Anyone talking politics tomorrow over Turkey and stuffing?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
My extended family is mostly Indy or Conservative with a couple of Liberals. No talkie the Politics at Thanksgiving. If the conversation veers towards Trump, someone quickly changes the subject to football or the weather. I have one Brother In Law who will just about start swinging if you criticize Obama. LoL. How about you? Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Well, considering that I don't have any family around anymore, not gonna worry about it.

Both my room mate and I share mostly the same political views.

However....................if we went to see her family for Thanksgiving, I would have to be extremely careful about what I said about politics.
I'm sure we will but everyone at our table are Trump voters...Should be fun!!!!
Anyone talking politics tomorrow over Turkey and stuffing?
For this year's Thanksgiving, I'm hosting my Momma, my father-in-law, my kids and their "plus ones," my housekeeper and her family, and two acquaintances who didn't opt to travel to be with their own families. I have no specific plans to discuss politics; however, if political topics come up, I'll not shy from discussing them, that is, provided I have something of merit to contribute to the conversation.
My son and wife have decided to go to Disneyland for Thanksgiving. The cost of daycare for my dog for the whole day is prohibitive. So I will go to my landlord's. They are orthodox Jewish. They don't have a television, or radio, they don't read the newspapers and keep their children away from current events. They don't even know who is president. They discuss ONLY religious subjects. I anticipate putting in an appearance and escaping right after kugle.
Not this year, mostly just our extended family. Football and the grandkids running around, plus some funny family photos to prove we are all just marginally insane. Don't eat too much.

"On Thanksgiving Day, all over America, families sit down to dinner at the same moment — halftime." Anonymous

"Thanksgiving, man. Not a good day to be my pants." Kevin James

"My mother won't celebrate Thanksgiving. She says it represents the white man stealing our land. But she's not angry, she figures, 'What the hell, we're taking it back one casino at a time.'" Larry Omaha

"My cooking is so bad my kids thought Thanksgiving was to commemorate Pearl Harbor." Phyllis Diller

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