AP Concludes that Civility is Unlikely because of the REPUBLICans...

yeah, trash us for decades and now all of a sudden they want "civility"

i guess we are supposed to just follow this advice

A Democrat President and Senate who still, after the lesson of the last election. Seem to want to ignore the will of the people. Is the main Cause of the so called in civility.

Where was the AP when the Democrats were calling Bush and anyone who supported him Hitler and worse?

Civility my ass.

The left wing press exposed once again as a TOOL of the Democrat party.

You see what I mean? You guys truly are hilarious. Because of Bush, thousands of Americans are dead and tens of thousands maimed for life. Iraq has enslaved it's entire female population under radical Islam and is now best friends with Iraq.

Republicans defanging OSHA led to mine disasters and oil disasters and deregulating Wall Street nearly brought down the world economy.

And look at the terrible things Obama's done. Health Care to millions of American children.
Obama even had to cave in to Republicans who wanted tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires to save benefits for millions of Americans Republican would be happy to see on the street.

You can list more than 40,000 reasons to be really angry at Bush, because that's how many came back from Iraq, maimed for life.

My son was selected and is now is training for Army Special Forces, Green Beret...he's 28 yrs old with a family and has been it Iraq 3 times. Since obama became president i couldn't tell you how many times he's wish Bush was back! And he's not the only one...many servicepeople hate the fact that they have to call obama their president! He has seen first hand what goes on in Iraq, and he said we did what we had to do.

As for the healthcare statement you made....that's bullshit. obama twisted so many arms to get what he wanted. Do you remember when he told Stupak that if he voted for the bill he would remove anything pertaining to abortions?? Well, stupid stupak went along with it, voted for the bill, and the abortions part of it HAS NEVER BEEN REMOVED. I'm not saying the republicans didn't get "something" out of that bill...but i would bet my life that obama and the democrats made out much better!
AP is part of the propaganda machine.

Kill your TV

Read a book.

Your neighbors are NOT the problem.

Guns are NOT the problem.

Welfare is NOT the problem

Hippies, Christians, Jews, even NAZIs are NOT the problem.

Our LEADERS are the problem.

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