Are Liberals Exaggerating the Homeless Problem again?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™
Are Liberals Exaggerating the Homeless Problem again?

I Read in the NEA Periodic Rag that's little More than a Extension of the DemocRAT National Committee that comes to my Home that there are 800,000 Homeless Children in America that are Enrolled in School.

In fact, there’s something going on with a lot of kids in America. In 2007, nearly 800,000 homeless children were enrolled in public schools

NEA - Cover Story - Address Unknown


800,000 is almost 1 million.

Almost 1 in 300 Americans is a Homeless Child?

They can’t be Serious, can they?

No to mention this is 2007 Data. Unemployment in 2007 was like 5%. Can you Imagine what "Homelessness" is now after the Massive Jobs Losses and Foreclosures?

But these are the same People who give us the Lie that Teachers only make $24,000 a year.

The thing that Concerns me Most is that "Educated" People read "NEAToday"... One would Assume anyway.

Don't they Read a Stat like that and Question it?

Isn't Critical Thinking something that they should be Utilizing on a Daily Basis and Expecting their Students to Utilize also?

Or are they that Driven by Emotion that when they Read an Absurd Stat like that one, that they just get all Weepy and Send the NEA another Contribution after they Fill their Students with Misplaced Guilt for having a Home?

The World may Never Know.

Copyright © 2009 malcontent​


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There are several ways to lie with statistics. Many of the following could be true
1) A single mother falls behind in rent and gets evicted. She spends a week with friends before she is able to get a new lease. Her children are counted as "Homeless" for the data
2) A hardworking couple has their rental property sold and must move, but the only decent place opens up two days after their first lease expires. They spend two nights living form their car, again making their schoolchildren "homeless"
3) Migrant workers following the jobs are counted as homeless at every single school along their route.
Too many statistics are abused to support false positions and this certainly seems to be more of the same.
There are several ways to lie with statistics. Many of the following could be true
1) A single mother falls behind in rent and gets evicted. She spends a week with friends before she is able to get a new lease. Her children are counted as "Homeless" for the data
2) A hardworking couple has their rental property sold and must move, but the only decent place opens up two days after their first lease expires. They spend two nights living form their car, again making their schoolchildren "homeless"
3) Migrant workers following the jobs are counted as homeless at every single school along their route.
Too many statistics are abused to support false positions and this certainly seems to be more of the same.

One thing is for Sure... "Homeless" and "Poverty" have Relative Meanings in the Modern Day.


The Opening Volley from the Guilty White Liberal Author of this NEA Propaganda:

"You can’t practice the violin in a homeless shelter."

^That is from a Story by the NEA Titled:

"How do you assign homework to a kid without a home?"

More of the Dishonest Perception Building in the Story:

“There are homeless children everywhere,”

And here's the "Relative" Redefinition of "Homeless", so we ALL Know where the Justification for this Dishonest Tripe came from:

"These days, the average homeless person in America isn’t that whiskered alcoholic on the street, begging you for change while you sip your Starbucks venti."

The NEA is being DELIBERATELY Dishonest...

By whatever Means...



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