Arctic sea ice thinner than ever before


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Arctic is treading on thinner ice than ever before. Researchers say that as spring begins, more than 90 percent of the sea ice in the Arctic is only 1 or 2 years old. That makes it thinner and more vulnerable than at anytime in the past three decades, according to researchers with NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado.

"We're not set up well for summertime," ice data center scientist Walt Meier said Monday. "We're in a very precarious situation."

Young sea ice in the Arctic often melts in the spring and summer. If it survives for two years, then it becomes the type of thick sea ice that is key. But the past two years were warm, and there's more young, thin ice at the top of the world.

In normal winters, thick sea ice — often about 10 feet thick or more — extends from the northern boundaries of Greenland and Canada almost to Russia. This year, the thick ice cap barely penetrates the bull's-eye of the Arctic Circle.

The amount of thick sea ice hit a record wintertime low of just 378,000 square miles this year, down 43 percent from last year, Meier said. The amount of older sea ice that was lost is larger than the state of Texas.

The Associated Press: Arctic sea ice thinnest ever going into spring
I heard algore drowned when a large wave hit Des Moines this morning....he will be missed.

Why are Republicans obsessed with Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth was a a typical Hollywood hype movie that was over the top and twisted many facts. Has Drugs Limbaugh been bringing up his name a lot for you all to parrot about Al?

PS-I didn't care much for the movie, too much fear mongering.
K2 .... there is a good reason, all this hype started from a document he falsified and pushed through the scientific community unverified, in spite of protests from that community. Those scientists who opposed him were fired and replaced with what we have now. He also owns the first companies which offered the "green" products and services, thus why he altered the document in the first place. Conned the government into forcing tax payers into giving said companies a fortune to "clean up the environment" while they were the biggest offenders, however since he had the scientific communities that the government relied on for information on this in his pocket they of course started supporting these claims. The only saving grace to this whole mess is that Republicans are resistant to being forced to do anything, however if those on the left would open their eyes as I have they would see that all these scientists they are now listening to are not truly credible, as I said, they are American Idol stars with lab coats, more interested in being popular with each other than investigating truth. They ignore 90% of science to make these outrageous claims seem credible.
Ya cause 30 years of information on something regarding a planet billions of years old is JUST so important. I wonder what the ice was like when Greenland was well GREEN.
Ya cause 30 years of information on something regarding a planet billions of years old is JUST so important. I wonder what the ice was like when Greenland was well GREEN.

The odd thing is that the original document, before being edited, demonstrated that humanity was not to blame, but that we were in danger of nature wiping us out from this most likely natural event.
It isnt true is it's all lies, no proof, no truth just LIES. Maybe Al Gore is behind the smoking-is- bad campaign too ?
K2 .... there is a good reason, all this hype started from a document he falsified and pushed through the scientific community unverified, in spite of protests from that community. Those scientists who opposed him were fired and replaced with what we have now. He also owns the first companies which offered the "green" products and services, thus why he altered the document in the first place. Conned the government into forcing tax payers into giving said companies a fortune to "clean up the environment" while they were the biggest offenders, however since he had the scientific communities that the government relied on for information on this in his pocket they of course started supporting these claims. The only saving grace to this whole mess is that Republicans are resistant to being forced to do anything, however if those on the left would open their eyes as I have they would see that all these scientists they are now listening to are not truly credible, as I said, they are American Idol stars with lab coats, more interested in being popular with each other than investigating truth. They ignore 90% of science to make these outrageous claims seem credible.

Ok, back this up with real science.

While we are waiting, waiting,................

Global Warming -- Research Issues

Here is some real science;
Rocks, you read none of what I posted ... how can one find the facts online when the only facts that you accept are those from the dishonest scientists who only care about being popular? Science, like religion, can easily fall into this "mine is right just because I say it is" mentality, your scientists have that mentality and like religious zealots you follow them blindly completely ignoring all others.
So...NOAA, NSIDC and all other weather data gathering sites are manufacturing data solely for the purpose of making money? That's ludicrous:cuckoo:

I will agree that any big corporation (usually Republican owned) will jump on the green (money not environmental friendly) bandwagon to make money, but I do not believe for a minute that all scientists (there's no denying that most scientists agree we are warming up) are saying the global mean temperature is increasing for the sake of the almighty dollar.
Rocks, you read none of what I posted ... how can one find the facts online when the only facts that you accept are those from the dishonest scientists who only care about being popular? Science, like religion, can easily fall into this "mine is right just because I say it is" mentality, your scientists have that mentality and like religious zealots you follow them blindly completely ignoring all others.

OK, all the scientists in all the scientific societies worldwide are dishonest. By golly, Kittien, I think you are onto the biggest conspiracy in the history of mankind.:lol:
So...NOAA, NSIDC and all other weather data gathering sites are manufacturing data solely for the purpose of making money? That's ludicrous:cuckoo:

I will agree that any big corporation (usually Republican owned) will jump on the green (money not environmental friendly) bandwagon to make money, but I do not believe for a minute that all scientists (there's no denying that most scientists agree we are warming up) are saying the global mean temperature is increasing for the sake of the almighty dollar.

Scientists have to earn a living with their findings, not their methods. Most people do not understand their methods in any way, and thus most people only care about the findings. So the most popular ones make the most money, because their findings fit popular opinion and not fact. While the least popular rarely make enough to even complete their studies because no one will pay for those findings ... see how scientific study ties into the demand for money. Look at specifically where the money for research goes, how it's almost always to a special interest circle and not just "scientific study" as a whole. There is logic here that many ignore, the logic that the scientists who get the most money are those who are the most popular, to be popular with non-scientific minded people these studies will have to result in supporting most if not all of those the "typical' people who sign their checks want them to. All humans, Democrat or Republican, are prone to corruption, and lately Democrats have shown just as much corruption as any others, so the connections of the intellects are starting to click into place.

The one set of facts that made it all too clear to me were those around the recycling plants, not the ones publicized in the media, the ones they try to avoid. They are hard to find but one good source is actually the comedians, who have no stake in it one way or the other, known as Penn and Teller. After seeing that show I started digging myself, found out it's all true, what they had said and more. Recycling is considered the backbone of the environut hoax, but it's worse for the environment than anything else humanity does. The environuts cannot even try to make the false claim of it helping in any way, because that lie is just too easy to prove.

The other really easy point to see without knowing the actual data is this one fact: We have been forced to reduce our impact on the environment drastically in the last decade using these "findings" by scientists such as those Rocks posts, yet the danger just keeps increasing exponentially by these new reports. When one of their scares finally loses steam they then find another "threat" to focus on, in Rocks case it is now polar ice caps and CO2. I am guessing the next one will likely be something else we can't just look out our windows to disprove, perhaps the soil 200 feet down will have high levels of some other common element, or maybe ionization of the atmosphere caused by excessive lighting is increasing the lightening strikes in some out of the way place killing off too many of some other unknown but cute species. Time will tell. Look at the history of it, the CFC's were the first and only legitimate one, then it was CO, etc.
I would suggest some of you actually review the raw data and not the hastily dispensed dire warnings via the media. Don't forget, 2007 saw the EXACT same kinds of headlines as we are seeing now regarding Arctic ice - then those headlines fell somewhat silent, only to now return with even greater force as Congress begins to debate the merits of Cap n Trade.

Arctic ice accumulations were quite strong in 2007 and 2008. While the 30 year trend is as a whole down, such a trend is quite common in both receding and accumulation cycles long before humans walked the earth and will be so long after we shuffle off the global stage.

Arctic Sea Ice Increases at Record Rate « Watts Up With That?

And check out but one example of climate revisionism regarding arctic sea ice:

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I would suggest some of you actually review the raw data and not the hastily dispensed dire warnings via the media. Don't forget, 2007 saw the EXACT same kinds of headlines as we are seeing now regarding Arctic ice - then those headlines fell somewhat silent, only to now return with even greater force as Congress begins to debate the merits of Cap n Trade.

Arctic ice accumulations were quite strong in 2007 and 2008. While the 30 year trend is as a whole down, such a trend is quite common in both receding and accumulation cycles long before humans walked the earth and will be so long after we shuffle off the global stage.

Arctic Sea Ice Increases at Record Rate « Watts Up With That?

And check out but one example of climate revisionism regarding arctic sea ice:


I getting so impatient. I have been reading headlines like this for the past several years and yet, where I live still has a water shortage.
How long to do I have to wait to get some of that water here in Arizona?
Do I need to burn tires or blow up spray cans or what?
Someday, according to all these reports, Arizona will be an inland sea once again. I can hardly wait, it's so dry here right now I have to buy hay trucked in from Colorado.
So...NOAA, NSIDC and all other weather data gathering sites are manufacturing data solely for the purpose of making money? That's ludicrous:cuckoo:

I will agree that any big corporation (usually Republican owned) will jump on the green (money not environmental friendly) bandwagon to make money, but I do not believe for a minute that all scientists (there's no denying that most scientists agree we are warming up) are saying the global mean temperature is increasing for the sake of the almighty dollar.

Scientists have to earn a living with their findings, not their methods. Most people do not understand their methods in any way, and thus most people only care about the findings. So the most popular ones make the most money, because their findings fit popular opinion and not fact. While the least popular rarely make enough to even complete their studies because no one will pay for those findings ... see how scientific study ties into the demand for money. Look at specifically where the money for research goes, how it's almost always to a special interest circle and not just "scientific study" as a whole. There is logic here that many ignore, the logic that the scientists who get the most money are those who are the most popular, to be popular with non-scientific minded people these studies will have to result in supporting most if not all of those the "typical' people who sign their checks want them to. All humans, Democrat or Republican, are prone to corruption, and lately Democrats have shown just as much corruption as any others, so the connections of the intellects are starting to click into place.

The one set of facts that made it all too clear to me were those around the recycling plants, not the ones publicized in the media, the ones they try to avoid. They are hard to find but one good source is actually the comedians, who have no stake in it one way or the other, known as Penn and Teller. After seeing that show I started digging myself, found out it's all true, what they had said and more. Recycling is considered the backbone of the environut hoax, but it's worse for the environment than anything else humanity does. The environuts cannot even try to make the false claim of it helping in any way, because that lie is just too easy to prove.

The other really easy point to see without knowing the actual data is this one fact: We have been forced to reduce our impact on the environment drastically in the last decade using these "findings" by scientists such as those Rocks posts, yet the danger just keeps increasing exponentially by these new reports. When one of their scares finally loses steam they then find another "threat" to focus on, in Rocks case it is now polar ice caps and CO2. I am guessing the next one will likely be something else we can't just look out our windows to disprove, perhaps the soil 200 feet down will have high levels of some other common element, or maybe ionization of the atmosphere caused by excessive lighting is increasing the lightening strikes in some out of the way place killing off too many of some other unknown but cute species. Time will tell. Look at the history of it, the CFC's were the first and only legitimate one, then it was CO, etc.

With 100% false comment like this your losing credibility fast.
Sustainable living and common sense, not knee jerk over reactions are what I go by.

All data shown by data gathering stations show the opposite of what sinatra is claiming, trying to prove the sky is green, wow.

This isn't a game, it's real, we're warming and the ice is melting, period. We've had a couple of strong winter anomalies in the PNW, but overall the temps have been warmer lately, period, all data shows the same thing. Trying to disprove we're warming is the dumbest thing since trying to prove the earth is flat, the ONLY debate is why we're warming this fast currently, period.
The Arctic sea ice cover continues to shrink and become thinner, according to satellite measurements and other data released yesterday, providing further evidence that the region is warming more rapidly than scientists had expected.
I getting so impatient. I have been reading headlines like this for the past several years and yet, where I live still has a water shortage.
How long to do I have to wait to get some of that water here in Arizona?
Do I need to burn tires or blow up spray cans or what?
Someday, according to all these reports, Arizona will be an inland sea once again. I can hardly wait, it's so dry here right now I have to buy hay trucked in from Colorado.

Too many people living in an unsustainable area for that many humans, pretty simple. When the Colorado River doesn't even make it to the ocean any more from human intervention, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the land there can't sustain the current number of people.

When our temps warm, it adds another factor in t he weather engine that drives out planets weather patterns, some places get cooler, some get hotter, but over all the weather patterns will change as will the rainfall patterns, get used to it, it's been happening for thousands of years, humans have just added another factor into the dynamic weather engine with our displacing of the carbon molecule.
I getting so impatient. I have been reading headlines like this for the past several years and yet, where I live still has a water shortage.
How long to do I have to wait to get some of that water here in Arizona?
Do I need to burn tires or blow up spray cans or what?
Someday, according to all these reports, Arizona will be an inland sea once again. I can hardly wait, it's so dry here right now I have to buy hay trucked in from Colorado.

Build more windmills. You can stand in front of them and keep cool while generating a wee bit of energy.

And then just drink more Corona and everything will work out...

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