Arab apartheid - Muslim apartheid

How much of all that blabber has to do with Palestine?

First of all. The main link to Islamic world for Nazis was the Palestine Arab leader Haj Amin. second. There were quite a few of the Arab Nazi Parties. Palestine Arab in particular.



There were a number of strong pre-war Arab-Nazi organizations—

* the Iron Shirts (led by Fakhri al-Barudi of the National Bloc).

* The League for National Action (headed by Abdu al-Huda al-Yab, Dr. Zaki al-Jabi and others).

* The An-Nadi al-Arabi Club of Damascus (headed by Dr. Said Abd Al-Fattah al-Imam).

* The Councils for the Defense of Arab Palestine (head by well known pro-Nazi leaders, such as Nabi al-Azmah, Adil Arslan and others)

* The Syrian People's Party.

* The Istiqlal.

* The Muthana Club.

* Moslem Guidance Society.

* The Palestine Defense Society.

* The Tajaddad Club.

* The Arab Rover Society.

* Arab High Committee (Haj Amin el Husseini's).

* Najjada [Najjadah] in Lebanon (pan-Islamic, pan-Arab, with its motto: "Arabism Above All").

* The Futuwwah in Iraq (Hitler-youth type).

* The Blue Shirts and Green Shirts in Egypt.

* League of National Action.

* The Lion Cubs of Arabism.

* The Syrian Social Nationalist Party (led by Antun Sa'ada with Nazi imitated symbols and hymm of 'Syria, Syria Uber alles).

* The Arab Club. The Steel Shirts.

* The early Ba'ath movement.

* The Kalmuks. The Chechens.

* The Ingosh. Balkans.

* The Meshkets.

* The Krim Tatars

* The White Shirts (in Lebanon).


"The Arab war effort: a documented account ," American Christian Palestine Committee, 1946, p. 7

I. Gershoni, James P. Jankowski: "Confronting fascism in Egypt: dictatorship versus democracy in the 1930s," (Stanford University Press, Oct 21, 2009, 360 pp) p. 274

Frank Tachau: "Political parties of the Middle East and North Africa," (Greenwood Press, 1994), p. 361

Elizabeth Thompson: "Colonial Citizens: Republican Rights, Paternal Privilege, and Gender in French Syria and Lebanon," (Columbia University Press, 2000) p. 193
google it yourself-----or ask any person who was alive and conscious at that time

It's your claim. Maybe it is true but you sure do have a twist that nobody cared for them. That's a lie.

I did not say "nobody cared for them" ----I correctly stated that they were not saved----and could have been. Nasser refused aid from civilized countries because
he did not want to admit that the situation existed--------it was filmed-----soldiers stumbling thru the desert and dropping dead of dehydration. Everyone CARED---it as a sad sight. I am not surprised that you never heard of it------its the kind of history that is not mentioned in the KHUTBAH JUMAAT RANT

That's awful. What a terrible way to go.
Where's the international outcry against Arab apartheid?
17 Mar 2011 – Comment: As Israel Apartheid Week continues, a Palestinian boy was left to die at Lebanese hospital because father couldn't afford treatment.
Where - United States

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