apologize for iraq, i don't think so.

This is a democracy. Sometimes one side wins and sometimes the other side wins. Republicans are really good at calling Democrats "unpatriotic". Even though Republicans are the home to the confederate states. Only 6% of scientists are Republican. They aren't really into eduction. Just reading blogs on this board and you know Republicans have no respect for anyone other than extremist conservatives.

Point out that the Republican administration, working with Iraq, helped put in place an Iraqi constitution that makes "Islam" the "National Religion" and states in Article 2 that all legislation is to be based on Islam, Republicans will call that a lie. It's something they can look up on the internet and actually read word by word, but they don't.

Many Republicans now think Iraq is "free" and "better". When you point out that Iraqi women used to dress in western style clothes under Saddam and now they are enslaved and live in "burkes", right wingers refuse to believe it. They call that a "liberal lie".

So explaining to Republicans the disaster America, under Bush, created, if they don't believe it, then it's a "lie". That's their "world view". The few Republicans that admit Iraq is a disaster, blame it on the Iraqi people as being "unappreciative".

Good post.


Armchair quarterback.

Oh, and it's mliquetoaste, Mr Spelling Bee.
Bush needs to apologize to the American people for lying and being one of the worst if not THE worst president ever.

There was absolutely no momentum for a War in Iraq. Afghanistan was justified, Japan and Germany in 1941 was justified.

Vietnam and the Gulf War are two wars that are debatable on why we went but at least it was started by some sort of act and we had to defend the people. The Iraq war had nothing that started it. NOTHING.

4000 Americans died in vein because Bush wanted to stick up for Daddy. He killed Americans for no reason AT ALL. Thats what pisses me off the most.
I'll be civil like a tea-bagger


close your eyes... now, imagine they're yours,
there's your saddam hussein
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Yeah not really a point in apologizing to dead americans and Iraqis, doesn't do them much good.

I'm glad money is taken out of my paycheck every 2 weeks to pay for unconstitutional wars that result in my american brothers and sisters dead. I wish I had a better job so I could donate more to that great, moral cause.

remember 9/11 maybe go back to school, maybe in libya

I remember 9/11 vividly. I also remember that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. I dont believe Libya did either.

Neither did Pakistan. But Obama is allowing drone bombings in that country. That imperialist, oil-hungry Obama!!!!!
remember 9/11 maybe go back to school, maybe in libya

I remember 9/11 vividly. I also remember that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. I dont believe Libya did either.

Neither did Pakistan. But Obama is allowing drone bombings in that country. That imperialist, oil-hungry Obama!!!!!

the president of obama realizes that he isn't that far away from being mubarak, gaddfi, or chavez. there is only a thin line between rule and chaos in this country by now. c
conservatives are heavily armed, so when you are through with your little bullshit drama theatre in wisconson, remember who actually rules america. so when you come to me for food, i may, or i may not decide to help you, this is called lifeboat ethics.
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so, i agree with the conservative side. the ayn rand side of American political dreams from my father.
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Our laws, our Constitution..and international law speak strongly against the use of force against a country that did not attack you first.

We should keep this in mind in the next few months when we talk about Iran.

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