The Democrat Party Fatally Shot Themselves in The Foot for 2020 by Gambling on Russian Roullete

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Trying to stretch out a FAKE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION for another year is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It's clear now Mueller was appointed as a retaliatory act for firing Deep State Loyalist, James Comey, as there was no crime to ever investigate.

As was suspected all along, thanks to The Patriotic Work of Judicial Watch and other Patriotic Americans, There WAS A COUP plotted at the highest levels of THE DOJ and FBI.

It started in The Clinton Campaign and Obama Administration as a plot at first to procure Russian Propaganda to smear Candidate Trump with and then morphed in to a plot to Spy on The Campaign, get inside information, and listen in to Campaign meetings, and gather Intel so they could counter Candidate Trump's Policy Initiatives with manufactured canned responses. It was an advanced form of stealing debate questions before a debate.

Despite this kind of skull-duggery, and cheating, Candidate Trump was tipped off to this....and moved all his campaign meetings to a secure location, banned electronic devices, and essentially blinded Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton from listening in to Campaign Strategy Meetings. At that point, all they could do was listen in to Cell Phone Conversations, and begin to pry in to personal emails of The Campaign Team and Trump Family.

As they realized that, not only Donald Trump was a formidable opponent, but he was unpredictable, was an expert at showmanship, and was gaining momentum and popularity as he decimated a field of 17 challengers and proceeded to dismantle Hillary Clinton, they took The Dirty Dossier they paid Russia for, and leveraged that pack of lies in to an Illegitimate Investigation.

Everyone in The Obama Administration that touched The Dossier, From Comey, to McCabe, Rosenstein, Yates, McCain, Kerry, Obama, Ohr, Baker, Strozk & Page and others....KNEW IT WAS FALSE. KNEW IT WAS RUSSIAN SOURCED. KNEW OBAMA and Clinton paid for some of it out of their own pockets, and KNEW THE DNC paid for the rest.

They also KNEW that this money was laundered through THE PODESTA GROUP who's EXECUTIVE BOARD is made entirely of Russian Nationals....and they KNEW this money was washed through The COIE Lawfirm, to Fusion GPS, to Steele (British Agent) and Skirpal (Russian Agent) and on to former and active Kremlin Contacts in Russia.

They also KNEW STEELE went to Yahoo to try to create False Corroborations "circular corroboration" for The FBI to "Salt The Clouds" for an eventual "Fake Investigation" and application for Illegitimate FISA Warrants. They knew this, because they paid Steele to do it, and then distanced themselves from him by declaring they fired him for speaking to The Press, but afterwards, they still paid him and worked with him "off the books" after he was officially fired.

To tie up loose ends on The Clinton side of this, The Podesta Group was shut down, and then it's members given immunity. To this day, we have no idea what The Podesta Group was given immunity for. We only know that Manafort was charged for alleged crimes committed while working for The Podesta Group, The Obama Administration, and Hillary Clinton while in The Ukraine Manafort cannot call up Podesta Group Financial Records nor subpoena anyone in The Podesta Group to defend himself. We also do not know why James Comey covered the Entire Clinton Campaign team and Clinton herself with Immunity, and then broke all protocal, procedures, and regulations and statutes by not recording or making notes of any of the interviews....but we can deduce why, but that is another subject entirely.

I digress..

Stepping back a bit to how the wiretapping began of The Trump Campaign, each one of them Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosenstein KNEW all of the afore mentioned information, KNEW that if revealed they would have their FISA requests rejected to spy on The Trump Campaign, President Trump's Family, his volunteers, and everyone he talked to on the phone. Knowing this, they said, LAW, Be Damned, and They filed THE FALSE AFFIDAVITS in THE FISA COURT ANYWAYS....

Four Consecutive Times they filed False Affidavits, and Four Consecutive Times, they intentionally mislead The FISA Court and WITHHELD (Mandated TO Be Discolsed) "Esculpatory Information!

Only the Soviet Union pulled this kind of crap with rigged Secret Courts, Secret Investigations, Wiretapping, Targeting a Political Opponent, and trying to find and Manufacture crimes where NONE HAD PREVIOUSLY existed.

But worse YET....They not only KNEW THEY WERE BREAKING THE LAW, They ACTIVELY and WILLFULLY plotted an ADMINISTRATIVE COUP, citing a rarely used Emergency Contingency Plan..... The 25th Amendment which is reserved ONLY for when a President is mortally wounded, critically ill, and completely incapacitated and unable to physically perform his presidential duties.

By going down the road to secretly and illegitimately evoke the 25th amendment......NOT ONLY WERE THEY TRYING TO OVERTURN AN ELECTION, THEY WERE GOING TO ATTEMPT TO CIRCUMVENT CONGRESS' rights to even attempt an Impeachment Proceeding.

And the LEAKS? The Unmasking? There were an avalanche of leaks coming out of The Obama White House, DOJ, FBI, etc. It was a coordinated counter intelligence operation. They would unmask one of their targets, and then attack them. politically, or via Investigative Harassment, attempting to take down people around The President one by one through illegitimate means.

From The Constant talk of The Dossier in The Media, to Leaks about President Elect Donald Trump's ACTUAL PHONE CALLS with Foreign Heads of State, they were actively trying to undermine this President, and our Democracy. And then this...which now makes complete for a long time there was a Narrative in MSM media Outlets like CNN and others that Donald J Trump was Mentally and Emotionally Unfit for Office.

This Narrative of "Unfit for Office" had to come from "The Insurance Policy" Group.....McCabe, Rosenstein, Comey, Ohr, Strozk etc. They were trying to make the argument, even secretly within The President's Own Cabinet, that Donald J. Trump was mentally ill, unfit for office, emotionally unstable, and they were going to EVOKE the 25th Amendment to Remove him without even attempting an impeachment for which there were no grounds even to approach that either.

In Short, Obama and his administration, The Clinton Campaign, FBI, DOJ, and Loyalists like Brennan and Clapper in The Intelligence Services, mounted a Counter Intelligence Campaign, and Soft Coup against President Trump the day he was elected president.

Fortunately, not even the Democrats Colluding with Russia to defeat Donald J Trump could prevent him from being the 45th President of The United States, but armed with Russian Propaganda, Unelected Bureacrats would offer themselves up as Russian Moles to try to take The President Down themselves and Topple our Democracy, and Over Turn the 2016 Election as if we were a Soviet Satellite State or Venezuela. The COUP FAILED, thanks to GOD, some Patriotic Americans, and people who refused to back down form a fight.

Otherwise, We The People, will be subject to such crimes again if The Rule of Law is not applied.

Now that this plot has been exposed, I see No Path to ANY DEMOCRAT to The White House in 2020, and they have no one to blame but themselves.

When The President of The United States says to his Political Opponent, "Hillary Clinton" that he is willing to let bygones be bygones, when he wanted to investigate her for obvious crimes she committed, The Democrat Party, and The Co-Conspirators in The Intelligence Community and upper echelons of Law Enforcement in The FBI and DOJ should have taken their Cue from that, understood that the ruse was up, and then served The Interests of The United States and The Voters, instead of themselves, breaking The Law, Betraying Their Country, Festering Sedition, Malice Towards The President, and Launching a Espionage Operation against an American Citizen with No Just Cause.

They shot themselves in the foot. They are fighting the president on policy instead of being on "The Right Side Of The Fence. They are fighting The President on a Personal Level. They are Fighting the Will of The American People. And even today, They March, not against The President on President's Day, but against The American People, and America itself. The Number One duty of a President is to Protect The American People and Interests of The United States. There is no other position in our government like it charged to defending The Constitution and All of The People regardless of Race, Color or Creed from the Tyranny and Lawlessness of own Government, or those outside our borders.

When you oppose a President, like that with such venom, that it blinds you to your True Purpose as an elected official, to Serve and Protect the American People, and you come off like Barney Fife, screaming Russia, Russia Russia instead, and you shoot yourself in the foot, you don't damage The President, you damage yourself, and your party.

The race for The Democrat Party is over before it began. Governing isn't about getting re-elected, it's about getting things done. And The Democrat Party has Zero Accomplishments under their belt going in to the third year of The Trump Administration.

They wasted their energy, their resources on Men like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Strozk and Page and Dreams of Impeachment, and COUPs that were nothing but multi million dollar fantasies when they should have tried to work with The President who was willing to work with them.

Now they might be looking a a Super Majority in 2020 as a backlash for putting America through that nonsense, when they were voted in to work for The American People instead of themselves.

The Insurance Policy was NEVER GOING TO PAY OFF, and The Democrat Party is now going to have to write it off as a COMPLETE LOSS!
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BTW, if you don't think we need to build Walls to stop Mexican Drug Cartels from Killing America, and incapacitating who they can't kill with ADDICTION, think again. This is happening more and more frequently, and this is only scratching the surface, because we do not have control of our Southern Border yet, and we are only catching a small percentage of the overall drug traffic, and human trafficking that is flooding across the border.

6 illegal immigrants linked to Mexican cartel arrested in NC for drug trafficking operation, officials say

Illegal immigrant mother ran transnational drug operation, passed family business off to fugitive son, feds say
well i am just hoping that Mr Schultz runs to eat away at the Dems votes. and if Trump or Schultz wins, here we go with another two years of "The Russians"
well i am just hoping that Mr Schultz runs to eat away at the Dems votes. and if Trump or Schultz wins, here we go with another two years of "The Russians"

in 2016 The Democrat Party tried to water down the vote in several states, and I think they will attempt this again. The only problem being, that Donald Trump doesn't look like the big bad, incompetent boogey man they were all trying to scare The American People with.

He looks like a guy that is a Billionaire, doing the Job for $1 a year because he wants to get some things fixed for The American People that BOTH PARTIES have neglected to address.

Even watering down the vote isn't going to help them this time.
well i am just hoping that Mr Schultz runs to eat away at the Dems votes. and if Trump or Schultz wins, here we go with another two years of "The Russians"

in 2016 The Democrat Party tried to water down the vote in several states, and I think they will attempt this again. The only problem being, that Donald Trump doesn't look like the big bad, incompetent boogey man they were all trying to scare The American People with.

He looks like a guy that is a Billionaire, doing the Job for $1 a year because he wants to get some things fixed for The American People that BOTH PARTIES have neglected to address.

Even watering down the vote isn't going to help them this time.
we all know that if only legal americans voted in most elections,,,the conservative would always win by at least 10 points,,,,we all know that if only legal americans voted in 2016, Trump would of won by 57 Million votes
well i am just hoping that Mr Schultz runs to eat away at the Dems votes. and if Trump or Schultz wins, here we go with another two years of "The Russians"

in 2016 The Democrat Party tried to water down the vote in several states, and I think they will attempt this again. The only problem being, that Donald Trump doesn't look like the big bad, incompetent boogey man they were all trying to scare The American People with.

He looks like a guy that is a Billionaire, doing the Job for $1 a year because he wants to get some things fixed for The American People that BOTH PARTIES have neglected to address.

Even watering down the vote isn't going to help them this time.
we all know that if only legal americans voted in most elections,,,the conservative would always win by at least 10 points,,,,we all know that if only legal americans voted in 2016, Trump would of won by 57 Million votes
LOL...that's an exagerration, but I think he would have won by about 2-3 Million votes actually.
But going County By County it was a Slaughter, with President Trump winning election in 85% of All US Counties in Each US State.
well i am just hoping that Mr Schultz runs to eat away at the Dems votes. and if Trump or Schultz wins, here we go with another two years of "The Russians"

in 2016 The Democrat Party tried to water down the vote in several states, and I think they will attempt this again. The only problem being, that Donald Trump doesn't look like the big bad, incompetent boogey man they were all trying to scare The American People with.

He looks like a guy that is a Billionaire, doing the Job for $1 a year because he wants to get some things fixed for The American People that BOTH PARTIES have neglected to address.

Even watering down the vote isn't going to help them this time.
we all know that if only legal americans voted in most elections,,,the conservative would always win by at least 10 points,,,,we all know that if only legal americans voted in 2016, Trump would of won by 57 Million votes
LOL...that's an exagerration, but I think he would have won by about 2-3 Million votes actually.
But going County By County it was a Slaughter, with President Trump winning election in 85% of All US Counties in Each US State.
well i was also including dead people and aliens from Mars and Uranus
well i am just hoping that Mr Schultz runs to eat away at the Dems votes. and if Trump or Schultz wins, here we go with another two years of "The Russians"

in 2016 The Democrat Party tried to water down the vote in several states, and I think they will attempt this again. The only problem being, that Donald Trump doesn't look like the big bad, incompetent boogey man they were all trying to scare The American People with.

He looks like a guy that is a Billionaire, doing the Job for $1 a year because he wants to get some things fixed for The American People that BOTH PARTIES have neglected to address.

Even watering down the vote isn't going to help them this time.
we all know that if only legal americans voted in most elections,,,the conservative would always win by at least 10 points,,,,we all know that if only legal americans voted in 2016, Trump would of won by 57 Million votes
LOL...that's an exagerration, but I think he would have won by about 2-3 Million votes actually.
But going County By County it was a Slaughter, with President Trump winning election in 85% of All US Counties in Each US State.
well i was also including dead people and aliens from Mars and Uranus

Haha. Oh, I forgot about those voters. Laughing my ass off. Always funny when you are checking the voter roles and see Thomas Jefferson registered as a Democrat.
Well we seem to have the Russian trollbot take on this huh?
Well we seem to have the Russian trollbot take on this huh?
Autopsy of a Dead Coup

Really good and detailed Essay about The Failed COUP attempt. Just a Snip of One Section Below....

Preparing the Battlefield

No palace coup can take place without the perception of popular anger at a president.

The deep state is by nature cowardly. It does not move unless it feels it can disguise its subterranean efforts or that, if revealed, those efforts will be seen as popular and necessary—as expressed in tell-all book titles such as fired FBI Directors James Comey’s Higher Loyalty or in disgraced Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s psychodramatic The Threat.

In candidate and President Trump’s case that prepping of the battlefield translated into a coordinated effort among the media, political progressives and celebrities to so demonize Trump that his imminent removal likely would appear a relief to the people. Anything was justified that led to that end.

All through the 2016 campaign and during the first two years of the Trump presidency the media’s treatment, according to liberal adjudicators of press coverage, ran about 90 percent negative toward Trump—a landmark bias that continues today.

Journalists themselves consulted with the Clinton campaign to coordinate attacks. From the Wikileaks trove, journalistic grandees such as John Harwood, Mark Leibovich, Dana Milbank, and Glenn Thrush often communicated (and even post factum were unapologetic about doing so) with John Podesta’s staff to construct various anti-Trump themes and have the Clinton campaign review or even audit them in advance.

Some contract “journalists” apparently were paid directly by Fusion GPS—created by former reporters Glen Simpson of the Wall Street Journal and Susan Schmidt of the Washington Post—to spread lurid stories from the dossier. Others more refined like Christiane Amanpour and James Rutenberg had argued for a new journalistic ethos that partisan coverage was certainly justified in the age of Trump, given his assumed existential threat to The Truth. Or as Rutenberg put it in 2016: “If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional. That’s uncomfortable and uncharted territory for every mainstream, non-opinion journalist I’ve ever known, and by normal standards, untenable. But the question that everyone is grappling with is: Do normal standards apply? And if they don’t, what should take their place?”

I suppose Rutenberg never considered that half the country might have considered the Hillary Clinton presidency “potentially dangerous,” and yet did not expect the evening news, in 90 percent of its coverage, to reflect such suspicions.

The Democratic National Committee’s appendages often helped to massage CNN news coverage—such as Donna Brazile’s primary debate tip-off to the Clinton campaign or CNN’s consultation with the DNC about forming talking points for a scheduled Trump interview.

So-called “bombshell,” “watershed,” “turning-point,” and “walls closing in” fake news aired in 24-hour news bulletin cycles. The media went from fabrications about Trump’s supposed removal of the bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the Oval Office, to the mythologies in the Steele dossier, to lies about the Trump Tower meeting, to assurances that Michael Cohen would testify to Trump’s suborning perjury, and on and on.

CNN soon proved that it is no longer a news organization at all—as reporters like Gloria Borger, Chris Cuomo, Eric Lichtblau, Manu Raju, Brian Rokus, Jake Tapper, Jeff Zeleny, and teams such as Jim Sciutto, Carl Bernstein, and Marshall Cohen as well as Thomas Frank, and Lex Harris all trafficked in false rumors and unproven gossip detrimental to Trump, while hosts and guest hosts such as Reza Aslan, the late Anthony Bourdain, and Anderson Cooper stooped to obscenity and grossness to attack Trump.

Both politicos and celebrities tried to drive Trump’s numbers down to facilitate some sort of popular ratification for his removal. Hollywood and the coastal corridor punditry exhausted public expressions of assassinating or injuring the president, as the likes of Jim Carrey, Johnny Depp, Robert de Niro, Peter Fonda, Kathy Griffin, Madonna, Snoop Dogg, and a host of others vied rhetorically to slice apart, shoot, beat up, cage, behead, and blow up the president.

Left wing social media and mainstream journalism spread sensational lies about supposed maniacal Trump supporters in MAGA hats. They constructed fantasies that veritable white racists were now liberated to run amuck insulting and beating up people of color as they taunted the poor and victimized minorities with vicious Trump sloganeering—even as the Covington farce and now the even more embarrassing Jussie Smollett charade evaporated without apologies from the media and progressive merchants of such hate.

At the same time, liberal attorneys, foundations, Democratic politicians, and progressive activists variously sued to overturn the election on false charges of rigged voting machines. They sought to subvert the Electoral College. They introduced articles of impeachment. They sued to remove Trump under the Emoluments Clause. They attempted to invoke the 25th Amendment. And they even resurrected the ossified Logan Act—before focusing on the appointment of a special counsel to discredit the Trump presidency. Waiting for the 2020 election was seen as too quaint.


Autopsy of a Dead Coup
Trying to stretch out a FAKE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION for another year is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It's clear now Mueller was appointed as a retaliatory act for firing Deep State Loyalist, James Comey, as there was no crime to ever investigate.

As was suspected all along, thanks to The Patriotic Work of Judicial Watch and other Patriotic Americans, There WAS A COUP plotted at the highest levels of THE DOJ and FBI.

It started in The Clinton Campaign and Obama Administration as a plot at first to procure Russian Propaganda to smear Candidate Trump with and then morphed in to a plot to Spy on The Campaign, get inside information, and listen in to Campaign meetings, and gather Intel so they could counter Candidate Trump's Policy Initiatives with manufactured canned responses. It was an advanced form of stealing debate questions before a debate.

Despite this kind of skull-duggery, and cheating, Candidate Trump was tipped off to this....and moved all his campaign meetings to a secure location, banned electronic devices, and essentially blinded Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton from listening in to Campaign Strategy Meetings. At that point, all they could do was listen in to Cell Phone Conversations, and begin to pry in to personal emails of The Campaign Team and Trump Family.

As they realized that, not only Donald Trump was a formidable opponent, but he was unpredictable, was an expert at showmanship, and was gaining momentum and popularity as he decimated a field of 17 challengers and proceeded to dismantle Hillary Clinton, they took The Dirty Dossier they paid Russia for, and leveraged that pack of lies in to an Illegitimate Investigation.

Everyone in The Obama Administration that touched The Dossier, From Comey, to McCabe, Rosenstein, Yates, McCain, Kerry, Obama, Ohr, Baker, Strozk & Page and others....KNEW IT WAS FALSE. KNEW IT WAS RUSSIAN SOURCED. KNEW OBAMA and Clinton paid for some of it out of their own pockets, and KNEW THE DNC paid for the rest.

They also KNEW that this money was laundered through THE PODESTA GROUP who's EXECUTIVE BOARD is made entirely of Russian Nationals....and they KNEW this money was washed through The COIE Lawfirm, to Fusion GPS, to Steele (British Agent) and Skirpal (Russian Agent) and on to former and active Kremlin Contacts in Russia.

They also KNEW STEELE went to Yahoo to try to create False Corroborations "circular corroboration" for The FBI to "Salt The Clouds" for an eventual "Fake Investigation" and application for Illegitimate FISA Warrants. They knew this, because they paid Steele to do it, and then distanced themselves from him by declaring they fired him for speaking to The Press, but afterwards, they still paid him and worked with him "off the books" after he was officially fired.

To tie up loose ends on The Clinton side of this, The Podesta Group was shut down, and then it's members given immunity. To this day, we have no idea what The Podesta Group was given immunity for. We only know that Manafort was charged for alleged crimes committed while working for The Podesta Group, The Obama Administration, and Hillary Clinton while in The Ukraine Manafort cannot call up Podesta Group Financial Records nor subpoena anyone in The Podesta Group to defend himself. We also do not know why James Comey covered the Entire Clinton Campaign team and Clinton herself with Immunity, and then broke all protocal, procedures, and regulations and statutes by not recording or making notes of any of the interviews....but we can deduce why, but that is another subject entirely.

I digress..

Stepping back a bit to how the wiretapping began of The Trump Campaign, each one of them Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosenstein KNEW all of the afore mentioned information, KNEW that if revealed they would have their FISA requests rejected to spy on The Trump Campaign, President Trump's Family, his volunteers, and everyone he talked to on the phone. Knowing this, they said, LAW, Be Damned, and They filed THE FALSE AFFIDAVITS in THE FISA COURT ANYWAYS....

Four Consecutive Times they filed False Affidavits, and Four Consecutive Times, they intentionally mislead The FISA Court and WITHHELD (Mandated TO Be Discolsed) "Esculpatory Information!

Only the Soviet Union pulled this kind of crap with rigged Secret Courts, Secret Investigations, Wiretapping, Targeting a Political Opponent, and trying to find and Manufacture crimes where NONE HAD PREVIOUSLY existed.

But worse YET....They not only KNEW THEY WERE BREAKING THE LAW, They ACTIVELY and WILLFULLY plotted an ADMINISTRATIVE COUP, citing a rarely used Emergency Contingency Plan..... The 25th Amendment which is reserved ONLY for when a President is mortally wounded, critically ill, and completely incapacitated and unable to physically perform his presidential duties.

By going down the road to secretly and illegitimately evoke the 25th amendment......NOT ONLY WERE THEY TRYING TO OVERTURN AN ELECTION, THEY WERE GOING TO ATTEMPT TO CIRCUMVENT CONGRESS' rights to even attempt an Impeachment Proceeding.

And the LEAKS? The Unmasking? There were an avalanche of leaks coming out of The Obama White House, DOJ, FBI, etc. It was a coordinated counter intelligence operation. They would unmask one of their targets, and then attack them. politically, or via Investigative Harassment, attempting to take down people around The President one by one through illegitimate means.

From The Constant talk of The Dossier in The Media, to Leaks about President Elect Donald Trump's ACTUAL PHONE CALLS with Foreign Heads of State, they were actively trying to undermine this President, and our Democracy. And then this...which now makes complete for a long time there was a Narrative in MSM media Outlets like CNN and others that Donald J Trump was Mentally and Emotionally Unfit for Office.

This Narrative of "Unfit for Office" had to come from "The Insurance Policy" Group.....McCabe, Rosenstein, Comey, Ohr, Strozk etc. They were trying to make the argument, even secretly within The President's Own Cabinet, that Donald J. Trump was mentally ill, unfit for office, emotionally unstable, and they were going to EVOKE the 25th Amendment to Remove him without even attempting an impeachment for which there were no grounds even to approach that either.

In Short, Obama and his administration, The Clinton Campaign, FBI, DOJ, and Loyalists like Brennan and Clapper in The Intelligence Services, mounted a Counter Intelligence Campaign, and Soft Coup against President Trump the day he was elected president.

Fortunately, not even the Democrats Colluding with Russia to defeat Donald J Trump could prevent him from being the 45th President of The United States, but armed with Russian Propaganda, Unelected Bureacrats would offer themselves up as Russian Moles to try to take The President Down themselves and Topple our Democracy, and Over Turn the 2016 Election as if we were a Soviet Satellite State or Venezuela. The COUP FAILED, thanks to GOD, some Patriotic Americans, and people who refused to back down form a fight.

Otherwise, We The People, will be subject to such crimes again if The Rule of Law is not applied.

Now that this plot has been exposed, I see No Path to ANY DEMOCRAT to The White House in 2020, and they have no one to blame but themselves.

When The President of The United States says to his Political Opponent, "Hillary Clinton" that he is willing to let bygones be bygones, when he wanted to investigate her for obvious crimes she committed, The Democrat Party, and The Co-Conspirators in The Intelligence Community and upper echelons of Law Enforcement in The FBI and DOJ should have taken their Cue from that, understood that the ruse was up, and then served The Interests of The United States and The Voters, instead of themselves, breaking The Law, Betraying Their Country, Festering Sedition, Malice Towards The President, and Launching a Espionage Operation against an American Citizen with No Just Cause.

They shot themselves in the foot. They are fighting the president on policy instead of being on "The Right Side Of The Fence. They are fighting The President on a Personal Level. They are Fighting the Will of The American People. And even today, They March, not against The President on President's Day, but against The American People, and America itself. The Number One duty of a President is to Protect The American People and Interests of The United States. There is no other position in our government like it charged to defending The Constitution and All of The People regardless of Race, Color or Creed from the Tyranny and Lawlessness of own Government, or those outside our borders.

When you oppose a President, like that with such venom, that it blinds you to your True Purpose as an elected official, to Serve and Protect the American People, and you come off like Barney Fife, screaming Russia, Russia Russia instead, and you shoot yourself in the foot, you don't damage The President, you damage yourself, and your party.

The race for The Democrat Party is over before it began. Governing isn't about getting re-elected, it's about getting things done. And The Democrat Party has Zero Accomplishments under their belt going in to the third year of The Trump Administration.

They wasted their energy, their resources on Men like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Strozk and Page and Dreams of Impeachment, and COUPs that were nothing but multi million dollar fantasies when they should have tried to work with The President who was willing to work with them.

Now they might be looking a a Super Majority in 2020 as a backlash for putting America through that nonsense, when they were voted in to work for The American People instead of themselves.

The Insurance Policy was NEVER GOING TO PAY OFF, and The Democrat Party is now going to have to write it off as a COMPLETE LOSS!
Autopsy of a Dead Coup

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Trying to stretch out a FAKE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION for another year is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It's clear now Mueller was appointed as a retaliatory act for firing Deep State Loyalist, James Comey, as there was no crime to ever investigate.

As was suspected all along, thanks to The Patriotic Work of Judicial Watch and other Patriotic Americans, There WAS A COUP plotted at the highest levels of THE DOJ and FBI.

It started in The Clinton Campaign and Obama Administration as a plot at first to procure Russian Propaganda to smear Candidate Trump with and then morphed in to a plot to Spy on The Campaign, get inside information, and listen in to Campaign meetings, and gather Intel so they could counter Candidate Trump's Policy Initiatives with manufactured canned responses. It was an advanced form of stealing debate questions before a debate.

Despite this kind of skull-duggery, and cheating, Candidate Trump was tipped off to this....and moved all his campaign meetings to a secure location, banned electronic devices, and essentially blinded Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton from listening in to Campaign Strategy Meetings. At that point, all they could do was listen in to Cell Phone Conversations, and begin to pry in to personal emails of The Campaign Team and Trump Family.

As they realized that, not only Donald Trump was a formidable opponent, but he was unpredictable, was an expert at showmanship, and was gaining momentum and popularity as he decimated a field of 17 challengers and proceeded to dismantle Hillary Clinton, they took The Dirty Dossier they paid Russia for, and leveraged that pack of lies in to an Illegitimate Investigation.

Everyone in The Obama Administration that touched The Dossier, From Comey, to McCabe, Rosenstein, Yates, McCain, Kerry, Obama, Ohr, Baker, Strozk & Page and others....KNEW IT WAS FALSE. KNEW IT WAS RUSSIAN SOURCED. KNEW OBAMA and Clinton paid for some of it out of their own pockets, and KNEW THE DNC paid for the rest.

They also KNEW that this money was laundered through THE PODESTA GROUP who's EXECUTIVE BOARD is made entirely of Russian Nationals....and they KNEW this money was washed through The COIE Lawfirm, to Fusion GPS, to Steele (British Agent) and Skirpal (Russian Agent) and on to former and active Kremlin Contacts in Russia.

They also KNEW STEELE went to Yahoo to try to create False Corroborations "circular corroboration" for The FBI to "Salt The Clouds" for an eventual "Fake Investigation" and application for Illegitimate FISA Warrants. They knew this, because they paid Steele to do it, and then distanced themselves from him by declaring they fired him for speaking to The Press, but afterwards, they still paid him and worked with him "off the books" after he was officially fired.

To tie up loose ends on The Clinton side of this, The Podesta Group was shut down, and then it's members given immunity. To this day, we have no idea what The Podesta Group was given immunity for. We only know that Manafort was charged for alleged crimes committed while working for The Podesta Group, The Obama Administration, and Hillary Clinton while in The Ukraine Manafort cannot call up Podesta Group Financial Records nor subpoena anyone in The Podesta Group to defend himself. We also do not know why James Comey covered the Entire Clinton Campaign team and Clinton herself with Immunity, and then broke all protocal, procedures, and regulations and statutes by not recording or making notes of any of the interviews....but we can deduce why, but that is another subject entirely.

I digress..

Stepping back a bit to how the wiretapping began of The Trump Campaign, each one of them Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosenstein KNEW all of the afore mentioned information, KNEW that if revealed they would have their FISA requests rejected to spy on The Trump Campaign, President Trump's Family, his volunteers, and everyone he talked to on the phone. Knowing this, they said, LAW, Be Damned, and They filed THE FALSE AFFIDAVITS in THE FISA COURT ANYWAYS....

Four Consecutive Times they filed False Affidavits, and Four Consecutive Times, they intentionally mislead The FISA Court and WITHHELD (Mandated TO Be Discolsed) "Esculpatory Information!

Only the Soviet Union pulled this kind of crap with rigged Secret Courts, Secret Investigations, Wiretapping, Targeting a Political Opponent, and trying to find and Manufacture crimes where NONE HAD PREVIOUSLY existed.

But worse YET....They not only KNEW THEY WERE BREAKING THE LAW, They ACTIVELY and WILLFULLY plotted an ADMINISTRATIVE COUP, citing a rarely used Emergency Contingency Plan..... The 25th Amendment which is reserved ONLY for when a President is mortally wounded, critically ill, and completely incapacitated and unable to physically perform his presidential duties.

By going down the road to secretly and illegitimately evoke the 25th amendment......NOT ONLY WERE THEY TRYING TO OVERTURN AN ELECTION, THEY WERE GOING TO ATTEMPT TO CIRCUMVENT CONGRESS' rights to even attempt an Impeachment Proceeding.

And the LEAKS? The Unmasking? There were an avalanche of leaks coming out of The Obama White House, DOJ, FBI, etc. It was a coordinated counter intelligence operation. They would unmask one of their targets, and then attack them. politically, or via Investigative Harassment, attempting to take down people around The President one by one through illegitimate means.

From The Constant talk of The Dossier in The Media, to Leaks about President Elect Donald Trump's ACTUAL PHONE CALLS with Foreign Heads of State, they were actively trying to undermine this President, and our Democracy. And then this...which now makes complete for a long time there was a Narrative in MSM media Outlets like CNN and others that Donald J Trump was Mentally and Emotionally Unfit for Office.

This Narrative of "Unfit for Office" had to come from "The Insurance Policy" Group.....McCabe, Rosenstein, Comey, Ohr, Strozk etc. They were trying to make the argument, even secretly within The President's Own Cabinet, that Donald J. Trump was mentally ill, unfit for office, emotionally unstable, and they were going to EVOKE the 25th Amendment to Remove him without even attempting an impeachment for which there were no grounds even to approach that either.

In Short, Obama and his administration, The Clinton Campaign, FBI, DOJ, and Loyalists like Brennan and Clapper in The Intelligence Services, mounted a Counter Intelligence Campaign, and Soft Coup against President Trump the day he was elected president.

Fortunately, not even the Democrats Colluding with Russia to defeat Donald J Trump could prevent him from being the 45th President of The United States, but armed with Russian Propaganda, Unelected Bureacrats would offer themselves up as Russian Moles to try to take The President Down themselves and Topple our Democracy, and Over Turn the 2016 Election as if we were a Soviet Satellite State or Venezuela. The COUP FAILED, thanks to GOD, some Patriotic Americans, and people who refused to back down form a fight.

Otherwise, We The People, will be subject to such crimes again if The Rule of Law is not applied.

Now that this plot has been exposed, I see No Path to ANY DEMOCRAT to The White House in 2020, and they have no one to blame but themselves.

When The President of The United States says to his Political Opponent, "Hillary Clinton" that he is willing to let bygones be bygones, when he wanted to investigate her for obvious crimes she committed, The Democrat Party, and The Co-Conspirators in The Intelligence Community and upper echelons of Law Enforcement in The FBI and DOJ should have taken their Cue from that, understood that the ruse was up, and then served The Interests of The United States and The Voters, instead of themselves, breaking The Law, Betraying Their Country, Festering Sedition, Malice Towards The President, and Launching a Espionage Operation against an American Citizen with No Just Cause.

They shot themselves in the foot. They are fighting the president on policy instead of being on "The Right Side Of The Fence. They are fighting The President on a Personal Level. They are Fighting the Will of The American People. And even today, They March, not against The President on President's Day, but against The American People, and America itself. The Number One duty of a President is to Protect The American People and Interests of The United States. There is no other position in our government like it charged to defending The Constitution and All of The People regardless of Race, Color or Creed from the Tyranny and Lawlessness of own Government, or those outside our borders.

When you oppose a President, like that with such venom, that it blinds you to your True Purpose as an elected official, to Serve and Protect the American People, and you come off like Barney Fife, screaming Russia, Russia Russia instead, and you shoot yourself in the foot, you don't damage The President, you damage yourself, and your party.

The race for The Democrat Party is over before it began. Governing isn't about getting re-elected, it's about getting things done. And The Democrat Party has Zero Accomplishments under their belt going in to the third year of The Trump Administration.

They wasted their energy, their resources on Men like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Strozk and Page and Dreams of Impeachment, and COUPs that were nothing but multi million dollar fantasies when they should have tried to work with The President who was willing to work with them.

Now they might be looking a a Super Majority in 2020 as a backlash for putting America through that nonsense, when they were voted in to work for The American People instead of themselves.

The Insurance Policy was NEVER GOING TO PAY OFF, and The Democrat Party is now going to have to write it off as a COMPLETE LOSS!
Autopsy of a Dead Coup

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk

Thanks. I just posted that link & It ties in very nicely with what I wrote.
Trying to stretch out a FAKE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION for another year is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It's clear now Mueller was appointed as a retaliatory act for firing Deep State Loyalist, James Comey, as there was no crime to ever investigate.

As was suspected all along, thanks to The Patriotic Work of Judicial Watch and other Patriotic Americans, There WAS A COUP plotted at the highest levels of THE DOJ and FBI.

It started in The Clinton Campaign and Obama Administration as a plot at first to procure Russian Propaganda to smear Candidate Trump with and then morphed in to a plot to Spy on The Campaign, get inside information, and listen in to Campaign meetings, and gather Intel so they could counter Candidate Trump's Policy Initiatives with manufactured canned responses. It was an advanced form of stealing debate questions before a debate.

Despite this kind of skull-duggery, and cheating, Candidate Trump was tipped off to this....and moved all his campaign meetings to a secure location, banned electronic devices, and essentially blinded Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton from listening in to Campaign Strategy Meetings. At that point, all they could do was listen in to Cell Phone Conversations, and begin to pry in to personal emails of The Campaign Team and Trump Family.

As they realized that, not only Donald Trump was a formidable opponent, but he was unpredictable, was an expert at showmanship, and was gaining momentum and popularity as he decimated a field of 17 challengers and proceeded to dismantle Hillary Clinton, they took The Dirty Dossier they paid Russia for, and leveraged that pack of lies in to an Illegitimate Investigation.

Everyone in The Obama Administration that touched The Dossier, From Comey, to McCabe, Rosenstein, Yates, McCain, Kerry, Obama, Ohr, Baker, Strozk & Page and others....KNEW IT WAS FALSE. KNEW IT WAS RUSSIAN SOURCED. KNEW OBAMA and Clinton paid for some of it out of their own pockets, and KNEW THE DNC paid for the rest.

They also KNEW that this money was laundered through THE PODESTA GROUP who's EXECUTIVE BOARD is made entirely of Russian Nationals....and they KNEW this money was washed through The COIE Lawfirm, to Fusion GPS, to Steele (British Agent) and Skirpal (Russian Agent) and on to former and active Kremlin Contacts in Russia.

They also KNEW STEELE went to Yahoo to try to create False Corroborations "circular corroboration" for The FBI to "Salt The Clouds" for an eventual "Fake Investigation" and application for Illegitimate FISA Warrants. They knew this, because they paid Steele to do it, and then distanced themselves from him by declaring they fired him for speaking to The Press, but afterwards, they still paid him and worked with him "off the books" after he was officially fired.

To tie up loose ends on The Clinton side of this, The Podesta Group was shut down, and then it's members given immunity. To this day, we have no idea what The Podesta Group was given immunity for. We only know that Manafort was charged for alleged crimes committed while working for The Podesta Group, The Obama Administration, and Hillary Clinton while in The Ukraine Manafort cannot call up Podesta Group Financial Records nor subpoena anyone in The Podesta Group to defend himself. We also do not know why James Comey covered the Entire Clinton Campaign team and Clinton herself with Immunity, and then broke all protocal, procedures, and regulations and statutes by not recording or making notes of any of the interviews....but we can deduce why, but that is another subject entirely.

I digress..

Stepping back a bit to how the wiretapping began of The Trump Campaign, each one of them Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosenstein KNEW all of the afore mentioned information, KNEW that if revealed they would have their FISA requests rejected to spy on The Trump Campaign, President Trump's Family, his volunteers, and everyone he talked to on the phone. Knowing this, they said, LAW, Be Damned, and They filed THE FALSE AFFIDAVITS in THE FISA COURT ANYWAYS....

Four Consecutive Times they filed False Affidavits, and Four Consecutive Times, they intentionally mislead The FISA Court and WITHHELD (Mandated TO Be Discolsed) "Esculpatory Information!

Only the Soviet Union pulled this kind of crap with rigged Secret Courts, Secret Investigations, Wiretapping, Targeting a Political Opponent, and trying to find and Manufacture crimes where NONE HAD PREVIOUSLY existed.

But worse YET....They not only KNEW THEY WERE BREAKING THE LAW, They ACTIVELY and WILLFULLY plotted an ADMINISTRATIVE COUP, citing a rarely used Emergency Contingency Plan..... The 25th Amendment which is reserved ONLY for when a President is mortally wounded, critically ill, and completely incapacitated and unable to physically perform his presidential duties.

By going down the road to secretly and illegitimately evoke the 25th amendment......NOT ONLY WERE THEY TRYING TO OVERTURN AN ELECTION, THEY WERE GOING TO ATTEMPT TO CIRCUMVENT CONGRESS' rights to even attempt an Impeachment Proceeding.

And the LEAKS? The Unmasking? There were an avalanche of leaks coming out of The Obama White House, DOJ, FBI, etc. It was a coordinated counter intelligence operation. They would unmask one of their targets, and then attack them. politically, or via Investigative Harassment, attempting to take down people around The President one by one through illegitimate means.

From The Constant talk of The Dossier in The Media, to Leaks about President Elect Donald Trump's ACTUAL PHONE CALLS with Foreign Heads of State, they were actively trying to undermine this President, and our Democracy. And then this...which now makes complete for a long time there was a Narrative in MSM media Outlets like CNN and others that Donald J Trump was Mentally and Emotionally Unfit for Office.

This Narrative of "Unfit for Office" had to come from "The Insurance Policy" Group.....McCabe, Rosenstein, Comey, Ohr, Strozk etc. They were trying to make the argument, even secretly within The President's Own Cabinet, that Donald J. Trump was mentally ill, unfit for office, emotionally unstable, and they were going to EVOKE the 25th Amendment to Remove him without even attempting an impeachment for which there were no grounds even to approach that either.

In Short, Obama and his administration, The Clinton Campaign, FBI, DOJ, and Loyalists like Brennan and Clapper in The Intelligence Services, mounted a Counter Intelligence Campaign, and Soft Coup against President Trump the day he was elected president.

Fortunately, not even the Democrats Colluding with Russia to defeat Donald J Trump could prevent him from being the 45th President of The United States, but armed with Russian Propaganda, Unelected Bureacrats would offer themselves up as Russian Moles to try to take The President Down themselves and Topple our Democracy, and Over Turn the 2016 Election as if we were a Soviet Satellite State or Venezuela. The COUP FAILED, thanks to GOD, some Patriotic Americans, and people who refused to back down form a fight.

Otherwise, We The People, will be subject to such crimes again if The Rule of Law is not applied.

Now that this plot has been exposed, I see No Path to ANY DEMOCRAT to The White House in 2020, and they have no one to blame but themselves.

When The President of The United States says to his Political Opponent, "Hillary Clinton" that he is willing to let bygones be bygones, when he wanted to investigate her for obvious crimes she committed, The Democrat Party, and The Co-Conspirators in The Intelligence Community and upper echelons of Law Enforcement in The FBI and DOJ should have taken their Cue from that, understood that the ruse was up, and then served The Interests of The United States and The Voters, instead of themselves, breaking The Law, Betraying Their Country, Festering Sedition, Malice Towards The President, and Launching a Espionage Operation against an American Citizen with No Just Cause.

They shot themselves in the foot. They are fighting the president on policy instead of being on "The Right Side Of The Fence. They are fighting The President on a Personal Level. They are Fighting the Will of The American People. And even today, They March, not against The President on President's Day, but against The American People, and America itself. The Number One duty of a President is to Protect The American People and Interests of The United States. There is no other position in our government like it charged to defending The Constitution and All of The People regardless of Race, Color or Creed from the Tyranny and Lawlessness of own Government, or those outside our borders.

When you oppose a President, like that with such venom, that it blinds you to your True Purpose as an elected official, to Serve and Protect the American People, and you come off like Barney Fife, screaming Russia, Russia Russia instead, and you shoot yourself in the foot, you don't damage The President, you damage yourself, and your party.

The race for The Democrat Party is over before it began. Governing isn't about getting re-elected, it's about getting things done. And The Democrat Party has Zero Accomplishments under their belt going in to the third year of The Trump Administration.

They wasted their energy, their resources on Men like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Strozk and Page and Dreams of Impeachment, and COUPs that were nothing but multi million dollar fantasies when they should have tried to work with The President who was willing to work with them.

Now they might be looking a a Super Majority in 2020 as a backlash for putting America through that nonsense, when they were voted in to work for The American People instead of themselves.

The Insurance Policy was NEVER GOING TO PAY OFF, and The Democrat Party is now going to have to write it off as a COMPLETE LOSS!
China called. Your payment for the Great Wall O Text is past due
Trying to stretch out a FAKE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION for another year is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It's clear now Mueller was appointed as a retaliatory act for firing Deep State Loyalist, James Comey, as there was no crime to ever investigate.

As was suspected all along, thanks to The Patriotic Work of Judicial Watch and other Patriotic Americans, There WAS A COUP plotted at the highest levels of THE DOJ and FBI.

It started in The Clinton Campaign and Obama Administration as a plot at first to procure Russian Propaganda to smear Candidate Trump with and then morphed in to a plot to Spy on The Campaign, get inside information, and listen in to Campaign meetings, and gather Intel so they could counter Candidate Trump's Policy Initiatives with manufactured canned responses. It was an advanced form of stealing debate questions before a debate.

Despite this kind of skull-duggery, and cheating, Candidate Trump was tipped off to this....and moved all his campaign meetings to a secure location, banned electronic devices, and essentially blinded Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton from listening in to Campaign Strategy Meetings. At that point, all they could do was listen in to Cell Phone Conversations, and begin to pry in to personal emails of The Campaign Team and Trump Family.

As they realized that, not only Donald Trump was a formidable opponent, but he was unpredictable, was an expert at showmanship, and was gaining momentum and popularity as he decimated a field of 17 challengers and proceeded to dismantle Hillary Clinton, they took The Dirty Dossier they paid Russia for, and leveraged that pack of lies in to an Illegitimate Investigation.

Everyone in The Obama Administration that touched The Dossier, From Comey, to McCabe, Rosenstein, Yates, McCain, Kerry, Obama, Ohr, Baker, Strozk & Page and others....KNEW IT WAS FALSE. KNEW IT WAS RUSSIAN SOURCED. KNEW OBAMA and Clinton paid for some of it out of their own pockets, and KNEW THE DNC paid for the rest.

They also KNEW that this money was laundered through THE PODESTA GROUP who's EXECUTIVE BOARD is made entirely of Russian Nationals....and they KNEW this money was washed through The COIE Lawfirm, to Fusion GPS, to Steele (British Agent) and Skirpal (Russian Agent) and on to former and active Kremlin Contacts in Russia.

They also KNEW STEELE went to Yahoo to try to create False Corroborations "circular corroboration" for The FBI to "Salt The Clouds" for an eventual "Fake Investigation" and application for Illegitimate FISA Warrants. They knew this, because they paid Steele to do it, and then distanced themselves from him by declaring they fired him for speaking to The Press, but afterwards, they still paid him and worked with him "off the books" after he was officially fired.

To tie up loose ends on The Clinton side of this, The Podesta Group was shut down, and then it's members given immunity. To this day, we have no idea what The Podesta Group was given immunity for. We only know that Manafort was charged for alleged crimes committed while working for The Podesta Group, The Obama Administration, and Hillary Clinton while in The Ukraine Manafort cannot call up Podesta Group Financial Records nor subpoena anyone in The Podesta Group to defend himself. We also do not know why James Comey covered the Entire Clinton Campaign team and Clinton herself with Immunity, and then broke all protocal, procedures, and regulations and statutes by not recording or making notes of any of the interviews....but we can deduce why, but that is another subject entirely.

I digress..

Stepping back a bit to how the wiretapping began of The Trump Campaign, each one of them Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosenstein KNEW all of the afore mentioned information, KNEW that if revealed they would have their FISA requests rejected to spy on The Trump Campaign, President Trump's Family, his volunteers, and everyone he talked to on the phone. Knowing this, they said, LAW, Be Damned, and They filed THE FALSE AFFIDAVITS in THE FISA COURT ANYWAYS....

Four Consecutive Times they filed False Affidavits, and Four Consecutive Times, they intentionally mislead The FISA Court and WITHHELD (Mandated TO Be Discolsed) "Esculpatory Information!

Only the Soviet Union pulled this kind of crap with rigged Secret Courts, Secret Investigations, Wiretapping, Targeting a Political Opponent, and trying to find and Manufacture crimes where NONE HAD PREVIOUSLY existed.

But worse YET....They not only KNEW THEY WERE BREAKING THE LAW, They ACTIVELY and WILLFULLY plotted an ADMINISTRATIVE COUP, citing a rarely used Emergency Contingency Plan..... The 25th Amendment which is reserved ONLY for when a President is mortally wounded, critically ill, and completely incapacitated and unable to physically perform his presidential duties.

By going down the road to secretly and illegitimately evoke the 25th amendment......NOT ONLY WERE THEY TRYING TO OVERTURN AN ELECTION, THEY WERE GOING TO ATTEMPT TO CIRCUMVENT CONGRESS' rights to even attempt an Impeachment Proceeding.

And the LEAKS? The Unmasking? There were an avalanche of leaks coming out of The Obama White House, DOJ, FBI, etc. It was a coordinated counter intelligence operation. They would unmask one of their targets, and then attack them. politically, or via Investigative Harassment, attempting to take down people around The President one by one through illegitimate means.

From The Constant talk of The Dossier in The Media, to Leaks about President Elect Donald Trump's ACTUAL PHONE CALLS with Foreign Heads of State, they were actively trying to undermine this President, and our Democracy. And then this...which now makes complete for a long time there was a Narrative in MSM media Outlets like CNN and others that Donald J Trump was Mentally and Emotionally Unfit for Office.

This Narrative of "Unfit for Office" had to come from "The Insurance Policy" Group.....McCabe, Rosenstein, Comey, Ohr, Strozk etc. They were trying to make the argument, even secretly within The President's Own Cabinet, that Donald J. Trump was mentally ill, unfit for office, emotionally unstable, and they were going to EVOKE the 25th Amendment to Remove him without even attempting an impeachment for which there were no grounds even to approach that either.

In Short, Obama and his administration, The Clinton Campaign, FBI, DOJ, and Loyalists like Brennan and Clapper in The Intelligence Services, mounted a Counter Intelligence Campaign, and Soft Coup against President Trump the day he was elected president.

Fortunately, not even the Democrats Colluding with Russia to defeat Donald J Trump could prevent him from being the 45th President of The United States, but armed with Russian Propaganda, Unelected Bureacrats would offer themselves up as Russian Moles to try to take The President Down themselves and Topple our Democracy, and Over Turn the 2016 Election as if we were a Soviet Satellite State or Venezuela. The COUP FAILED, thanks to GOD, some Patriotic Americans, and people who refused to back down form a fight.

Otherwise, We The People, will be subject to such crimes again if The Rule of Law is not applied.

Now that this plot has been exposed, I see No Path to ANY DEMOCRAT to The White House in 2020, and they have no one to blame but themselves.

When The President of The United States says to his Political Opponent, "Hillary Clinton" that he is willing to let bygones be bygones, when he wanted to investigate her for obvious crimes she committed, The Democrat Party, and The Co-Conspirators in The Intelligence Community and upper echelons of Law Enforcement in The FBI and DOJ should have taken their Cue from that, understood that the ruse was up, and then served The Interests of The United States and The Voters, instead of themselves, breaking The Law, Betraying Their Country, Festering Sedition, Malice Towards The President, and Launching a Espionage Operation against an American Citizen with No Just Cause.

They shot themselves in the foot. They are fighting the president on policy instead of being on "The Right Side Of The Fence. They are fighting The President on a Personal Level. They are Fighting the Will of The American People. And even today, They March, not against The President on President's Day, but against The American People, and America itself. The Number One duty of a President is to Protect The American People and Interests of The United States. There is no other position in our government like it charged to defending The Constitution and All of The People regardless of Race, Color or Creed from the Tyranny and Lawlessness of own Government, or those outside our borders.

When you oppose a President, like that with such venom, that it blinds you to your True Purpose as an elected official, to Serve and Protect the American People, and you come off like Barney Fife, screaming Russia, Russia Russia instead, and you shoot yourself in the foot, you don't damage The President, you damage yourself, and your party.

The race for The Democrat Party is over before it began. Governing isn't about getting re-elected, it's about getting things done. And The Democrat Party has Zero Accomplishments under their belt going in to the third year of The Trump Administration.

They wasted their energy, their resources on Men like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Strozk and Page and Dreams of Impeachment, and COUPs that were nothing but multi million dollar fantasies when they should have tried to work with The President who was willing to work with them.

Now they might be looking a a Super Majority in 2020 as a backlash for putting America through that nonsense, when they were voted in to work for The American People instead of themselves.

The Insurance Policy was NEVER GOING TO PAY OFF, and The Democrat Party is now going to have to write it off as a COMPLETE LOSS!
China called. Your payment for the Great Wall O Text is past due

So my great wall of text stopped you from coherently commenting on the topic?

Walls do work.
Trying to stretch out a FAKE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION for another year is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It's clear now Mueller was appointed as a retaliatory act for firing Deep State Loyalist, James Comey, as there was no crime to ever investigate.

As was suspected all along, thanks to The Patriotic Work of Judicial Watch and other Patriotic Americans, There WAS A COUP plotted at the highest levels of THE DOJ and FBI.

It started in The Clinton Campaign and Obama Administration as a plot at first to procure Russian Propaganda to smear Candidate Trump with and then morphed in to a plot to Spy on The Campaign, get inside information, and listen in to Campaign meetings, and gather Intel so they could counter Candidate Trump's Policy Initiatives with manufactured canned responses. It was an advanced form of stealing debate questions before a debate.

Despite this kind of skull-duggery, and cheating, Candidate Trump was tipped off to this....and moved all his campaign meetings to a secure location, banned electronic devices, and essentially blinded Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton from listening in to Campaign Strategy Meetings. At that point, all they could do was listen in to Cell Phone Conversations, and begin to pry in to personal emails of The Campaign Team and Trump Family.

As they realized that, not only Donald Trump was a formidable opponent, but he was unpredictable, was an expert at showmanship, and was gaining momentum and popularity as he decimated a field of 17 challengers and proceeded to dismantle Hillary Clinton, they took The Dirty Dossier they paid Russia for, and leveraged that pack of lies in to an Illegitimate Investigation.

Everyone in The Obama Administration that touched The Dossier, From Comey, to McCabe, Rosenstein, Yates, McCain, Kerry, Obama, Ohr, Baker, Strozk & Page and others....KNEW IT WAS FALSE. KNEW IT WAS RUSSIAN SOURCED. KNEW OBAMA and Clinton paid for some of it out of their own pockets, and KNEW THE DNC paid for the rest.

They also KNEW that this money was laundered through THE PODESTA GROUP who's EXECUTIVE BOARD is made entirely of Russian Nationals....and they KNEW this money was washed through The COIE Lawfirm, to Fusion GPS, to Steele (British Agent) and Skirpal (Russian Agent) and on to former and active Kremlin Contacts in Russia.

They also KNEW STEELE went to Yahoo to try to create False Corroborations "circular corroboration" for The FBI to "Salt The Clouds" for an eventual "Fake Investigation" and application for Illegitimate FISA Warrants. They knew this, because they paid Steele to do it, and then distanced themselves from him by declaring they fired him for speaking to The Press, but afterwards, they still paid him and worked with him "off the books" after he was officially fired.

To tie up loose ends on The Clinton side of this, The Podesta Group was shut down, and then it's members given immunity. To this day, we have no idea what The Podesta Group was given immunity for. We only know that Manafort was charged for alleged crimes committed while working for The Podesta Group, The Obama Administration, and Hillary Clinton while in The Ukraine Manafort cannot call up Podesta Group Financial Records nor subpoena anyone in The Podesta Group to defend himself. We also do not know why James Comey covered the Entire Clinton Campaign team and Clinton herself with Immunity, and then broke all protocal, procedures, and regulations and statutes by not recording or making notes of any of the interviews....but we can deduce why, but that is another subject entirely.

I digress..

Stepping back a bit to how the wiretapping began of The Trump Campaign, each one of them Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosenstein KNEW all of the afore mentioned information, KNEW that if revealed they would have their FISA requests rejected to spy on The Trump Campaign, President Trump's Family, his volunteers, and everyone he talked to on the phone. Knowing this, they said, LAW, Be Damned, and They filed THE FALSE AFFIDAVITS in THE FISA COURT ANYWAYS....

Four Consecutive Times they filed False Affidavits, and Four Consecutive Times, they intentionally mislead The FISA Court and WITHHELD (Mandated TO Be Discolsed) "Esculpatory Information!

Only the Soviet Union pulled this kind of crap with rigged Secret Courts, Secret Investigations, Wiretapping, Targeting a Political Opponent, and trying to find and Manufacture crimes where NONE HAD PREVIOUSLY existed.

But worse YET....They not only KNEW THEY WERE BREAKING THE LAW, They ACTIVELY and WILLFULLY plotted an ADMINISTRATIVE COUP, citing a rarely used Emergency Contingency Plan..... The 25th Amendment which is reserved ONLY for when a President is mortally wounded, critically ill, and completely incapacitated and unable to physically perform his presidential duties.

By going down the road to secretly and illegitimately evoke the 25th amendment......NOT ONLY WERE THEY TRYING TO OVERTURN AN ELECTION, THEY WERE GOING TO ATTEMPT TO CIRCUMVENT CONGRESS' rights to even attempt an Impeachment Proceeding.

And the LEAKS? The Unmasking? There were an avalanche of leaks coming out of The Obama White House, DOJ, FBI, etc. It was a coordinated counter intelligence operation. They would unmask one of their targets, and then attack them. politically, or via Investigative Harassment, attempting to take down people around The President one by one through illegitimate means.

From The Constant talk of The Dossier in The Media, to Leaks about President Elect Donald Trump's ACTUAL PHONE CALLS with Foreign Heads of State, they were actively trying to undermine this President, and our Democracy. And then this...which now makes complete for a long time there was a Narrative in MSM media Outlets like CNN and others that Donald J Trump was Mentally and Emotionally Unfit for Office.

This Narrative of "Unfit for Office" had to come from "The Insurance Policy" Group.....McCabe, Rosenstein, Comey, Ohr, Strozk etc. They were trying to make the argument, even secretly within The President's Own Cabinet, that Donald J. Trump was mentally ill, unfit for office, emotionally unstable, and they were going to EVOKE the 25th Amendment to Remove him without even attempting an impeachment for which there were no grounds even to approach that either.

In Short, Obama and his administration, The Clinton Campaign, FBI, DOJ, and Loyalists like Brennan and Clapper in The Intelligence Services, mounted a Counter Intelligence Campaign, and Soft Coup against President Trump the day he was elected president.

Fortunately, not even the Democrats Colluding with Russia to defeat Donald J Trump could prevent him from being the 45th President of The United States, but armed with Russian Propaganda, Unelected Bureacrats would offer themselves up as Russian Moles to try to take The President Down themselves and Topple our Democracy, and Over Turn the 2016 Election as if we were a Soviet Satellite State or Venezuela. The COUP FAILED, thanks to GOD, some Patriotic Americans, and people who refused to back down form a fight.

Otherwise, We The People, will be subject to such crimes again if The Rule of Law is not applied.

Now that this plot has been exposed, I see No Path to ANY DEMOCRAT to The White House in 2020, and they have no one to blame but themselves.

When The President of The United States says to his Political Opponent, "Hillary Clinton" that he is willing to let bygones be bygones, when he wanted to investigate her for obvious crimes she committed, The Democrat Party, and The Co-Conspirators in The Intelligence Community and upper echelons of Law Enforcement in The FBI and DOJ should have taken their Cue from that, understood that the ruse was up, and then served The Interests of The United States and The Voters, instead of themselves, breaking The Law, Betraying Their Country, Festering Sedition, Malice Towards The President, and Launching a Espionage Operation against an American Citizen with No Just Cause.

They shot themselves in the foot. They are fighting the president on policy instead of being on "The Right Side Of The Fence. They are fighting The President on a Personal Level. They are Fighting the Will of The American People. And even today, They March, not against The President on President's Day, but against The American People, and America itself. The Number One duty of a President is to Protect The American People and Interests of The United States. There is no other position in our government like it charged to defending The Constitution and All of The People regardless of Race, Color or Creed from the Tyranny and Lawlessness of own Government, or those outside our borders.

When you oppose a President, like that with such venom, that it blinds you to your True Purpose as an elected official, to Serve and Protect the American People, and you come off like Barney Fife, screaming Russia, Russia Russia instead, and you shoot yourself in the foot, you don't damage The President, you damage yourself, and your party.

The race for The Democrat Party is over before it began. Governing isn't about getting re-elected, it's about getting things done. And The Democrat Party has Zero Accomplishments under their belt going in to the third year of The Trump Administration.

They wasted their energy, their resources on Men like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Strozk and Page and Dreams of Impeachment, and COUPs that were nothing but multi million dollar fantasies when they should have tried to work with The President who was willing to work with them.

Now they might be looking a a Super Majority in 2020 as a backlash for putting America through that nonsense, when they were voted in to work for The American People instead of themselves.

The Insurance Policy was NEVER GOING TO PAY OFF, and The Democrat Party is now going to have to write it off as a COMPLETE LOSS!
This is a "message" board and some of you write fucking novels. Its ridiculous
There are a lot of writers and political bloggers here.
If your attention span only allows you to read comic books, then I suggest you stick with that.
This might be a little too far above your head or comprehension.
Trying to stretch out a FAKE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION for another year is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It's clear now Mueller was appointed as a retaliatory act for firing Deep State Loyalist, James Comey, as there was no crime to ever investigate.

As was suspected all along, thanks to The Patriotic Work of Judicial Watch and other Patriotic Americans, There WAS A COUP plotted at the highest levels of THE DOJ and FBI.

It started in The Clinton Campaign and Obama Administration as a plot at first to procure Russian Propaganda to smear Candidate Trump with and then morphed in to a plot to Spy on The Campaign, get inside information, and listen in to Campaign meetings, and gather Intel so they could counter Candidate Trump's Policy Initiatives with manufactured canned responses. It was an advanced form of stealing debate questions before a debate.

Despite this kind of skull-duggery, and cheating, Candidate Trump was tipped off to this....and moved all his campaign meetings to a secure location, banned electronic devices, and essentially blinded Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton from listening in to Campaign Strategy Meetings. At that point, all they could do was listen in to Cell Phone Conversations, and begin to pry in to personal emails of The Campaign Team and Trump Family.

As they realized that, not only Donald Trump was a formidable opponent, but he was unpredictable, was an expert at showmanship, and was gaining momentum and popularity as he decimated a field of 17 challengers and proceeded to dismantle Hillary Clinton, they took The Dirty Dossier they paid Russia for, and leveraged that pack of lies in to an Illegitimate Investigation.

Everyone in The Obama Administration that touched The Dossier, From Comey, to McCabe, Rosenstein, Yates, McCain, Kerry, Obama, Ohr, Baker, Strozk & Page and others....KNEW IT WAS FALSE. KNEW IT WAS RUSSIAN SOURCED. KNEW OBAMA and Clinton paid for some of it out of their own pockets, and KNEW THE DNC paid for the rest.

They also KNEW that this money was laundered through THE PODESTA GROUP who's EXECUTIVE BOARD is made entirely of Russian Nationals....and they KNEW this money was washed through The COIE Lawfirm, to Fusion GPS, to Steele (British Agent) and Skirpal (Russian Agent) and on to former and active Kremlin Contacts in Russia.

They also KNEW STEELE went to Yahoo to try to create False Corroborations "circular corroboration" for The FBI to "Salt The Clouds" for an eventual "Fake Investigation" and application for Illegitimate FISA Warrants. They knew this, because they paid Steele to do it, and then distanced themselves from him by declaring they fired him for speaking to The Press, but afterwards, they still paid him and worked with him "off the books" after he was officially fired.

To tie up loose ends on The Clinton side of this, The Podesta Group was shut down, and then it's members given immunity. To this day, we have no idea what The Podesta Group was given immunity for. We only know that Manafort was charged for alleged crimes committed while working for The Podesta Group, The Obama Administration, and Hillary Clinton while in The Ukraine Manafort cannot call up Podesta Group Financial Records nor subpoena anyone in The Podesta Group to defend himself. We also do not know why James Comey covered the Entire Clinton Campaign team and Clinton herself with Immunity, and then broke all protocal, procedures, and regulations and statutes by not recording or making notes of any of the interviews....but we can deduce why, but that is another subject entirely.

I digress..

Stepping back a bit to how the wiretapping began of The Trump Campaign, each one of them Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosenstein KNEW all of the afore mentioned information, KNEW that if revealed they would have their FISA requests rejected to spy on The Trump Campaign, President Trump's Family, his volunteers, and everyone he talked to on the phone. Knowing this, they said, LAW, Be Damned, and They filed THE FALSE AFFIDAVITS in THE FISA COURT ANYWAYS....

Four Consecutive Times they filed False Affidavits, and Four Consecutive Times, they intentionally mislead The FISA Court and WITHHELD (Mandated TO Be Discolsed) "Esculpatory Information!

Only the Soviet Union pulled this kind of crap with rigged Secret Courts, Secret Investigations, Wiretapping, Targeting a Political Opponent, and trying to find and Manufacture crimes where NONE HAD PREVIOUSLY existed.

But worse YET....They not only KNEW THEY WERE BREAKING THE LAW, They ACTIVELY and WILLFULLY plotted an ADMINISTRATIVE COUP, citing a rarely used Emergency Contingency Plan..... The 25th Amendment which is reserved ONLY for when a President is mortally wounded, critically ill, and completely incapacitated and unable to physically perform his presidential duties.

By going down the road to secretly and illegitimately evoke the 25th amendment......NOT ONLY WERE THEY TRYING TO OVERTURN AN ELECTION, THEY WERE GOING TO ATTEMPT TO CIRCUMVENT CONGRESS' rights to even attempt an Impeachment Proceeding.

And the LEAKS? The Unmasking? There were an avalanche of leaks coming out of The Obama White House, DOJ, FBI, etc. It was a coordinated counter intelligence operation. They would unmask one of their targets, and then attack them. politically, or via Investigative Harassment, attempting to take down people around The President one by one through illegitimate means.

From The Constant talk of The Dossier in The Media, to Leaks about President Elect Donald Trump's ACTUAL PHONE CALLS with Foreign Heads of State, they were actively trying to undermine this President, and our Democracy. And then this...which now makes complete for a long time there was a Narrative in MSM media Outlets like CNN and others that Donald J Trump was Mentally and Emotionally Unfit for Office.

This Narrative of "Unfit for Office" had to come from "The Insurance Policy" Group.....McCabe, Rosenstein, Comey, Ohr, Strozk etc. They were trying to make the argument, even secretly within The President's Own Cabinet, that Donald J. Trump was mentally ill, unfit for office, emotionally unstable, and they were going to EVOKE the 25th Amendment to Remove him without even attempting an impeachment for which there were no grounds even to approach that either.

In Short, Obama and his administration, The Clinton Campaign, FBI, DOJ, and Loyalists like Brennan and Clapper in The Intelligence Services, mounted a Counter Intelligence Campaign, and Soft Coup against President Trump the day he was elected president.

Fortunately, not even the Democrats Colluding with Russia to defeat Donald J Trump could prevent him from being the 45th President of The United States, but armed with Russian Propaganda, Unelected Bureacrats would offer themselves up as Russian Moles to try to take The President Down themselves and Topple our Democracy, and Over Turn the 2016 Election as if we were a Soviet Satellite State or Venezuela. The COUP FAILED, thanks to GOD, some Patriotic Americans, and people who refused to back down form a fight.

Otherwise, We The People, will be subject to such crimes again if The Rule of Law is not applied.

Now that this plot has been exposed, I see No Path to ANY DEMOCRAT to The White House in 2020, and they have no one to blame but themselves.

When The President of The United States says to his Political Opponent, "Hillary Clinton" that he is willing to let bygones be bygones, when he wanted to investigate her for obvious crimes she committed, The Democrat Party, and The Co-Conspirators in The Intelligence Community and upper echelons of Law Enforcement in The FBI and DOJ should have taken their Cue from that, understood that the ruse was up, and then served The Interests of The United States and The Voters, instead of themselves, breaking The Law, Betraying Their Country, Festering Sedition, Malice Towards The President, and Launching a Espionage Operation against an American Citizen with No Just Cause.

They shot themselves in the foot. They are fighting the president on policy instead of being on "The Right Side Of The Fence. They are fighting The President on a Personal Level. They are Fighting the Will of The American People. And even today, They March, not against The President on President's Day, but against The American People, and America itself. The Number One duty of a President is to Protect The American People and Interests of The United States. There is no other position in our government like it charged to defending The Constitution and All of The People regardless of Race, Color or Creed from the Tyranny and Lawlessness of own Government, or those outside our borders.

When you oppose a President, like that with such venom, that it blinds you to your True Purpose as an elected official, to Serve and Protect the American People, and you come off like Barney Fife, screaming Russia, Russia Russia instead, and you shoot yourself in the foot, you don't damage The President, you damage yourself, and your party.

The race for The Democrat Party is over before it began. Governing isn't about getting re-elected, it's about getting things done. And The Democrat Party has Zero Accomplishments under their belt going in to the third year of The Trump Administration.

They wasted their energy, their resources on Men like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Strozk and Page and Dreams of Impeachment, and COUPs that were nothing but multi million dollar fantasies when they should have tried to work with The President who was willing to work with them.

Now they might be looking a a Super Majority in 2020 as a backlash for putting America through that nonsense, when they were voted in to work for The American People instead of themselves.

The Insurance Policy was NEVER GOING TO PAY OFF, and The Democrat Party is now going to have to write it off as a COMPLETE LOSS!
China called. Your payment for the Great Wall O Text is past due

So my great wall of text stopped you from coherently commenting on the topic?

Walls do work.
Don't have the time or desire to read an entire fucking book. I may very well agree with everything you said but you need to make your point somewhere in the first 25 damn paragraphs

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