Anyone else find belly flaps sexy?


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009

Me neither.

Caption: She's thinking, "I wonder if now is a good time to start that diet?"

If she doesn't start one soon, her next walk will cause serious abrasions on her flap!

By the way, Xo, that avie image you presently have up is from that series of ads with a lot of seriously fugly people. I'm wondering how all those ugly folks help them "sell" whateverthefuck it is they're tryin' to market?
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okay i dont see how people get that fat....i mean i watch these 1/2 ton shows and go wtf....dont get me rail thin days are well gone....but damn...and what kills me the people that enable them by bringing them fucking food...if your ass cant get out of bed to take a damn piss and arent gonna starve with some tough i have seen where food has the same effects on these people as drugs do on others...just a major flipping addiction...but still...her flap covers her somsom...what is with that...ooooo dont even say it xox...dont you fucking give me that mental image...i am gonna ding your sorry ass for this mental image....its time someone roped you in boy
okay now i have to go spread rep so i can ding your sorry ass twice....

o and dont even thing about dinging me back...

<---rep naplam.....

evil look

i am watching yo u
By the way, Xo, that avie image you presently have up is from that series of ads with a lot of seriously fugly people. I'm wondering how all those ugly folks help them "sell" whateverthefuck it is they're tryin' to market?

I know. I got the image from a screen capture of that ad.

Whatever it was they wanted us to buy, I bought it (at least the picture).
How the hell does that happen? I mean, did she just wake up one morning and notice??????

It's what happens when you don't wear your belly-bra.
OK. Something is definitely wrong with me. I thought of a belly bra as well.

*runs out of the room pulling her hair and screaming, "No, NOOOOOOO! Not xotoxi thinking!"*

Pretty soon everyone will be a clone of me...and then everything will be cool.
She can just go into surgery and have that flap wacked off it looks like unless her actual stomach is in there somewhere...

I think she is the same woman who posed on the bed, she was on all fours and that belly was puddled all around her. She must have been sitting around like a lump for all of her life to get that big long belly.

What a waste of a life.
okay i dont see how people get that fat....i mean i watch these 1/2 ton shows and go wtf....dont get me rail thin days are well gone....but damn...and what kills me the people that enable them by bringing them fucking food...

What kills me is that the people feedin' em are their kids.

And sometimes the kids are 1-3 year olds....

:eusa_hand: gotta wonder if Octopi are the worst fetish when these people are having sex.
okay i dont see how people get that fat....i mean i watch these 1/2 ton shows and go wtf....dont get me rail thin days are well gone....but damn...and what kills me the people that enable them by bringing them fucking food...if your ass cant get out of bed to take a damn piss and arent gonna starve with some tough i have seen where food has the same effects on these people as drugs do on others...just a major flipping addiction...but still...her flap covers her somsom...what is with that...ooooo dont even say it xox...dont you fucking give me that mental image...i am gonna ding your sorry ass for this mental image....its time someone roped you in boy

I quoted you just because I wanted to see 'somsom' on the screen again.


And I thought the current crop of 'biggest losers' was bad.
She can just go into surgery and have that flap wacked off it looks like unless her actual stomach is in there somewhere...

I think she is the same woman who posed on the bed, she was on all fours and that belly was puddled all around her. She must have been sitting around like a lump for all of her life to get that big long belly.

What a waste of a life.

I really don't want to think about it.

Hard to suppress my gag reflex.
By the way, Xo, that avie image you presently have up is from that series of ads with a lot of seriously fugly people. I'm wondering how all those ugly folks help them "sell" whateverthefuck it is they're tryin' to market?

I know. I got the image from a screen capture of that ad.

Whatever it was they wanted us to buy, I bought it (at least the picture).

I always see it in my yahoo email, like this...


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