Are 'Anchor Babies' Sinking the American Economy?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Are 'Anchor Babies' Sinking the American Economy?

Recently, the 14th Amendment has been evoked to achieve a different effect. The emphasis has dramatically shifted away from rehabilitating ex-slaves and their disenfranchised offspring. No one questions the citizenship of any citizen's children, regardless of race or gender. Everyone agrees that the children of Americans are Americans. Today, however, the 14th Amendment is being used to achieve a different purpose; one that is creating serious cracks in the infrastructure of our country.

Unfortunately, the modern interpretation of the 14th Amendment is subject to regular abuse, with non-residents exploiting its language to facilitate their own residency. The past few decades have seen a rash of pregnant foreigners intentionally giving birth on American soil, in order to ensure citizenship for their offspring, and potentially themselves.

As far as healthcare, illegal aliens give birth to about 340,000 children nation wide each year, imposing tremendous medical costs on hospitals. Several hospitals, including ones in Stockton, CA and Dallas, TX, report as many as 70% of their deliveries are to non-residents. Similarly, since the parents of infant citizens still qualify for welfare in order to protect the child, the Center for Immigration studies estimates nearly $2 billion dollars goes to illegal aliens annually, in the form of food stamps and free lunches.

Over 29% of all education dollars get spent on teaching anchor babies, including over $1 billion dollars teaching English as a second language, according to FAIR. Similarly, several affected states offer Spanish translation services in many public arenas, at an additional cost to the taxpayers. All told, FAIR estimates that as much as $100 billion tax dollars get spent on illegal aliens annually -- this is just in education.

Michealene Cristini Risley: Are 'Anchor Babies' Sinking the American Economy?
Granny says dey's illegal Hispexicans...
Duncan on Mexican Women Who Cross U.S. Border to Give Birth: ‘These Are Our Kids’
April 17, 2014 – Education Secretary Arne Duncan visited an elementary school in Columbus, N.M. last year where 75 percent of the students live in Mexico but are being educated in the United States because their mothers crossed the border to seek medical help, and their birth here makes them U.S. citizens.
“These are our kids and they’re trying to get a great education,” Duncan said during a visit to the school, which was part of his 2013 school bus tour. “These are children and families who are trying to live the American dream of putting everything, everything on the line to get a great education. “And it’s frankly inspiring,” Duncan said. Duncan’s remarks are included in a 2013 Washington Post documentary about “blurred” immigration lines, which the school has posted on its website.

The documentary explains that women who live in Palomas, Mexico often cross the border to give birth Columbus, New Mexico because the U.S. hospital is closer than the nearest facility in Mexico and the local Palomas clinic doesn’t always have a doctor on staff. "So for decades, women in labor have been allowed to cross the border and go to the nearest hospital, which happens to be just 30 miles north of the U.S. border,” the documentary says. “Once they give birth there, the children become citizens.” The film includes an interview with Columbus Fire Chief Ken Riley, who over the years says he has “taken thousands of trips to the border to pick up women in labor.” The hospital in Columbus, N.M. estimates it loses $1 million a year providing services to women who can’t pay for them, according to the Post.

But the documentary also notes that under a 2010 agreement between U.S. and Mexico, the Palomas clinic would get more money and staff, and the U.S. would accept only emergency cases. Today, “runs to the border by the Columbus EMTs have been cut in half,” the documentary notes. The Department of Education recently posted a video of Duncan’s trip to Columbus Elementary School, where he was greeted by a mariachi band. “Obviously here in Columbus is something I’ve never seen before,” Duncan says in the video. “You have children who are American citizens at the local elementary school – Columbus Elementary – the majority of the kids travel back and forth across the border every single day.”

Duncan also hailed the children’s parents for having “the courage to drop their 6- and 7- and 8-year-olds off; to send them here to chase the American dream, to get a better education, to contribute to society,” Duncan said. Harvilee Moore, superintendent of Deming Public Schools, says in the Post documentary that the practice of allowing children who live in Mexico to attend Columbus schools dates back to a decision in the 1950s by a former school principal, and that decision has always been supported by the state of New Mexico. “We are educators,” Moore said. “We consider that we are putting children first. We are doing our job.”

Duncan says children are getting more than an education when they cross the border into the United States, as school officials are “making sure the children are fed not just during the week put on the weekends. “They make sure the kids dental needs are met, their health care needs are met,” Duncan said. “And they are trying to remove every single barrier to children being academically successful.” Under the 14th Amendment, automatic citizenship is conferred on anyone born in the United States, even if the parents are here illegally. Earlier this year, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) re-introduced legislation that would "fix the flawed interpretation of the Constitution's citizenship clause." King's "Birthright Citizenship Act of 2013" would end the current practice of extending U.S. citizenship to hundreds of thousands of "anchor babies," which he called a magnet for illegal immigration.

Duncan on Mexican Women Who Cross U.S. Border to Give Birth: ?These Are Our Kids? | CNS News
No, the government is sinking the economy using the CFR.

Immigration is a government ruled, regulated, and dictated wedge issue meant to make us appear racist as well as to divide the people.

Government control of Immigration needs to end.
Are 'Anchor Babies' Sinking the American Economy?

Quite the contrary, and the wedge issue can be removed if we in the GOP honestly reach out to women, Hispanics, and minorities.

The old days are gone, amigos y amigas, ese?
Are 'Anchor Babies' Sinking the American Economy?

Quite the contrary, and the wedge issue can be removed if we in the GOP honestly reach out to women, Hispanics, and minorities.

The old days are gone, amigos y amigas, ese?

A false premise you present.

The GOP is the women, Hispanics, and minorities of the USA.
"I thank thee Lord that I am not like those other conservatives.

Those xenophobes, nativists, obsessives about border security, drinkers of tea, and other bitter enders.

For I support comprehensive immigration reform.

I sup with the lords of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the chiefs of the AFL-CIO, and the titans of Silicon Valley.

I am welcomed at the editorial houses of the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal.

I receiveith gold from George Soros, Bill Marriott and Mark Zuckerberg, and praise from the mainstream media, the Gang of Eight, and the princes of tourism.

Although my labors would enrich the treasuries of Corporate Mammon at the expense of the “least among us” of my fellow Americans of all races and ethnicities by lowering their wages and increasing their unemployment—I trust in my own righteousness.

For I am the Pharisee conservative."

John Fonte

The Parable of the Pharisee Conservative | The American Spectator

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