AP Sends Out Guildlines For Reporters Changing "Rioting" To "Unrest" So As Not To Stigmatize Looters And Violent Rioters


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The Associate Press has decided that rioters and looters are getting a bad rap. They feel that violent leftists have been stigmatized by their violence and resulting media coverage.
The AP does not condone any negative coverage for people that commit violent acts against businesses and against law-abiding citizens.
From now on reports are to only include "Unrest" when describing riots by BLM & ANTIFA members.
This only proves that the Democrat Party is in almost full control of our media.

When your being exposed you spin it to change the perception, if you can.... and with these idiots in the media, in control of most of it, they are going to do the best Joseph Gobbles job they can.

More proof that we do not have an objective media and that they should NOT be given first amendment protections.
Good, finally dispense with the kowtowing to the right.

Unrest is an accurate term.
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