AP: "And Obama made sure to commend himself"

AP: "And Obama made sure to commend himself"

TheUnion.com Online News | Grass Valley & Nevada County California

You simply can't make this Shit up...

That one Line by the AP will be what Ultimately Defines this "President".

A VERY Small Figure in History Patting himself on the Back as Instructed by his Teleprompter.


Since obama inherited the record breaking increase in national debt and defecit spending last year from bush did he not also inherit the positive stuff too?

Which is it....is last year attributable to bush or obama? or is it only when its bad stuff its bush and the good stuff was all obama?

I dont get it...or maybe I do :lol:
I used to think Clinton was a wacky narcissist, but at least if he gave you a stat, it was probably the percentage increase in the department of interior's water appropriation that fiscal year - man took the time to study details, not surprising he balanced the budget

this waste of space President only presents numbers that reflect his arrogance, not the money of ours he's pissing down the drain
You missed the point....
Now these are his words.....not mine...although, I guess paraphrased...so they are mine....but certainly what he said....they are a series of paraphrases....

'If we dont pass the stimulus unemployment will go to 9%'

'The stimulus certainly averted a great depression'

So putting those two together, 9% unemployment means, to Obama, a great depression.

Unemployment was at 10.2% nmow at 9.6%.

So, according to Obama, we have been in a great depression....as we have had unemployment above his benchmark of 9%.

So according to Obama:

The stimulus averted a great depression.
Despite the stimulus we are in a great depression.

See the point?

Or do you porefer to ignore it.

And by the way....thses are his stats....not mine.

You are interchanging the words recession and depression...Obama didn't

I am not.

He siad the stimulus averted a great depression.
He saidwithout the stimulus unemployment would hit 9%.
Therefore, 9% was his threshold for a great depression.
It hit 10.2%
So according to Obama, we were in a great depression.

See how you, for whatever reason, completely ignore the facts he offers and only accept his personal opinion as the fact.

Over a 1 year period the man presented charts figures, graphs and testimonials...and when they are put together...HIS STUFF THAT HE PUT OUT THERE....they add up to "great depression"....and then with one sentence, all is erased.

"we averted a greqat depression"

What are you talking about?

A Depression has unemployment above 20%. We averted and economic collapse (due to actions from Bush and Obama) which would have resulted in a Depression.
What we got was a major recession of which we are finally emerging
My post had nothing to do with Biden. You are an idiot. Why don't you address any of the issues I brought up?? Because............you're an idiot. Unbelievable.

So you can bash christians but nobody can bash your religon? you sound strangely like kallaaamm or somebody?? :lol::lol:
My post had nothing to do with Biden. You are an idiot. Why don't you address any of the issues I brought up?? Because............you're an idiot. Unbelievable.

So you can bash christians but nobody can bash your religon? you sound strangely like kallaaamm or somebody?? :lol::lol:
That's the thing, I wasn't bashing catholicism. I was bashing Biden for pretending he's a good catholic!
AP: "And Obama made sure to commend himself"

TheUnion.com Online News | Grass Valley & Nevada County California

You simply can't make this Shit up...

That one Line by the AP will be what Ultimately Defines this "President".

A VERY Small Figure in History Patting himself on the Back as Instructed by his Teleprompter.


Since obama inherited the record breaking increase in national debt and defecit spending last year from bush did he not also inherit the positive stuff too?

Which is it....is last year attributable to bush or obama? or is it only when its bad stuff its bush and the good stuff was all obama?

I dont get it...or maybe I do :lol:

I am one who did NOT Vote for Obama but who has Defended him Against Attacks about Unemployment Surpassing 8%...

He was Handed 8%... Up from 5%...

He has his own 2% to Deal with, but neither he NOR (43) can get Credit for Cycle... For a Correction.

I don't Credit (43) anymore than I Blame Barry.

It's Absurd...

So is Barry Claiming to have Stopped another Great Depression.


AP: "And Obama made sure to commend himself"

TheUnion.com Online News | Grass Valley & Nevada County California

You simply can't make this Shit up...

That one Line by the AP will be what Ultimately Defines this "President".

A VERY Small Figure in History Patting himself on the Back as Instructed by his Teleprompter.


Since obama inherited the record breaking increase in national debt and defecit spending last year from bush did he not also inherit the positive stuff too?

Which is it....is last year attributable to bush or obama? or is it only when its bad stuff its bush and the good stuff was all obama?

I dont get it...or maybe I do :lol:

I am one who did NOT Vote for Obama but who has Defended him Against Attacks about Unemployment Surpassing 8%...

He was Handed 8%... Up from 5%...

He has his own 2% to Deal with, but neither he NOR (43) can get Credit for Cycle... For a Correction.

I don't Credit (43) anymore than I Blame Barry.

It's Absurd...

So is Barry Claiming to have Stopped another Great Depression.



The fact that he held back billions of stimulus dollars helped prevent another one I suppose.
Last edited:
My post had nothing to do with Biden. You are an idiot. Why don't you address any of the issues I brought up?? Because............you're an idiot. Unbelievable.

So you can bash christians but nobody can bash your religon? you sound strangely like kallaaamm or somebody?? :lol::lol:

I did not bash Christians!! As usual, you probably did not even read what I wrote!!! So just shut up because you don't know what you're talking about. I tell myself that nobody could be so dumb that they did not understand my post. I was wrong.

I'm done with this topic. With you anyway.
My post had nothing to do with Biden. You are an idiot. Why don't you address any of the issues I brought up?? Because............you're an idiot. Unbelievable.
I don't address morons, nor do I believe the shit they spew!

No, you don't address valid questions on the issues because you are pathetically uninformed. So it's easier for you to just dismiss my post and call me names. Believe me, I get it. And you will not be able to engage me anymore on my post. I'm done with you.

My post had nothing to do with Biden. You are an idiot. Why don't you address any of the issues I brought up?? Because............you're an idiot. Unbelievable.

So you can bash christians but nobody can bash your religon? you sound strangely like kallaaamm or somebody?? :lol::lol:
That's the thing, I wasn't bashing catholicism. I was bashing Biden for pretending he's a good catholic!

I see. But I cannot bash certain Christians for pretending they are good Christians???

And to keep it real, the OP was making fun of "the dirt" on Biden's forhead. That is criticizing Catholicism, not Biden.
After watching that fiasco of a news conference, it became quite clear that Obama is floundering and the desperation is setting in.

It's funny how we've been listening to this administration, president and VP running around for the last 8 months or so throwing out numbers that nowhere near match what one or the other is saying regarding the number of jobs actiually created, and yesterday we had Biden come out in an interview and claim that this is "phase two" of the stimulus package and that NOW the jobs will start to be created.

Well, wait a minute ol' Joe. You clowns stated that the stimulus would IMMEDIATELY provide jobs and keep unemployment under 8%. You fools never mentioned PHASES. You idiots have been running around claiming all these jobs have been created, and none of you are even anywhere near the same ball park as far as numbers go. Not to mention the fact that you clowns are trying to claim that employees who happened to have received raises are counted as "jobs saved". YOU PEOPLE ARE FUCKING ASSHATS!

And, did Obama really need to have Bidens goofy ass standing next to him with that dufus grin and DIRT ON HIS GOD DAMN FOREHEAD?
I mean seriously, I know it's ash wednesday and all, but Biden permanently looks like a friggin dufus as it is, putting him up there with ashes on his head was just plain comical.


You're a very mean-spirited person. And that comment is very ignorant. I am Catholic and yesterday was ash Wednesday. You shouldn't make fun of anybody's religion.

And everything you wrote about Obama and the stimulus is not supported by a link. So you don't know what the hell you're talking about. :rolleyes:

No one is making fun of our religion, Rinata. They are making fun of Biden. Personally, I am horrified to find a practicing Catholic in this Democratic Party. They support late term abortion. That is fundamentally against Catholicism. If you voted for Obama, I hope you went to confession and made your peace with God for electing people who want to murder babies.

Hi, I hope you read the other post that I did that is a few pages ahead. I am sorry to say that I am not a perfect person. I have not gone to confession in a long time.

As for abortion, I'll explain my view. It is legal in this country to get an abortion. My religion is so against that. And I respect it, when it comes to myself. But it is not my place to push my beliefs on others.

I could never get an abortion, but I don't judge those that do.That's all. The only problem I have is when women use it as a birth control method.

I had an employee (22 years old) that asked for time off several times to get an abortion. I was very angry with her about it and I told her so. There are no excuses for not protecting yourself. She felt bad and cried, but I didn't care. What she was doing was wrong.
After watching that fiasco of a news conference, it became quite clear that Obama is floundering and the desperation is setting in.

It's funny how we've been listening to this administration, president and VP running around for the last 8 months or so throwing out numbers that nowhere near match what one or the other is saying regarding the number of jobs actiually created, and yesterday we had Biden come out in an interview and claim that this is "phase two" of the stimulus package and that NOW the jobs will start to be created.

Well, wait a minute ol' Joe. You clowns stated that the stimulus would IMMEDIATELY provide jobs and keep unemployment under 8%. You fools never mentioned PHASES. You idiots have been running around claiming all these jobs have been created, and none of you are even anywhere near the same ball park as far as numbers go. Not to mention the fact that you clowns are trying to claim that employees who happened to have received raises are counted as "jobs saved". YOU PEOPLE ARE FUCKING ASSHATS!

And, did Obama really need to have Bidens goofy ass standing next to him with that dufus grin and DIRT ON HIS GOD DAMN FOREHEAD?
I mean seriously, I know it's ash wednesday and all, but Biden permanently looks like a friggin dufus as it is, putting him up there with ashes on his head was just plain comical.


You're a very mean-spirited person. And that comment is very ignorant. I am Catholic and yesterday was ash Wednesday. You shouldn't make fun of anybody's religion.

And everything you wrote about Obama and the stimulus is not supported by a link. So you don't know what the hell you're talking about. :rolleyes:

Interesting comment....and one that makes things clearer for me as it pertains to you.

You do not believe in making your own juddgement call as it pertains to a politician. Insteasd, you deem it best to make your calls based on links on the internet.

It has nothing to do with what you hear Obama say, numbers that are released, contradictions you hear with your own ears. If it is not supported by a link, then you must have heard wrong, and it is not worth considering.

Like I said....it makes your posts much clearer to me.

Thanks for the info.

No, thank you. I think I've finally realized that you really are old and tired. This is not the first time that a post you sent me makes no sense. If I valued your opinion or cared even a little about what you have to say, I would pursue it with you. But I don't.

So just go ahead and imagine what you THINK you know about me. Okay??
After watching that fiasco of a news conference, it became quite clear that Obama is floundering and the desperation is setting in.

It's funny how we've been listening to this administration, president and VP running around for the last 8 months or so throwing out numbers that nowhere near match what one or the other is saying regarding the number of jobs actiually created, and yesterday we had Biden come out in an interview and claim that this is "phase two" of the stimulus package and that NOW the jobs will start to be created.

Well, wait a minute ol' Joe. You clowns stated that the stimulus would IMMEDIATELY provide jobs and keep unemployment under 8%. You fools never mentioned PHASES. You idiots have been running around claiming all these jobs have been created, and none of you are even anywhere near the same ball park as far as numbers go. Not to mention the fact that you clowns are trying to claim that employees who happened to have received raises are counted as "jobs saved". YOU PEOPLE ARE FUCKING ASSHATS!

And, did Obama really need to have Bidens goofy ass standing next to him with that dufus grin and DIRT ON HIS GOD DAMN FOREHEAD?
I mean seriously, I know it's ash wednesday and all, but Biden permanently looks like a friggin dufus as it is, putting him up there with ashes on his head was just plain comical.


You're a very mean-spirited person. And that comment is very ignorant. I am Catholic and yesterday was ash Wednesday. You shouldn't make fun of anybody's religion.

And everything you wrote about Obama and the stimulus is not supported by a link. So you don't know what the hell you're talking about. :rolleyes:

Does Biden Support Abortion?...



He supports the POTUS, and the POTUS supports late term abortion. Biden should be excommunicated from the Church, as should any Catholic who voted for Obama, in my opinion.
You're a very mean-spirited person. And that comment is very ignorant. I am Catholic and yesterday was ash Wednesday. You shouldn't make fun of anybody's religion.

And everything you wrote about Obama and the stimulus is not supported by a link. So you don't know what the hell you're talking about. :rolleyes:

Does Biden Support Abortion?...



He supports the POTUS, and the POTUS supports late term abortion. Biden should be excommunicated from the Church, as should any Catholic who voted for Obama, in my opinion.

Oh, Barry is FAR MORE Disgusting than just Supporting Late Term Abortions...

Obama, Senate floor, 2002: [A]dding a – an additional doctor who then has to be called in an emergency situation to come in and make these assessments is really designed simply to burden the original decision of the woman and the physician to induce labor and perform an abortion. … I think it’s important to understand that this issue ultimately is about abortion and not live births.

Obama, Senate floor, 2001: Number one, whenever we define a previable fetus as a person that is protected by the equal protection clause or the other elements in the Constitution, what we’re really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to a – a child, a nine-month-old – child that was delivered to term. That determination then, essentially, if it was accepted by a court, would forbid abortions to take place. I mean, it – it would essentially bar abortions, because the equal protection clause does not allow somebody to kill a child, and if this is a child, then this would be an antiabortion statute.


AP: "And Obama made sure to commend himself"

TheUnion.com Online News | Grass Valley & Nevada County California

You simply can't make this Shit up...

That one Line by the AP will be what Ultimately Defines this "President".

A VERY Small Figure in History Patting himself on the Back as Instructed by his Teleprompter.


Since obama inherited the record breaking increase in national debt and defecit spending last year from bush did he not also inherit the positive stuff too?

Which is it....is last year attributable to bush or obama? or is it only when its bad stuff its bush and the good stuff was all obama?

I dont get it...or maybe I do :lol:

I am one who did NOT Vote for Obama but who has Defended him Against Attacks about Unemployment Surpassing 8%...

He was Handed 8%... Up from 5%...

He has his own 2% to Deal with, but neither he NOR (43) can get Credit for Cycle... For a Correction.

I don't Credit (43) anymore than I Blame Barry.

It's Absurd...

So is Barry Claiming to have Stopped another Great Depression.



And to think a lot of people on the forum call you names like stupid and moron...yet you have the most common sense response to my statement I could have expected.
After watching that fiasco of a news conference, it became quite clear that Obama is floundering and the desperation is setting in.

It's funny how we've been listening to this administration, president and VP running around for the last 8 months or so throwing out numbers that nowhere near match what one or the other is saying regarding the number of jobs actiually created, and yesterday we had Biden come out in an interview and claim that this is "phase two" of the stimulus package and that NOW the jobs will start to be created.

Well, wait a minute ol' Joe. You clowns stated that the stimulus would IMMEDIATELY provide jobs and keep unemployment under 8%. You fools never mentioned PHASES. You idiots have been running around claiming all these jobs have been created, and none of you are even anywhere near the same ball park as far as numbers go. Not to mention the fact that you clowns are trying to claim that employees who happened to have received raises are counted as "jobs saved". YOU PEOPLE ARE FUCKING ASSHATS!

And, did Obama really need to have Bidens goofy ass standing next to him with that dufus grin and DIRT ON HIS GOD DAMN FOREHEAD?

I mean seriously, I know it's ash wednesday and all, but Biden permanently looks like a friggin dufus as it is, putting him up there with ashes on his head was just plain comical.


While I agree with you on almost everything in your post, as a Roman Catholic I take GREAT EXCEPTION to one part.

See that highlighted bit above in blue? Did you note the date on the article (Wednesday, February 17, 2010)? Do you even know what day Wednesday was?

See this picture?

That "dirt on his g-d forehead" are ASHES. Wednesday was ASH WEDNESDAY, you freaking MORON.

Your words in this regard are absolutely fucking offensive to Catholics the world over. Conservative or Liberal Catholics, on this I say....

Piss off. Educate yourself and don't make an ass of yourself again.
Since obama inherited the record breaking increase in national debt and defecit spending last year from bush did he not also inherit the positive stuff too?

Which is it....is last year attributable to bush or obama? or is it only when its bad stuff its bush and the good stuff was all obama?

I dont get it...or maybe I do :lol:

I am one who did NOT Vote for Obama but who has Defended him Against Attacks about Unemployment Surpassing 8%...

He was Handed 8%... Up from 5%...

He has his own 2% to Deal with, but neither he NOR (43) can get Credit for Cycle... For a Correction.

I don't Credit (43) anymore than I Blame Barry.

It's Absurd...

So is Barry Claiming to have Stopped another Great Depression.



And to think a lot of people on the forum call you names like stupid and moron...yet you have the most common sense response to my statement I could have expected.

I'm sure that's what you expected.
Since obama inherited the record breaking increase in national debt and defecit spending last year from bush did he not also inherit the positive stuff too?

Which is it....is last year attributable to bush or obama? or is it only when its bad stuff its bush and the good stuff was all obama?

I dont get it...or maybe I do :lol:

I am one who did NOT Vote for Obama but who has Defended him Against Attacks about Unemployment Surpassing 8%...

He was Handed 8%... Up from 5%...

He has his own 2% to Deal with, but neither he NOR (43) can get Credit for Cycle... For a Correction.

I don't Credit (43) anymore than I Blame Barry.

It's Absurd...

So is Barry Claiming to have Stopped another Great Depression.



And to think a lot of people on the forum call you names like stupid and moron...yet you have the most common sense response to my statement I could have expected.

Try to Convince Ravi of that... ;)


After watching that fiasco of a news conference, it became quite clear that Obama is floundering and the desperation is setting in.

It's funny how we've been listening to this administration, president and VP running around for the last 8 months or so throwing out numbers that nowhere near match what one or the other is saying regarding the number of jobs actiually created, and yesterday we had Biden come out in an interview and claim that this is "phase two" of the stimulus package and that NOW the jobs will start to be created.

Well, wait a minute ol' Joe. You clowns stated that the stimulus would IMMEDIATELY provide jobs and keep unemployment under 8%. You fools never mentioned PHASES. You idiots have been running around claiming all these jobs have been created, and none of you are even anywhere near the same ball park as far as numbers go. Not to mention the fact that you clowns are trying to claim that employees who happened to have received raises are counted as "jobs saved". YOU PEOPLE ARE FUCKING ASSHATS!

And, did Obama really need to have Bidens goofy ass standing next to him with that dufus grin and DIRT ON HIS GOD DAMN FOREHEAD?

I mean seriously, I know it's ash wednesday and all, but Biden permanently looks like a friggin dufus as it is, putting him up there with ashes on his head was just plain comical.


While I agree with you on almost everything in your post, as a Roman Catholic I take GREAT EXCEPTION to one part.

See that highlighted bit above in blue? Did you note the date on the article (Wednesday, February 17, 2010)? Do you even know what day Wednesday was?

See this picture?

That "dirt on his g-d forehead" are ASHES. Wednesday was ASH WEDNESDAY, you freaking MORON.

Your words in this regard are absolutely fucking offensive to Catholics the world over. Conservative or Liberal Catholics, on this I say....

Piss off. Educate yourself and don't make an ass of yourself again.
Did you even bother to read the sentence below your blue highlight. Or do just run off at the mouth without knowing what the fuck you're talking about.

Fact is, lil' one. Biden's a fucking idiot who has no business whatsoever trying to claim he's a "good catholic".

The man accpeted the vice presidency invite from a scumbag who supports late term abortion. Biden got caught plagiarizing. Doesn't get anymore dishonest than that. That's the mark of a good catholic, eh?
I am one who did NOT Vote for Obama but who has Defended him Against Attacks about Unemployment Surpassing 8%...

He was Handed 8%... Up from 5%...

He has his own 2% to Deal with, but neither he NOR (43) can get Credit for Cycle... For a Correction.

I don't Credit (43) anymore than I Blame Barry.

It's Absurd...

So is Barry Claiming to have Stopped another Great Depression.



And to think a lot of people on the forum call you names like stupid and moron...yet you have the most common sense response to my statement I could have expected.

I'm sure that's what you expected.

I actually expected the loons to come out and tell me why the bad stuff is bush's fault and the good stuff is obama's doing. The loons avoided making any comment at all.

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