Are Blacks Better Off in the United States or Sub-Saharan Africa?

Are Blacks better off today because their ancestors came here as slaves centuries ago...or would they be better of in Central Africa with violence, civil war, Ebola, famine, tropical diseases and filthy water? I don’t see what the point of the complaint is with the congressman or Robert E. Lee?
Drew Ferguson under fire for ‘racist’ Robert E. Lee book in office
You said you were a teacher ?
Wow what a stupid full of idiocy topic you just started....i hope the hate and stupidity that you display didnt effect any wonder the education system is fucked in the US.

Some sub saharan countries might not have the luxurious lives like some Americans. But they live like most. The richest of us here in the US when we want to spend vacation we go mostly to third worls countries and live the simple life, enjoy the nature, the rich culture, the history and tranquility...and most importantly the kind humans that value life.

You sir a prime example of the dumb white racist American.
and most importantly the kind humans that value life.
Like those in the inner city that do drive by shootings? Or beat the shit out of "whitie" because he just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time? Before you start casting stones, you better make sure your own house is in order..dumnbass.
Child abductor, child molesters, thieves at wall street, mass shooters are mostly white...let's paint all whites with the same brush ?
Since murderers, pimps and violent criminals are mostly black? Young black men born of young black skanks who grow up on welfare are the most dangerous people in the world. If that hits too close to home, so be it.

Remember, low-life begets low-life. You know all too well what I'm talking about.
Biggest thieves and assholes (trump one of them) are whites...the worst gruesome mass shootings are committed by were saying ?
The question was “Are black people better off on the United States or would they be better off in Africa?” Answer the question.
I doub4 you traveled abroad, if you did you wouldnt be this closed minded and judgemental of other countries/cultures. You strike me more as a typical dumb founded hillbilly who sees the world through foxnews lenses.

As a full-blown Troll, you are not someone who is really qualified to disparage anyone. Why do you look down your nose at anyone? How does that make you a better person?

Your post, filled with punctuation, capitalization, wrong words, and spelling errors would embarrass any hillbilly.
Very simple , because I don't put too much effort when writing on my phone and English is my 4th language. But you are still a dumb founded hillbilly to me....and your hatred stems from your stupidity.
Oh...I see your narcissism and racism has come out of the closet.
Zimbabwe got rid of all their whites and embraced communism
Wanna see what south Africa is gonna look like in 10 years Zimbabwe

South Africa once first world power.

But whites did invent virtually every aspect of modern life.
Put an end to cultural appropriation and only whites will be allowed to wear glasses, use forks, operate machinery, have glass windows, travel by any vehicle more sophisticated than a horse-drawn cart, or utilize plumbing, modern medicine, modern agriculture, central heat, air conditioning, refrigeration, radio, television, telephones, recorded music, air travel, communications satellites, computers, the Internet, electricity, the constitutional republican form of government, et cetera, et cetera. Non-whites will be forced to live in the world as it would be without whites: a wretched, tyrannical, backwards world. For once they really would be as oppressed as liberals say.

its not white privilege its white accomplishment ending slavery....

Muslims were trading black slaves in Libya after Hillary,the French pipsqueak and rubber stamp by obamas attack .
they actually had open air slave sales and je$$ie jack$ said not a word.

The democRATic Party has a lot to answer for when in comes to the black community and a lot of em are gettin wise to it

Their voters live in a delusional bubble.

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