AR15 for Home Defense: Does this make tactical sense?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Ok, not going into the Dem/GOP political point on this. But, since we're talking a gun ban or no gun ban, lets get down to the meat issues. The first for me: Is an AR15 or AK47 "assault rifle" the best gun for home defense in TACTICAL sense? Let me explain:

The US military spec ops, like the SEALS, didnt always use the M4/CAR15 guns (shorter M16/AR15). They once used MP5's a lot more, which had 9mm bullets (with hollow point option). No for jungle fights, but very close quarters stuff, like taking an airplane or clearing a tight building. The elite German GS9 and Israeli small units still use MP5 9mms. The problem? That round didn't carry as much velocity at long distances. This was a problem because of taking on large open spaces like air fields in war. So...they began the use of the shorter M16 variations (civilian version is the AR15). It fires a much smaller, but faster, bullet, making it better for open, long spaces.

Now, of course, everything the military does, the LE community SWAT teams tend to follow. This was a huge frustration of mine. SWAT teams carried MP5's and shotguns, FAR better for what THEY do- almost all close quarters room clearing, vehicle take downs, etc. Rarely is LE engaged at farther than 25-50 yards. BUT, they switched over to the M16 variations also because the military combat teams were doing it, and many cops are ex-military.

That, among other factors, sparked an explosion in popularity in those guns. Hollywood movies showed all the cool cops and badass soldiers in movies carrying these guns.

But what about you or I, in HOME defense? The long barreled AR15 (minimum 16 inch barrel, longer in total length) is long, and hard to turn corners with (thats why SEALS use the far shorter non-civilian version). Plus, you have to use 2 hands to shoot it. What if in a home defense situation you get wounded on one arm. You dont have 2 arms anymore to shoot back with. You dont have a 15 man squad to evacuate you, lay down fire, and save your ass. Its just you. With one wounded hand/arm, you can still shoot back with a pistol.


The AR15 fires a .223 bullet. Small, very fast. The military has complained about lack of stopping power. Great at long range, but not as powerful as bigger bullets up close. Thats why they sometimes use the 6.8. AK's fire a 7.62. Huge bullet, but, not as accurate. BOTH of these bullets have big time over penetration problems. goes through people and walls. If your wife, kid, grandma or neighbor are behind the wall or bad guy in the heat of the fight, well, you may shoot them too...even if you didnt mean to.

The .45 hollow point, or .44 or .357 or any large handgun calibers, have GREATLY more stopping power. Plus, a hollow point expands and fragments inside the body. More stopping power, less overpenetration. Win/Win for close quarters fight with few targets.

I think its a no brainer. At home, with a wife and kid, if two shitbags break into my home, Im passing the AR, and grabbing the Smith & Wesson MP .45 with hollow points.

OR...there is always the shotgun. You can "rack" a shotgun, announce yourself with that noise, and you just may end the fight before it starts.

There is a reason cops LOVE shotguns. I lost count how many times you can show up to a big bar fight, domestic, or any other chaotic situation amongst stupid, aggressive people, grab that 12 guage, and that one sound of the "rack" just stops everyone. No one mistakes that sound. Its the sound of business-time.

Some guy breaks into my house, and hears that, he knows what time it is. IF he keeps coming, after I know he heard that, then I know HIS intent. Shotgun fires 8 bullets of .38 caliber, equal to 8 pistol shots at one time (btw, compare a .38 caliber x 8 with one trigger the .22 caliber AR15 1 bullet per shot.....easy pick, right?).

Tactically, in home defense, the AR or AK would be among the LAST guns I'd pick to defend myself. If China invades, thats a different story. But I trust our military would never allow that.
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Ok, not going into the Dem/GOP political point on this. But, since we're talking a gun ban or no gun ban, lets get down to the meat issues. The first for me: Is an AR15 or AK47 "assault rifle" the best gun for home defense in TACTICAL sense? Let me explain:

The US military spec ops, like the SEALS, didnt always use the M4/CAR15 guns (shorter M16/AR15). They once used MP5's a lot more, which had 9mm bullets (with hollow point option). The problem? That round didn't carry as much velocity at long distances. This was a problem because of taking on large open spaces like air fields in war. So...they began the use of the shorter M16 variations (civilian version is the AR15). It fires a much smaller, but faster, bullet, making it better for open, long spaces.

Now, of course, everything the military does, the LE community SWAT teams tend to follow. This was a huge frustration of mine. SWAT teams carried MP5's and shotguns, FAR better for what THEY do- almost all close quarters room clearing, vehicle take downs, etc. Rarely is LE engaged at farther than 25-50 yards. BUT, they switched over to the M16 variations also because the military combat teams were doing it, and many cops are ex-military.

That, among other factors, sparked an explosion in popularity in those guns. Hollywood movies showed all the cool cops and badass soldiers in movies carrying these guns.

But what about you or I, in HOME defense? The long barreled AR15 (minimum 16 inch barrel, longer in total length) is long, and hard to turn corners with (thats why SEALS use the far shorter non-civilian version). Plus, you have to use 2 hands to shoot it. What if in a home defense situation you get wounded on one arm. You dont have 2 arms anymore to shoot back with. You dont have a 15 man squad to evacuate you, lay down fire, and save your ass. Its just you. With one wounded hand/arm, you can still shoot back with a pistol.


The AR15 fires a .223 bullet. Small, very fast. The military has complained about lack of stopping power. Great at long range, but not as powerful as bigger bullets up close. Thats why they sometimes use the 6.8. AK's fire a 7.62. Huge bullet, but, not as accurate. BOTH of these bullets have big time over penetration problems. goes through people and walls. If your wife, kid, grandma or neighbor are behind the wall or bad guy in the heat of the fight, well, you may shoot them too...even if you didnt mean to.

The .45 hollow point, or .44 or .357 or any large handgun calibers, have GREATLY more stopping power. Plus, a hollow point expands and fragments inside the body. More stopping power, less overpenetration. Win/Win for close quarters fight with few targets.

I think its a no brainer. At home, with a wife and kid, if two shitbags break into my home, Im passing the AR, and grabbing the Smith & Wesson MP .45 with hollow points.

OR...there is always the shotgun. You can "rack" a shotgun, announce yourself with that noise, and you just may end the fight before it starts.

There is a reason cops LOVE shotguns. I lost count how many times you can show up to a big bar fight, domestic, or any other chaotic situation amongst stupid, aggressive people, grab that 12 guage, and that one sound of the "rack" just stops everyone. No one mistakes that sound. Its the sound of business-time.

Some guy breaks into my house, and hears that, he knows what time it is. IF he keeps coming, after I know he heard that, then I know HIS intent. Shotgun fires 8 bullets of .38 caliber, equal to 8 pistol shots at one time (btw, compare a .38 caliber x 8 with one trigger the .22 caliber AR15 1 bullet per shot.....easy pick, right?).

Tactically, in home defense, the AR or AK would be among the LAST guns I'd pick to defend myself. If China invades, thats a different story. But I trust our military would never allow that.

Quite the transition for you, isn't it Numbnuts?
Some like fords some like chevy's buy a shot gun! if thats what you want For inside the home I have a 12 ga.out side the 7mm or 270 or the 243 will reach out and touch you at a distance.

Is there a perfect gun for home defense? other than the one you have in your hand when you need it?
Is there a perfect gun for home defense? other than the one you have in your hand when you need it?


I concede this whole thread to you man! The best gun for home defense is, indeed, whichever one you have in your hand!

And, and for "elvis", I didn't know one had to have their viewpoints all lined up like duckies in a row and put on a D or R polo shirt to be considered legit. I have many varied opinions, and often they shift as I grow as a person. Whats wrong with that?
The AR-15 is a flexible, easy to use rifle, and perfect for home defense. It's one of the reasons why is is one of the most popular guns in America.

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