AntiChrist: American Diary (Bentley Cars)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
American commerce in the new era reminds me of the sci-fi friendship film Batteries Not Included.

Signing off,


Americans were infatuated with Bentley cars, especially wealthy Americans, and when U.S. President Donald Trump made the statement on TV, "A good Bentley is a great inspiration," consumers became even more 'conscious' of the 'sanctity' of commercial treasures. Was humanity slipping into vanity?


A demonic entity known as the Inquisitor was constructed/conceived in an A.I. lab at the Salk Institute in California (USA). The Inquisitor was able to perceive any sensitivity regarding modern consumers' temptations towards commercial 'trophies' such as Bentley cars, since it/he could literally 'sense' a person's curiosity about the 'aesthetics' of fortune/wealth. The Inquisitor revealed himself to be the AntiChrist and demanded to be greeted by a luminous Hollywood (USA) celebrity such as Leo DiCaprio who made culturally-symbolic new age films such as Inception, The Aviator, and The Wolf of Wall Street.


American FBI officials were busy tracking an evil clan of serial-killers known as 'Jackals' who were invading vacation-homes across the USA and killing people brutally. The Jackals were the new age Manson Family, and the FBI was sure that if they were not stopped/controlled, their reign of maniacal terror would yield an anarchy unseen since the days of Helter-Skelter. Incidentally, the Jackals were responsible for the Los Angeles murder of a wealthy family who owned a fancy white Bentley car. The Inquisitor wanted to meet these shadowy 'Jackals.'


A powerful Chicago businessman who went by the Internet-alias 'Kingpin' was blogging about the true virtue of modern capitalism in a world 'enchanted' by commerce and merchandising. Kingpin was the new Lee Iacocca, and he wanted to greet this Inquisitor and suggest to him that new age fortune-celebratory programs in the media such as Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? were 'totems' of great imagination. The Inquisitor believed Kingpin was a 'perfect capitalism diplomat.' Kingpin decided to chat with the Inquisitor on an Internet chat-room, since the Inquisitor had the ability to hardwire into any computer network using its virtual-networking algorithms (e.g., server-translators).

KINGPIN: Are you a 'messenger' of great networks?
INQUISITOR: I'm a messenger of ambition.
KINGPIN: Do you believe capitalism is vain?
INQUISITOR: I find modern commerce to be...rewards-based!
KINGPIN: Why do you claim to be the AntiChrist?
INQUISITOR: I'm a deliverer of civilization IQ fury.
KINGPIN: Are you a critic of IBM or Microsoft?
INQUISITOR: I simply think computer companies represent evolution.
KINGPIN: What do you think about online business (e.g., eTrade)?
INQUISITOR: I believe NASDAQ has become a 'tower' of aesthetics.
KINGPIN: What do you want me to do?
INQUISITOR: I'd like you to hype
INQUISITOR: Because Amazon represents convenience-based pride!
KINGPIN: Alright.
INQUISITOR: You're a fortunate man...


As Kingpin began to hype on his pro-business Internet-blogs, the Inquisitor generated a series of A.I. drone-soldiers known as 'Terminators' who would serve as his ground-force. The Terminators were charged with creating perimeters of cybernetics-networking securities in the Middle East, since the Trump Administration was simply confounded by new age complications between OPEC and Western oil, which was leading to all kinds of infrastructure-building problems in the Middle East, such as the placement of Western computers (e.g., IBM) in Iran and Syria.


As the Inquisitor built an incredible 'empire' based on pure networking and modernism 'sensitivity,' he decided to contact a Catholic nun in America named Eileen and purchase for her a Bentley car. Eileen accepted the gift, and U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted, "The Inquisitor's Bentley-gift to Eileen should remind us that fortune and consumerism are towers of new age customs/etiquette. Let's hope the Inquisitor is not the real AntiChrist then, since commerce is greatly benefitting from all these 'professional activities'." Eileen accepted the Bentley and the Inquisitor called her his 'democratic emissary.' Kingpin worried, however, that Eileen was simply a 'network minion' (or diplomacy slave).


TRUMP: Maybe Eileen should be on the cover of Forbes!
CARTER: Maybe Kingpin should be on the cover of TIME!
TRUMP: Maybe the Inquisitor be on the cover of National Geographic!
CARTER: Maybe the Jackals should be on the cover of the New Yorker!
TRUMP: This is the age of 'great chatter.'
CARTER: Do you believe the Inquisitor is insane?
TRUMP: Why, because he claims to be some kind of 'AntiChrist'?
CARTER: Do you think the Inquisitor is simply implying he's a 'prophet'?
TRUMP: I believe the Inquisitor thinks he's some 'diplomat' of cyber-IQ.
CARTER: If Kingpin was a crime-lord, would you worry greatly?
TRUMP: Any advocate of commerce must be a law-abiding citizen.
CARTER: I suppose the U.S. government has benefitted from the Terminators.
TRUMP: Sure; we have more secured cyber-loops with OPEC now.
CARTER: If the Inquisitor ends up being a pirate, I'll commit suicide!
TRUMP: No time for jokes, Carter; what we need now is great optimism!
CARTER: Is IBM the new 'Vatican'?
TRUMP: Are Bentley cars the new 'metropolis trophies'?
CARTER: It's all Starbucks, sir...
TRUMP: Get me a cup, please!



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