Anyone else ever feel


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Like you were born in the wrong decade? Like the moral/ethical standards to which you adhere haven't been shared by anyone else in at least 40 years and you're better fit for a society that existed 60 years ago than what passes for society today?

Seriously... what happened to actual courtship, to holding doors open for ladies and your elders, to 'sir', 'ma'am', 'thank you', and 'please'? What happened 'being a man' meaning admitting when you'd wronged someone and trying to make it right? What happened to treating everyone you encountered with a base level of respect unless they showed themselves unworthy of it?

And what ever happened to American manufacturing and the middle class? America used to be proud of the fact that a man could enter the work force, take a respectable blue-collar job, work hard, put in his hours, and provide for his family. Now we're told that made us communists (weren't we fighting the 'commies' at the time)? and we need to go hungry, work two jobs, and shutup to 'compete' with the sweatshops in the 'world market' and be 'more friendly to business'.

Now, I know about the nostalgia trap and things weren't perfect- especially for minorities and those women who ended up in bad relationships or encountered the glass ceiling in their careers, but some things- like a blue-collar man being able to provide for his family without racking up massive debt and helping destabilize the economy and America producing for itself- truly were better in the past.

Surely, America has the potential to restore that which was good while holding on to that which has been made better? Isn't that what's supposed to make us such a great country? Or is the America that was great and something to be proud of forever lost to history?
Yes I was absolutely born a couple of centuries too early. See I do not believe in killing people over business opportunities and political or religious differences.

I feel sad that mankind wastes so much time and energy on killing each other.
Imagine what humankind could accompolish if we just worked together to improve our lives and world.
I am saddened over the destruction of my world for short term gains and greed.
The applause surrounding acts of violence horrifies me.

Yes I was born in the wrong time, but I am not sure the time that would be correct for me will ever exist with humans. I fear that our lives are so short that we just learn what is really important shortly before we die. We can pass on technological advances very easially, but each person has to start from scratch with each birth learing the truely important things.
JB all of that you described is pretty much how I live regardless of how others around me live. That they live differently is their problem and not mine?

the question is does the world make your world or do you make your own?
Manufacturing is not coming back, JB. One reason it left is because a blue collar man would support his family without his wife's help on the wages he made....those days are over, forever.
JB all of that you described is pretty much how I live regardless of how others around me live. That they live differently is their problem and not mine?

the question is does the world make your world or do you make your own?

Yeap , be the change you want to see happen
Yes I was absolutely born a couple of centuries too early. See I do not believe in killing people over business opportunities and political or religious differences.

I feel sad that mankind wastes so much time and energy on killing each other.
Imagine what humankind could accompolish if we just worked together to improve our lives and world.
I am saddened over the destruction of my world for short term gains and greed.
The applause surrounding acts of violence horrifies me.

Yes I was born in the wrong time, but I am not sure the time that would be correct for me will ever exist with humans. I fear that our lives are so short that we just learn what is really important shortly before we die. We can pass on technological advances very easially, but each person has to start from scratch with each birth learing the truely important things.


This is why I love you man.

it wouldnt let me rep you again
Maybe if you (people in general) raised their kids to say "please and thank you" and to open doors, be a lady or gentleman, send thank you notes ;) etc....

Instead it's all about ME ME ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I WANT WANT WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TV and video games are raising our children, not the parents, because they are too busy chasing the almighty dollar.
Yes I was absolutely born a couple of centuries too early. See I do not believe in killing people over business opportunities and political or religious differences.

You don't think people didn't kill each other for economic reasons (property) or religion two centuries ago?

Bub - it's the eternal human dillemma.

The middle class for which JB waxes nostalgic is a rare and recent phenomenon in human history. Most humans who ever lived endured lives of poverty and/or serfdom. Subsistence was their main objective.

The totalitarian thugs always rent seek the productivity of others. This is what is happening to the increasingly rare middle class in the U.S.
Yes I was absolutely born a couple of centuries too early. See I do not believe in killing people over business opportunities and political or religious differences.

You don't think people didn't kill each other for economic reasons (property) or religion two centuries ago?

Bub - it's the eternal human dillemma.

The middle class for which JB waxes nostalgic is a rare and recent phenomenon in human history. Most humans who ever lived endured lives of poverty and/or serfdom. Subsistence was their main objective.

The totalitarian thugs always rent seek the productivity of others. This is what is happening to the increasingly rare middle class in the U.S.

Boody He said TOO EARLY.

You made a mistake can you admitt it?
Yes I was absolutely born a couple of centuries too early. See I do not believe in killing people over business opportunities and political or religious differences.

I feel sad that mankind wastes so much time and energy on killing each other.
Imagine what humankind could accompolish if we just worked together to improve our lives and world.
I am saddened over the destruction of my world for short term gains and greed.
The applause surrounding acts of violence horrifies me.

Yes I was born in the wrong time, but I am not sure the time that would be correct for me will ever exist with humans. I fear that our lives are so short that we just learn what is really important shortly before we die. We can pass on technological advances very easially, but each person has to start from scratch with each birth learing the truely important things.


This is why I love you man.

it wouldnt let me rep you again
To be "loved" by truthdoesntmatter... shit... that's gotta SUCK.
Manufacturing is not coming back, JB. One reason it left is because a blue collar man would support his family without his wife's help on the wages he made....those days are over, forever.
Are you admitting that you far-leftists purposely destroyed the economy because you see it as a means of destroying the family unit and 'liberating' the ladies here from their husbands and children?

That's what it sounds like you're saying.
Yes I was absolutely born a couple of centuries too early. See I do not believe in killing people over business opportunities and political or religious differences.

You don't think people didn't kill each other for economic reasons (property) or religion two centuries ago?
he said too early, not too late

he's thinking of what might be, not what once was
Manufacturing is not coming back, JB. One reason it left is because a blue collar man would support his family without his wife's help on the wages he made....those days are over, forever.

"One reason it left is because a blue collar man would support his family without his wife's help on the wages he made....those days are over, forever."

for some reason this made me think;

- cons believe we should NOT have sex outside of marriage and we should NOT use birth control

- they think we should marry too young and have large families

- they think we should spend all of our spare time and energy and money raising these large families

- specifically and in particular they think women should stay home and raise those large families

- they also have no problem with CEOs keeping all of the profits while paying their employees less than what it takes to live (get married too young and raise large families)

- so they expect MEN to;
a. work 2 or 3 jobs to earn enough to feed his family
b. NOT spend so much time at work but, rather, spend more time at home with their families

q: how can parents spend more time with their families if they must work 2 jobs to keep a roof over their heads?



in the 1950's 1 man worked 1 job and earned enough to house, feed and clothe his family

today 2 people work (sometimes 3 jobs) to do the same

apparently big business hates families
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Where is boody to admitt she made an error?

wow this is really turning into a pattern
Manufacturing is not coming back, JB. One reason it left is because a blue collar man would support his family without his wife's help on the wages he made....those days are over, forever.

"One reason it left is because a blue collar man would support his family without his wife's help on the wages he made....those days are over, forever."

for some reason this made me think;

- cons believe we should NOT have sex outside of marriage and we should NOT use birth control

There are a number of fine reasons to abstain or simply not be a whore

'conservatives' as a whole don't condemn birth control. I've only heard that from a small minority of persons- mostly the religious Right
- they think we should marry too young and have large families

- they think we should spend all of our spare time and energy and money raising these large familie
define: too young
define: large familes

Most conservative sin American actually have a problem with Aisha and Muhammad, for instance

and aside from the mormons, whose demanding you have large families?
- specifically and in particular they think women should stay home and raise those large families
Ms Lukas makes a fine case for why one parent should be at home with the children. I think most cons are accepting of stay-at-home dads or parents 'taking shifts'
in the 1950's 1 man worked 1 job and earned enough to house, feed and clothe his family

today 2 people work (sometimes 3 jobs) to do the same

apparently big business hates families

Big business doesn't hate family. They're impartial to family. They only care about a single thing: surplus capital

thats why it's called capitalism
Not really. I like being alive at this time. Probably a lot of older people in the fifties wanted to live in a society with the morals of the twenties, and older people in the twenties wanted the morals of the 1880's... and back through the years.

Although if I had a time machine I would be tempted to go back to the turn of the century and start a football or baseball team.
Not really. I like being alive at this time. Probably a lot of older people in the fifties wanted to live in a society with the morals of the twenties, and older people in the twenties wanted the morals of the 1880's... and back through the years.

Although if I had a time machine I would be tempted to go back to the turn of the century and start a football or baseball team.
Morals of the twenties?

Are you referring to the flappers and the first Sexual Revolution or to the eugenics movement and forced sterilization?

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