Are Liberal Politicians Hurting Race Relations By Pulling The Race Card??


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
more and more the left is pulling the race card on those who disagree with their policies.are these dirty tactics doing nothing more than stirring blame and resentment between whites and blacks?and is the word racist loosing it's bite because it is being thrown around so much??are white conservatives becoming desensitised to the R word???are people getting fed up with the dirty poker libbs are playing with the race card???
This isnt a damned game of cards.

Pointing out real racism is how you end the idiot mindset
This isnt a damned game of cards.

Pointing out real racism is how you end the idiot mindset
ohh contrair it is a game of dirty poker the Bush admin tried several times to get oversight on fanny and Freddy and was blocked by a liberal congress and was even called a racist for his attempts to stave off this impending disaster!!:clap2::eusa_shhh:
It is not a card game you dishonset fool.

Its peoples lives and racism is in no way dead in this country.
It is not a card game you dishonset fool.

Its peoples lives and racism is in no way dead in this country.
i know it is not a card game you weak chinned, slumped shouldered, liberal communist pansy.but people like you pull out the race card like it is a on white violent crime is nearly 100 times higher than white on black crime,but cowards like you do not want this information out.let me ask one question if you and your communist American prosperity hating cohorts loose in 2012 are you going to accept the fair out come or are you going to do what whiners always do bitch,sue,and RIOT.:clap2::clap2::eusa_whistle: WE ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY
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more and more the left is pulling the race card on those who disagree with their policies.are these dirty tactics doing nothing more than stirring blame and resentment between whites and blacks?and is the word racist loosing it's bite because it is being thrown around so much??are white conservatives becoming desensitised to the R word???are people getting fed up with the dirty poker libbs are playing with the race card???

Ah, the Race Card Card.
more and more the left is pulling the race card on those who disagree with their policies.are these dirty tactics doing nothing more than stirring blame and resentment between whites and blacks?and is the word racist loosing it's bite because it is being thrown around so much??are white conservatives becoming desensitised to the R word???are people getting fed up with the dirty poker libbs are playing with the race card???

Do you really care about race relations? Judging by your previous posts it doesn't seem like it. So that means you are just a shit stirring fuck who's trying to do what you do best, stir shit.
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more and more the left is pulling the race card on those who disagree with their policies.are these dirty tactics doing nothing more than stirring blame and resentment between whites and blacks?and is the word racist loosing it's bite because it is being thrown around so much??are white conservatives becoming desensitised to the R word???are people getting fed up with the dirty poker libbs are playing with the race card???

Do you really care about race relations? Judging by your previous posts it doesn't seem like it. So that means you are just a shit stirring fuck who's trying to do what you do best, stir shit.
ahh hello again salty.whats the problem this time??oh i know it's the truth thats bothering your hateful you have any proof against my claims?oh thats right i forgot statistics are racist.why don't you crawl up your ass and take the hole with you. PS you were born out of wedlock.:dance::dance::dance::dance:
more and more the left is pulling the race card on those who disagree with their policies.are these dirty tactics doing nothing more than stirring blame and resentment between whites and blacks?and is the word racist loosing it's bite because it is being thrown around so much??are white conservatives becoming desensitised to the R word???are people getting fed up with the dirty poker libbs are playing with the race card???

Do you really care about race relations? Judging by your previous posts it doesn't seem like it. So that means you are just a shit stirring fuck who's trying to do what you do best, stir shit.
ahh hello again salty.whats the problem this time??oh i know it's the truth thats bothering your hateful you have any proof against my claims?oh thats right i forgot statistics are racist.why don't you crawl up your ass and take the hole with you. PS you were born out of wedlock.:dance::dance::dance::dance:

Here's an example of your concern for race relations:

"their are more whites on earth than their have ever been we are just loosing the majority war to animals that breed like rats."
Do you really care about race relations? Judging by your previous posts it doesn't seem like it. So that means you are just a shit stirring fuck who's trying to do what you do best, stir shit.
ahh hello again salty.whats the problem this time??oh i know it's the truth thats bothering your hateful you have any proof against my claims?oh thats right i forgot statistics are racist.why don't you crawl up your ass and take the hole with you. PS you were born out of wedlock.:dance::dance::dance::dance:

Here's an example of your concern for race relations:

"their are more whites on earth than their have ever been we are just loosing the majority war to animals that breed like rats."
hey boy i'm just giving you a taste of the mind set you and your left wing race baiters have caused.i am not a racist i love asians,native americans, and hispanics,these groups actually contribute to society blacks destroy society. accept for a very small % of blacks that are good honest people the vast majority are violent criminal,disease spreading anti American low IQ idiots. America is waking up even the media can't hide the truth for you anymore and in 2012 when you go feral and start rioting after you lose the election it will be proof to all what your species is all about.:clap2::cool:
Do you really care about race relations? Judging by your previous posts it doesn't seem like it. So that means you are just a shit stirring fuck who's trying to do what you do best, stir shit.
ahh hello again salty.whats the problem this time??oh i know it's the truth thats bothering your hateful you have any proof against my claims?oh thats right i forgot statistics are racist.why don't you crawl up your ass and take the hole with you. PS you were born out of wedlock.:dance::dance::dance::dance:

Here's an example of your concern for race relations:

"their are more whites on earth than their have ever been we are just loosing the majority war to animals that breed like rats."
#1 you do breed like animals.#2 you did not bring evidence to refute the use of the race card.#3 you threw your [now useless]race card yourself.#4 you were probably born out of wedlock 80%of black males are convicted felons you commit hate crimes at 80 times the rate of any other race on white robbery,assault,murder,rape. so unless you have evidence that i am wrong[no matter what truths i speak about your species]you are just resorting to the damn dirty poker i accuse you of.and i will not deny that i do not like black society.unlike you i will speak the truth and not hide behind lies.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
ahh hello again salty.whats the problem this time??oh i know it's the truth thats bothering your hateful you have any proof against my claims?oh thats right i forgot statistics are racist.why don't you crawl up your ass and take the hole with you. PS you were born out of wedlock.:dance::dance::dance::dance:

Here's an example of your concern for race relations:

"their are more whites on earth than their have ever been we are just loosing the majority war to animals that breed like rats."
#1 you do breed like animals.#2 you did not bring evidence to refute the use of the race card.#3 you threw your [now useless]race card yourself.#4 you were probably born out of wedlock 80%of black males are convicted felons you commit hate crimes at 80 times the rate of any other race on white robbery,assault,murder,rape. so unless you have evidence that i am wrong[no matter what truths i speak about your species]you are just resorting to the damn dirty poker i accuse you of.and i will not deny that i do not like black society.unlike you i will speak the truth and not hide behind lies.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

more and more the left is pulling the race card on those who disagree with their policies.are these dirty tactics doing nothing more than stirring blame and resentment between whites and blacks?and is the word racist loosing it's bite because it is being thrown around so much??are white conservatives becoming desensitised to the R word???are people getting fed up with the dirty poker libbs are playing with the race card???

As I've pointed out elsewhere, shutting down debate is in the warp and woof of leftwingers, because they know that in a fair atmosphere of real debate, their ideas will wither and die. That they grasp this explains a wide range of things: their race cards, their previous monopoly of news media, their feeding frenzy over Rupert Murdoch, the defamation campaigns that are inevitably launched against any conservative who becomes well known: Beck, Coulter, Palin, Rush etc, the refusal of some leftwingers here to post anything but insults - on and on.
Personally I like the race complaints. The more there are, the more whites get tired of them. The more whites start to see through the nonsense. When all white Republicans are "racists", it's not so bad to be a "racist." Join the club. It's a good club.

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