Are male-to-female transsexuals women or men?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Popular question atm. Without spoiling things for anyone, let me share a review I Just saw while looking for a shemale w/males porno :)

"This a very good dvd. Fernanda as usual is amazing! Julia is a beautiful amazon who gets drilled by her guy good and she returns the favor!! The first scene with Bianca was ruined for me because the two guys got together. Save that crap for the gay genre!! The bonus scene with Juliana could have been the best scene, but some idiot deleted the sound so you only hear music! IDIOT!!!
By --- ("Cwell,TX,USA")" (name deleted to protect the ignorant.)

Guess Cwell, Texas is where they grow em big and dumb. :)

As an aside, what's he think, they surgically attach it to a woman? :) In the words of Austin Powers, "That's a man baby!" They're ALL men dude, you're watching gay porn.
Got a copy of the video the guy remarked on. Watching the scene he was talking about found myself thinking, which part of the shemale schtooping the man's tuckus didn't seem gay to you that when he sucks the other man's schlong, that was when it 'turned gay?' :)
One is reminded of Abraham Lincoln's famous riddle: "If I call a tail a leg, then how many legs does a dog have?"

Answer: "4. Just because I call a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."

A mutilated man is still a man. A pathetic, delusional specimen, to be sure, but still a man. You can't surgically alter chromosomes or hundreds of other differences between men and women (size, muscularity, brain structure, hip structure, etc.). No tranny has yet grown a set of ovaries or a uterus. Or had menstrual cramps.

The real question is, why does the "gay" community welcome trannies? The desire to mutilate oneself into a parody of another gender is totally unrelated to the inclination to copulate with people of your own gender. In fact, most trannies claim to be "hetero" in that men altered to womanishness claim (usually) to want relationships with other men - not in a homo-way, but in a "normal" way.

"Some ideas are so ridiculous that only an 'intellectual' can take them seriously."

So transgender men will be able to get pregnant?...

Soon, uterus transplants to begin in US
Nov 14, 2015 - Six doctors swarmed around the body of the deceased organ donor and quickly started to operate. The kidneys came out first.Then began another delicate dissection, to remove an organ that is rarely, if ever, taken from a donor. Ninety minutes later they had it: the uterus.
The operation was a practice run.Within the next few months, surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic expect to become the first in the US to transplant a uterus into a woman who lacks one, so that she can become pregnant and give birth. The recipients will be women who were born without a uterus, had it removed or have uterine damage. The transplants will be temporary: The uterus would be removed after the recipient has had one or two babies, so she can stop taking transplant anti-rejection drugs. Uterine transplantation is a new frontier, one that pairs specialists from two fields -reproductive medicine and transplant surgery . If it works, many women could benefit: An estimated 50,000 women in the US might be candidates. But there are potential dangers.

The recipients, healthy women, will face the risks of surgery and anti-rejection drugs for a transplant that they , unlike someone with heart or liver failure, do not need to save their lives. Their pregnancies will be considered highrisk, with fetuses exposed to anti-re jection drugs and developing inside a womb taken from a dead woman.Eight women from around the country have begun the screening process at the Cleveland Clinic, hoping to be selected for transplants. One, a 26-year-old with two adopted children, said she still wanted a chance to become pregnant and give birth. "I crave that experience," she said. "I want the morning sickness, the backaches, the feet swelling. I want to feel the baby move. That is something I've wanted for as long as I can remember." She asked that her name and home town be withheld to pro tect her family's privacy .

Dr Andreas G Tzakis, the driving force behind the project, said, "There are women who won't adopt or have surrogates, for reasons that are personal, cultural or religious." Dr Tzakis is the director of solid organ transplant surgery at a Cleveland Clinic hospital in Weston, Florida. "These women know exactly what this is about," he said, "Our job is to make it as safe and successful as possible." The hospital plans to perform the procedure 10 times, as an experiment, and then decide whether to continue.

Sweden is the only country where uterine transplants have been completed successfully -all at the University of Gothenburg with an uterus from a live donor. Nine women have had them, and four have given birth, the first in September 2014. Another is due in January . Their babies were born healthy , though premature. Two transplants failed and had to be removed. Two earlier attempts -one in Saudi Arabia, and one in Turkey -failed. Organ rejection during pregnancy has been a key problem.

Soon, uterus transplants to begin in US - Times of India
The Cleveland Clinic? Transplanting wombs into dudes? My baby sister is a physician there.

It's going to be interesting when I mention the subject at Thanksgiving dinner.
One is reminded of Abraham Lincoln's famous riddle: "If I call a tail a leg, then how many legs does a dog have?"

Answer: "4. Just because I call a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."

A mutilated man is still a man. A pathetic, delusional specimen, to be sure, but still a man. You can't surgically alter chromosomes or hundreds of other differences between men and women (size, muscularity, brain structure, hip structure, etc.). No tranny has yet grown a set of ovaries or a uterus. Or had menstrual cramps.

The real question is, why does the "gay" community welcome trannies? The desire to mutilate oneself into a parody of another gender is totally unrelated to the inclination to copulate with people of your own gender. In fact, most trannies claim to be "hetero" in that men altered to womanishness claim (usually) to want relationships with other men - not in a homo-way, but in a "normal" way.

"Some ideas are so ridiculous that only an 'intellectual' can take them seriously."


I have 3 legs.


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