$arah taught them an important lesson

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Vetting a Running Mate in a Post-Palin World - NYTimes.com

No Repub wants a repeat of THAT debacle! And, surely the Dems have been paying attention as well.

Not to mention that the American people deserve decent candidates to choose from.

OTOH, look at the Clown Car Candidates. Every single caucus has had a very low turn out and never an overwhelming success for any of them. The R voters all say they'll "hold their nose" in order to follow the orders from faux, Cry Baby Beck, Limb-a-a-a-a.

In fact, the only one who seems happy about Mittens is Grover Norquist because, as he has said, Mittens will do as he's told. IOW, he's not a leader. He's a weak little follower.

Perfect GObP/Repub candidate.

Last election, the voters chose intelligence and education over $arah's "star power" and the result has been jobs and steady growth in spite of the Party Of Do Nothing But Filibuster and Obstruct and Let Them Eat Cake Cuz We're Giving Your Money To The ONE PERCENT.
I'd be very surprised if the future running mate wasn't in the race right now.
Any youngish female running on a GOP ticket will be painted as a twit by the media. Females are less sharp than males. Young people are less worldly than older people. And, liberals, including the liberal media, have a special hatred of conservative(ish) females. This means no one like Sarah Palin has a chance on the national stage.

(Palin came to power in Alaska, arguably the most conservative state in the union, and she did it by running on a platform of tax increases.)
Gotta believe that Democrats will do an instant hatchet job on any woman who dares run for office as a Republican.

For some reason, despite their limp protestations, they do appear to hate women.

Probably some aspect of their relationship with their mothers?

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