AP: Who is Obama?

I see Obama as a man who envisioned himself a savior and a harbinger of winds of great change. He ran on a platform of 'Hope' and 'Change' and no matter the depth nor the detail of his 2008 political plans, the nation in general was carried away on a swift current of fervor over the chance for an African American to become commander in chief. Seems like everything else took a back seat. It's historically significant for the nation that a member of a race of enslaved people spanned their caste from no rights to highest office in the land over the course of about fourteen decades.

Who is Obama personally, Intimately? I really only know what the media has fed to me, and I do not like the taste. Shit happens, but I was genuinely surprised to learn of the assassination of our ambassador to Libya. The political aftermath does not matter to me so much as the how and why prior to the event. I am still waiting for a palpable response to this act of war. Seems like it's always some small nationless group of badguys against whom we cannot formally declare war. Personally, I want answers but more so, I want action. I do not believe Obama is the man to satisfy either.
Honesty from the get-go might have helped and been a good start.

Romney had the full chance to wail into this the other night and took a pass. Wonder why? Maybe Romney gets the PDBs now and has some taste of what the President works with. Not such a loud mouth on Benghazi now is he? You shouldn't be either.

Regardless of whether, or not, Romney took a pass on Benghazi, there are millions of Americans who have not taken a pass, and want some honest answers from this President. What did he know, and when did he know it. What did he do to attempt to aid those embattled Americans? Did he get any options from the Defense Department, and what action did he take on those options?

Just curious....how many American lives do you suppose Bin Laden was responsible for ending after this little episode? Keep in mind that this was less than a year after 9/11.

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