Are humans really so smart?

Goodness, loons making this topic about Trump. How much more foolish can they make themselves? And no, I don't think we'll be able to communicate with animals.
I guess we are smart compared to other creatures on our planet.

But what does it mean to be REALLY smart? Does it mean that you have to have a well developed symbolic system (natural human languages) to communicate your ideas across and pass on invaluable knowledge to your offspring/future generations or maybe being smart means having a high level of raw inteligence that enables you to absorb new information and make logical connections at at a fairly rapid rate? If yes, humans are smart.

However, if you start questioning sciemtists who came up with this definition of intelligence you may get really confused. For example, if we are so smart, why are we all too often driven by our emotions? Even the smartest homo sapiens may fall prey to emotion and act very stupid at times.

Why are we still using the outdated social and political systems?

Why are there still artificial borders that separate nations (or to be more precise one species) and cause countless wars ?

Why do we tenatiously cling on to our costums, traditions and all this shit when all of us would be much happier, a better version of ourselves if we were one global civilisation?

I guess the reason why we are doing this is simple - our emotions and habits prevent us form realising our full potential.

Once we learn to control our emotions and let go of long held beliefs and habits whenever we feel that they are holding us back then we can become really smart.

As of now, we are smarter than animals but in many respects we are very similar to them : territorial, aggressive, controled by the reptilian part of our brain.
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I think animals are smarter than jews, blacks, and many hispanics.
Seeing how most humans believe in myths, are closed minded as fuck and elected Donald Trump...Well, I am starting to believe we're not.

Well you are part of the problem, so learn to be part of the solution instead...
Compared to what? Anything based on our reality? Yes, yes we are.

Not really... I mean read this board and humans are living proof that retardation is rampant...
Humans are dumb. But when you compare to other living things, we are absolutely smart. Smarter than any other living thing. Which is scary.
If we are the "intelligent life" in the Universe, it doesn't have a chance in hell
Compared to what? Anything based on our reality? Yes, yes we are.

Not really... I mean read this board and humans are living proof that retardation is rampant...
Humans are dumb. But when you compare to other living things, we are absolutely smart. Smarter than any other living thing. Which is scary.
If we are the "intelligent life" in the Universe, it doesn't have a chance in hell

Remember we are far from the Center of the Universe, so that is telling you that our place in the Universe is where the Special Needs child is at... I can not agree humans are more intelligent because at times even a dog knows how to sucker us into feeding it, so which one is smarter?
Compared to what? Anything based on our reality? Yes, yes we are.

Not really... I mean read this board and humans are living proof that retardation is rampant...
Humans are dumb. But when you compare to other living things, we are absolutely smart. Smarter than any other living thing. Which is scary.
If we are the "intelligent life" in the Universe, it doesn't have a chance in hell

Remember we are far from the Center of the Universe, so that is telling you that our place in the Universe is where the Special Needs child is at... I can not agree humans are more intelligent because at times even a dog knows how to sucker us into feeding it, so which one is smarter?
We can fly and clone animals
Compared to what? Anything based on our reality? Yes, yes we are.

Not really... I mean read this board and humans are living proof that retardation is rampant...
Humans are dumb. But when you compare to other living things, we are absolutely smart. Smarter than any other living thing. Which is scary.
If we are the "intelligent life" in the Universe, it doesn't have a chance in hell

Remember we are far from the Center of the Universe, so that is telling you that our place in the Universe is where the Special Needs child is at... I can not agree humans are more intelligent because at times even a dog knows how to sucker us into feeding it, so which one is smarter?
We can fly and clone animals

Birds knew how to fly way before the first man learn they needed more than flapping arms to fly... Also cloning is wonderful if it were not for the mere fact we have yet to learn how to extend the life of the said clone...

So birds flew before us, and animals knew how to hump to carry on their gene pool and do not need cloning, and now it is your turn...
Seeing how most humans believe in myths, are closed minded as fuck and elected Donald Trump...Well, I am starting to believe we're not.
Just look at all the threads on this site. What are people talking about? Not smart things. I too believe religion proves we aren't that smart but it's a big business and I don't want to ruin a good racket. Good for the economy
Evolution is hardly done with us. If we manage to outlive our various foolishnesses, our daughter species may be enough smarter than us not be be a danger to their own existence.
Most people have direct experience with animals having learned "human speak," yet how many of us, in the same time span, manage to learn "animal speak?
My cat understands the following voice commands when I speak them:

1 - His name "Snowball kitty-kitty-kitty!" He looks up and at me when I call this name to him and he gets up and comes running.

2 - "Meowh! Meowh!" When I speak these two commands it means "come here" and he comes, and follows me when we are walking outside. It is similar to the sound his mother would make to call him to her when he was a kitten.

I understand the following cat language when my cats utters it:

1 - "Meeoouu! Meeoouu!" This is his pleading cry whenever he wants something, such as to be fed, to be let outside, or to have his litter box cleaned for him.

2 - "Brrrt!" This is his thank you call as he is darting out or in the door after being let out or back in.

3 - "Grrrr! Grrr!" This is his warning call when he does not like being touched.

4 - "Aoouu! Aoouu! Hssss!" This is his fending off call when he angry at me.

5 - "Hssss! Hssss!" This is his attack warning before he swats a dog denoting fear and anger.

I am pretty sure professional cat phonologists have recorded several dozen cat utterances that cats make.

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