Apple Releases iOS 4.3.4


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
Patches Up The PDF Exploit / JailbreakMe Method

Awesome: A shiny new iOS update has just been released! iOS 4.3.4 is now available on iTunes.

Not so awesome: As far as I can tell, there’s only one change here: Apple has fixed the PDF exploit that theoretically could be used to do all sorts of malicious things to you iOS device — unfortunately, that also means that they’ve fixed the PDF exploit that more-than-theoretically allows you to jailbreak your iOS device through the ultra quick JailbreakMe site.

(Of course, you could always just jailbreak your device, install the “PDF Patcher 2″ fix released on to Cydia weeks ago by Comex (the same guy that built JailbreakMe in the first place), and wait ’til Apple releases an update with a worthwhile feature or two.)

Update: For those on Verizon, look for a version number of 4.2.9 instead

Apple Releases iOS 4.3.4, Patches Up The PDF Exploit / JailbreakMe Method | TechCrunch
well they still have simple issues that really perplex me, like being able to load podcasts on an Ipad without syncing to your PC.....:cuckoo:
well they still have simple issues that really perplex me, like being able to load podcasts on an Ipad without syncing to your PC.....:cuckoo:

I don't use an ipad or an ipod so it doesn't affect me.

You don't have an iPod or an iPad?

Have absolutely no use for either. :dunno:

use? use??? means squat! get with it!

you have to have one, steve says so!

That's okay. When Steve starts offering products I don't need that go up in value I might listen to him........ :eusa_whistle:

Yes...I happy,be productive, take one red and 2 blues....

[ame=]‪THX1138‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]


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