AP POLL: Tax the rich to pay for health bill

My thoughts are bubbling when it comes to the health care discussion. I have an article on health care on my website. The way I see it is that healthcare for all provided by the government would be a good thing. The government funds public schools, they pave our roads. They engineer infrastructures that support our great country. Everyone should be able to get treatment if they become ill. Taxes help fund these programs. You can't just print up money, thats why we have a such a tremendous debt. There should be some kind of a sliding scale. Everyone has contribute what they can to help set up a system that won't be a failure for the future generations.

James Flynn

Such a position ignores the premise of the founding of this country. You seem to not understand the concept of freedom. Freedom is not neccessarily a good thing for the individual. It is highly risky in that it depends on you taking care of yourself. The founders understood this risk and did it anwyway because the benefit outweighs the negative. The potential for growth and success and prosperity for all far outweighs the risk of the individual failing due to their own lack of motivation.

That being the case it is not the job of government to take care of you. Many of the things you mentioned above may seem good on the surface but many are arguable unconstitutional. You don't have a right to an education anymore than you have a right to health care. You say we can't print money, but that is exactly what we will have to do to pay for this.

For whatever reason there has been a shift since the founding about what people believe the role of government is and it has shifted to people like yourself who I believe Franklin spoke best to when he said those who will give a little freedom (in the form of their income via ever increasing taxes as oppossed improving themselves as they see fit) for a little security (the government taking on an ever expanding role in taking over the responsibilities of taking care of you) deserve neither.
Especially when it copmes to people in Obama's Admin, and Wrangle? And other Democrats that have YET to be charged?

POLK is projecting while IGNORING his heroes.

what many dont seem to get is that the rich,at least the vast majority,are all in the same fraternity,no matter what walk of life they are from,money does change peoples perspectives....we had a poor homeless guy out here who was on tv telling the interviewer how terrible it was to let him and his friends go hungry etc.,etc....about 2 weeks later,the same news folks report on this guy......the fucker spends a buck and wins 20,000 dollars in the lotto.....all of his homeless friends were happy for him and asked if he was going to buy them all dinner.....the guy tells them to "get the fuck away from me i aint Santa Claus".....money changes your outlook.....

But YET the ELITE politicians do it...with OPM (Other people's MONEY) when promising the so-called drowntrodden masses...but you see? NEVER with their OWN money...

Because, clearly, they don't pay any taxes on their income whatsoever. Do you people even listen to what you're saying?
Polk's an Intellectual Coward.



I'm a coward because you refuse to call tax cheats tax cheats? I guess they're hiding their money in untraceable accounts just for shits and giggles...

ReRead what I Wrote, not just in the Post you Courageously Evaded, but about Tax Cheats Specifically EARLIER...

Don't be a Douchebag.


Reagan and Bush lowered the top tax rate and created most of the National Debt.

It is time to raise the top rate back up.
Reagan and Bush lowered the top tax rate and created most of the National Debt.

It is time to raise the top rate back up.


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