

Get off your hobby horse, kiddo.

Now, now, don't back away from your statement. The Democrats are economic conservatives. You said it, you live with it.

To your "example", the Democrats offering the promise of future cuts in exchange for tax increases now...where have we heard that before?! Tell you what, would your Dems support cuts NOW in exchange for the promise of future tax hikes? I wonder...

I am clearly talking about what economic theory and the Dems positions are. Aren't you? If the Pubs would offer massive cuts in an eight to one return for revenue increase, the Dems would take it. Any person who is concerned for the country would take it.

Don't deflect; stay on track now.
If the Pubs would offer massive cuts in an eight to one return for revenue increase, the Dems would take it. Any person who is concerned for the country would take it.

Again, are you talking about the "promise" of cuts at some point in the future? That NEVER happens but the tax rate increases, they're immediate. So, no, anyone who is concerned for the country would demand cuts NOW...something us evil Libertarians have been calling for forever. Also, the Republicans have already offered REVENUE increases, which a big difference from tax rate increases, which often result in less revenue. You don't want more revenue to the treasury, you want fewer evil rich people. Tell the truth.

But whatever, let's just bask in the glow of those Democratic fiscal conservatives...
eflatminor, quit deflecting and editing. You are falling behind on this discussion. Yes, Dems and Pubs working together can solve this. Neither the wacks of the Far Left or the Far Right can solve it.
Now, now, don't back away from your statement. The Democrats are economic conservatives. You said it, you live with it.

He did and he's right, but you shouldn't confuse the words "economic" and "fiscal." Economic conservatives favor the corporate agenda (in today's politics). Fiscal conservatives favor a balanced budget. Those aren't the same thing.
Newsflash: Michael Moore is nothing but a left wing propagandist. Equating him with anyone responsible on the political scene is bunk.
Now, now, don't back away from your statement. The Democrats are economic conservatives. You said it, you live with it.

He did and he's right, but you shouldn't confuse the words "economic" and "fiscal." Economic conservatives favor the corporate agenda (in today's politics). Fiscal conservatives favor a balanced budget. Those aren't the same thing.

Obama certainly favors the corporate agenda: look at the health insurance reform bill or the regulations of the lending market or rebuilding the car companies or taking care of the banks.

What is needed, along with the above, is a budget that is deeply cut of stuff it does not need (big cuts in Defense and solid restructuring of Social Security are necessary).
Now, now, don't back away from your statement. The Democrats are economic conservatives. You said it, you live with it.

He did and he's right, but you shouldn't confuse the words "economic" and "fiscal." Economic conservatives favor the corporate agenda (in today's politics). Fiscal conservatives favor a balanced budget. Those aren't the same thing.

Obama certainly favors the corporate agenda: look at the health insurance reform bill or the regulations of the lending market or rebuilding the car companies or taking care of the banks.

What is needed, along with the above, is a budget that is deeply cut of stuff it does not need (big cuts in Defense and solid restructuring of Social Security are necessary).

Corporations opposed Obamacare, Jake. When you get back to Earth, give us a call.
The Rabbis has always been, of course, the King of the Unsubstantiated Comment.

But since he is doing it, we know it is true that the corporations threw in huge donations to BHO last time and are doing for this election.
Corporations opposed Obamacare, Jake.

Yes and no. The health-insurance industry tried a two-pronged approach: try to stop any reform from being enacted, but if that failed, make sure anything to come out of Congress favored their profits. They succeeded.

Corporations buy both parties. That way, the people aren't offered an option that really represents their interests. For the most part, most of them may prefer the Republicans, but they buy the Democrats, too, to make sure that a Democratic victory is something that will continue to favor their interests even if they have to compromise slightly.

From the standpoint of the rest of us, it's a game of good cop/bad cop.
The Rabbis has always been, of course, the King of the Unsubstantiated Comment.

But since he is doing it, we know it is true that the corporations threw in huge donations to BHO last time and are doing for this election.

No, Jake. YOU are King of the Unsubstantiated Statement. You just proved it.
Obamacare took shape AFTER the election, Jake. So your statement is not only unsubstantiated, but wrong in this context.
Now, now, don't back away from your statement. The Democrats are economic conservatives. You said it, you live with it.

He did and he's right, but you shouldn't confuse the words "economic" and "fiscal." Economic conservatives favor the corporate agenda (in today's politics). Fiscal conservatives favor a balanced budget. Those aren't the same thing.

Semantics but I'll play. So you're saying the Democrat party are economic conservatives that favor the corporate agenda. That it? Why would you support such awfulness???

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