

Shut the $%$ Up!
Jan 15, 2009
So I know ZIP about this but I was wondering how far one would probably have to dig to find things around the 1600's? Would you have to dig 1,2, 3 or 12 feet? How do you go about finding a spot etc.

Why you ask? Well I found that this lady that lives less then a mile from me her farm has been excavated and found a possible location to Chief Powhatan actual place he lived.

I figured why not look while I'm out doing some of my yard work. I mean my house is in a primo spot if I was an Indian and required a place for safety, food, and water.Then again, probably I should just leave it alone but I often wondered about my land.
depends on the land you are on, ask your local museum curator, they can give you tips on how NOT to ruin what you are looking for in trying to find it too.
I guess I could contact the lady that found items on her land. I went to her website she has and it shows a few pictures. She was actually just doing some planting of some flowers and she came upon some clay broken pots. She knew enough and started to carefully sift through it then she contacted agency's. A big FIND.

Before I call anyone and look like a complete nut, I figured I would look like a complete nut here. lol
It all depends. Different soils, different geological activity, flooding, disruption in the earth. People find artifacts just laying on the surface sometimes. Sometimes they find them in creeks.

Couple of things...if you find artifacts, they won't belong to you...tribal authorities will come in and take them. Also, they can see to it that you aren't allowed to do anything with your land...i.e., no building, no digging, nothing.
My brother found a British cannonball in our back yard in the Bronx less than one foot under the surface.
It all depends. Different soils, different geological activity, flooding, disruption in the earth. People find artifacts just laying on the surface sometimes. Sometimes they find them in creeks.

Couple of things...if you find artifacts, they won't belong to you...tribal authorities will come in and take them. Also, they can see to it that you aren't allowed to do anything with your land...i.e., no building, no digging, nothing.
Well damn! Soils is Clay, The agency's that came to the ladies house stated they had to get permission to even dig to investigate further on her land. I think if I were to find things worth of great value or importance then I guess I would be facing that stuff, Allie.

I just want to investigate my land a little and was hoping someone knew a few little things I could do in my yard to check it out.
My brother found a British cannonball in our back yard in the Bronx less than one foot under the surface.
Oh cool, what happened to it after he dug it up?

It's at my parents house in a case. It's a genuine Revolutionary War cannonball from when the British marched from Throgs Neck.

We should have dug more put my Dad wanted to pour concrete for the base for the above ground pool
So I know ZIP about this but I was wondering how far one would probably have to dig to find things around the 1600's? Would you have to dig 1,2, 3 or 12 feet? How do you go about finding a spot etc.

Why you ask? Well I found that this lady that lives less then a mile from me her farm has been excavated and found a possible location to Chief Powhatan actual place he lived.

I figured why not look while I'm out doing some of my yard work. I mean my house is in a primo spot if I was an Indian and required a place for safety, food, and water.Then again, probably I should just leave it alone but I often wondered about my land.

I was raised not to far from where you live - Being raised in Suffolk right beside the Great Dismal Swamp, it was a primo place to search for arrowheads. After a rain I would walk the fields around my house and on the farm I was living on I would find a great many arrowheads, bits of pottery and the like. Now and then I would even find a mini-ball from the Civil War. It was great fun to hunt for arrowheads. When I joined the Navy, I had a cigar box full of really nice arrowheads. Seems like my mother gave them all away to a cousin of mine after I left home and I never saw them again. If you say your neighbor found a site that was used by Chief Powhatan, then it might be likey there will be some sort of artifacts on your property. I would suspect arrowheads from hunting parties or the like. Happy hunting. A good place to start, if there is one on your property would be beside of a creek or old creek bed.
Uncle Ferd says it looks real to him...

Three-fingered mummies found in Peru are not human says scientist and may be aliens
March 14, 2018 - A SET of three-fingered “mummies” recently discovered in Peru are not human and could be aliens, a scientist has claimed.
The Sun reports Professor Konstantin Korotkov, from the Russian National Research University, as saying the supposedly ancient remains are humanoid but not homo sapien. Prof Korotkov has examined mummies found by colleagues in Nazca, Peru, which date back as far as 6500 years. He told Sputnik News: “Each of the little mummies has two arms, two legs, a head, a pair of eyes and a mouth. “Tomographic scans reveal their skeletons. “The tissue has biological nature and their chemical composition indicates that they are humans. “Their DNA features 23 pairs of chromosomes, just like we have. “All the four of them are males, each with a Y-chromosome. “They appear human but they are not.”


Three-fingered mummies found in Peru are not human, scientists say.​

Another skeletal specialist, Dr Edson Vivanco, has also concluded the remains are of “non-human beings”, Daily Express reported. While the bizarre three-fingered and three-toed corpses have been branded fake by other scientists, Dr Vivanco said: “There are lots of details that indicate that the bodies are real. “To recreate a skull with these characteristics is a very difficult task.” The scientist insists if they were fake, he would be the “first to say and report it”. He added: “Right now, we are studying the evidence. And so far, we haven’t found anything to say it is a fraud, or that the bodies have been modified or altered in any way. “We have lots of evidence that sets us on the path to prove that this is real.”


Scientists examine three-fingered mummies found in Peru.​

Footage of the so-called mummified alien was released in June last year in the ancient city of Nazca, Peru. The video was posted by website which charges curious users money to view their exclusive paranormal content. The site claims the extraterrestrial beast’s body was dug up during an excavation of the mysterious caves. Sceptic viewers pointed out the “corpse” looks like it is a half-finished cardboard creation. One viewer reported commented: “Something seems off. The corpse looks like it was made of plaster.”


Three-fingered mummies found in Peru are not human, scientists say.​

Earlier this year, The Sun reported how the “discovery” prompted a number of experts and conspiracy theorists to offer their opinion. In a short documentary on the bizarre find, Dr Konstantin Korotkov, a professor at Saint Petersburg University, claimed these features are not a deformity — claiming they are “another creature, another humanoid”.

Scientist: Mummies may be aliens

See also:

Alien mummies may be manipulated bodies looted from Peru, experts say
March 18, 2018 - FIVE mummified bodies found in Peru have been produced as evidence of aliens. But there may be something more sinister behind their pasty-white remains.
IT’s extraordinary news. It needs extraordinary evidence. Five objects claimed to be mummified bodies from Peru have been presented as evidence of alien visitation. They’re humanoid. Some are very humanoid. What marks the dessicated bodies out as ‘extraterrestrials’ is the apparent three-fingered hands they possesses. Elongated heads. And three-toed feet. They also seem somewhat ‘odd’ as most mummified remains have been darkened by the heat and chemical processes that dry them out. These are stark white.


Evidence of aliens? Or a manipulated, looted mummy of a 1700-year-old Nazca?​

All we know of them so far are Youtube videos that have appeared on alien enthusiast sites. Russian news media has been quoting ‘lead researcher’ Konstantin Korotkov as claiming he’s conducted extensive scientistic tests on the remains. “They could be extraterrestrials or bio robots,” Russia Today (RT) quotes Korotkov as saying. He’s also on the record as saying radiocarbon-dating shows one of the mummies is 1700 years old. But none of these results have yet been presented for analysis or verification, as per the standard scientific process.


The ‘alien’ mummies have not been made available for examination. The only evidence remains the video files, and the descriptions made by their ‘discoverer’ — Konstantin Korotkov - and ‘specialists’ in his employ. He says ‘Maria’ — the best preserved body — was found by a Peruvian peasant. He describes it as having an elongate skull. The rib structure is unusual. There are also only three appendages on its hands and feet.


A graphic showing what Korotkov envisages as an ‘unbundled’ Maria - the mummy sitting in a very Nazca pose. Right is an image of ‘Albert’, another of the five mummies. Screen captures from Gaia’s Youtube video.​

According to Russia’s, ‘Maria’s’ body is so well preserved that the location of internal organs can still be discerned. “We clearly see the contours of the trachea and the main bronchi, we clearly see the contours of the heart and chambers, there even the contours of the valves are visible. We can see quite clearly the contours of the diaphragm, liver and spleen, “it quotes radiologist Natalia Zaloznaya as saying. Those are very human organs.


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