AOC Says House Progressives’ Frustration with Pelosi Regarding Impeachment is ‘Quite Real.’

When are democrats going to come to their senses and stop flirting with socialism and pandering to crazies like AOC?
The Geriatric Party is letting Americans down!

When I see headlines like this about Democrat in-fighting, I feel like Willy Wonka watching that fat kid get sucked up the pipe.

Ocasio-Cortez: House Progressives' Frustration with Pelosi Regarding Impeachment is 'Quite Real'

AOC: Another leftist with a bad haircut.

Win-Win for the USA:
  1. Pelosi gets her way and Trump isn't impeached.
  2. Dems get sick of Pelosi and finally oust the old sea hag.
  3. Dems get their way and impeach Trump and it blows up in their face!
  4. Pelosi gets ousted, Trump gets impeached, blows up in their face, they run Poor Joe Biden, and Trump gets reelected!
When are democrats going to come to their senses and stop flirting with socialism and pandering to crazies like AOC?
The same time that the right stops flirting with extreme right wing nut jobs - when we wake up and take control of the primaries from those psychos.

Why do they flirt with the extreme left - those are the people that vote in primaries.

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