Anti-White Racism and Anti-Police Prejudice – Big Problems


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Absolutely asinine ideas are being thrown around by enormous numbers of American blacks. All it takes is for a black guy to get shot by a white person, or cop of any race, and the looneytunes are up in arms, and ready to riot.

The we have the almost as asinine public officials (gutless cowards) who are perfectly OK with charging an obviously innocent person (non-black) with murder or manslaughter, to avoid rioting .

You see where this is going ? Actually, it has already gone there >>

1. George Zimmerman & Trayvon Martin

2. Darren Wilson & Michael Brown

3. Daniel Pantaleo & Eric Garner

4. 6 Baltimore cops & Freddie Gray

5. Timothy Loehmann & Tamar Rice

6. Betty Shelby & Terrence Crutcher

7. Michael Slager & Betty Shelby

Despite clear evidence of justifiable homicide, large numbers of blacks, egged on by unscrupulous black “leaders”, like Ray Owens, pastor of Metropolitan Baptist Church -- Tulsa’s largest predominantly black congregation -in the Betty Shelby case, innocent cops and citizens with CCW permits are being railroaded because of pandering to anti-white, anti-police hysteria. There cannot and will not be an end to all this racial, paranaoic lunacy, as long as irresponsible public official keep throwing their police and gun owners under the bus, to appease the masses of the racially deranged.

Prosecutors have got to stand up to the Obamas, the Sharptons, Ray Owenss, and other race hustler provocateurs, and assess shooting cases correctly. They need to judge them as self-defense, when that is what they are (ex. Zimmerman, Wilson, Shelby), and assess other cases properly, according to the circumstances, not to loudmouth instigators and mindless mobs.

If the rioters do come out in full force, then they should be met with greater force by the police and National Guard, who should be heavily armed, ready to deal, and take whatever action is necessary, to stop that rioting. Instances like we’ve seen in Ferguson, MO, Baltimore, MD, and other places are a national disgrace, they are idiocy, and should never be allowed to happen again.

Now that Obama is finally (and thankfully) gone, no longer do government officials like Jay Nixon and Stephanie Rawlings have to worry about DOJ civil rights lawsuits, and the insurmountable costs of fighting them. No excuses any more.
What's to say, the black man is keeping you down.
Yup. Continues to. Ever since 1977, when I was racistly denied an assistantship at Memphis State University. Even now in retirement, my Social Security payments are kept down because of that Affirmative Action discrimination of 40 years ago.
How could anyone be racist against white people?

You ever met a democrat?

The only thing they hate more than individual liberty, is white people.

You know you're not the representative of all white people, right, UnC?

This a very strange forum at various times.

Quite a few white people(not all) post regularly that they are "superior" to non whites, and that if not "for them" the world would generally be a 3rd world cesspool....there are some here who make that claim and they can contruct an intelligent sentence, let alone save the rest of us poor wretched souls who were cursed at birth by not being born white.

Then the same ones will often state that "democrats hate them, blacks hate them, liberals hate them"...etc, etc, then they say that "blacks play the part of victims, more often than any other demographic".

What a burden it must be to carry such a plethora of conflicting emotions.
How could anyone be racist against white people?

You ever met a democrat?

The only thing they hate more than individual liberty, is white people.

You know you're not the representative of all white people, right, UnC?

Never claimed to be.

As you know, I have no particular bond with a skin color. I find race to be the crudest form of collectivism. Those who seek pride in the color of their skin are truly pathetic.

This does not change the fact that the fascist democratic party under their Fuhrer. George Soros is engaged in a campaign of ever more violent racism directed against those with white skin. I grasp that what the fascists are actually attacking is Western culture, but the vehicle that has been selected for the current round of attacks on American civil society is the blatant racism against white people.
How could anyone be racist against white people?

You ever met a democrat?

The only thing they hate more than individual liberty, is white people.

You know you're not the representative of all white people, right, UnC?

This a very strange forum at various times.

Quite a few white people(not all) post regularly that they are "superior" to non whites, and that if not "for them" the world would generally be a 3rd world cesspool....there are some here who make that claim and they can contruct an intelligent sentence, let alone save the rest of us poor wretched souls who were cursed at birth by not being born white.

Then the same ones will often state that "democrats hate them, blacks hate them, liberals hate them"...etc, etc, then they say that "blacks play the part of victims, more often than any other demographic".

What a burden it must be to carry such a plethora of conflicting emotions.

Anyone thinking that melanin levels in the skin confer "superiority" are morons. Western culture, science, and a market economy are what made this a great nation. Even so, the blatant anti-white racism of the left cannot be ignored.


How could anyone be racist against white people?

You ever met a democrat?

The only thing they hate more than individual liberty, is white people.

You know you're not the representative of all white people, right, UnC?

This a very strange forum at various times.

Quite a few white people(not all) post regularly that they are "superior" to non whites, and that if not "for them" the world would generally be a 3rd world cesspool....there are some here who make that claim and they can contruct an intelligent sentence, let alone save the rest of us poor wretched souls who were cursed at birth by not being born white.

Then the same ones will often state that "democrats hate them, blacks hate them, liberals hate them"...etc, etc, then they say that "blacks play the part of victims, more often than any other demographic".

What a burden it must be to carry such a plethora of conflicting emotions.

Anyone thinking that melanin levels in the skin confer "superiority" are morons. Western culture, science, and a market economy are what made this a great nation. Even so, the blatant anti-white racism of the left cannot be ignored.



It's called backlash.

It's not right. But once an oppressed group starts getting a little power, there's an impulse to oppress the group that has had the power over them.

It's stupid. It's also stupid of you to take it quite so seriously. You posted a quote, a sign, and an article. When you post some anti-white legislation, you might have something.
It's called backlash.

Rubbish. This isn't 1870.

The anti-white racism is simply a political tool in the ongoing war to end the Constitutional republic.

It's not right. But once an oppressed group starts getting a little power, there's an impulse to oppress the group that has had the power over them.

It's stupid. It's also stupid of you to take it quite so seriously. You posted a quote, a sign, and an article. When you post some anti-white legislation, you might have something.

One could argue that the institutional racism of Title VII and Affirmative Action racial set asides already make that point.

This nation is embroiled in a civil war. It is mostly a cold war at this moment. but the left is actively seeking to put an end to the Constitutional Republic. Hatred of everything that supports the American Republic and the system of individualism that is the foundation of the Republic is under attack. Marxist academia is ground zero for the attacks on America and have made hatred of whites and Christians the cornerstone of their efforts.
It's called backlash.

Rubbish. This isn't 1870.

The anti-white racism is simply a political tool in the ongoing war to end the Constitutional republic.

It's not right. But once an oppressed group starts getting a little power, there's an impulse to oppress the group that has had the power over them.

It's stupid. It's also stupid of you to take it quite so seriously. You posted a quote, a sign, and an article. When you post some anti-white legislation, you might have something.

One could argue that the institutional racism of Title VII and Affirmative Action racial set asides already make that point.

This nation is embroiled in a civil war. It is mostly a cold war at this moment. but the left is actively seeking to put an end to the Constitutional Republic. Hatred of everything that supports the American Republic and the system of individualism that is the foundation of the Republic is under attack. Marxist academia is ground zero for the attacks on America and have made hatred of whites and Christians the cornerstone of their efforts.

In that case, we are enemies.

And we must duel!:meow:

(Can't find dueling emoji but can picture it perfectly)
It's called backlash.

Rubbish. This isn't 1870.

The anti-white racism is simply a political tool in the ongoing war to end the Constitutional republic.

It's not right. But once an oppressed group starts getting a little power, there's an impulse to oppress the group that has had the power over them.

It's stupid. It's also stupid of you to take it quite so seriously. You posted a quote, a sign, and an article. When you post some anti-white legislation, you might have something.

One could argue that the institutional racism of Title VII and Affirmative Action racial set asides already make that point.

This nation is embroiled in a civil war. It is mostly a cold war at this moment. but the left is actively seeking to put an end to the Constitutional Republic. Hatred of everything that supports the American Republic and the system of individualism that is the foundation of the Republic is under attack. Marxist academia is ground zero for the attacks on America and have made hatred of whites and Christians the cornerstone of their efforts.

In that case, we are enemies.

And we must duel!:meow:

(Can't find dueling emoji but can picture it perfectly)

You seek to end the nation?
It's called backlash.

Rubbish. This isn't 1870.

The anti-white racism is simply a political tool in the ongoing war to end the Constitutional republic.

It's not right. But once an oppressed group starts getting a little power, there's an impulse to oppress the group that has had the power over them.

It's stupid. It's also stupid of you to take it quite so seriously. You posted a quote, a sign, and an article. When you post some anti-white legislation, you might have something.

One could argue that the institutional racism of Title VII and Affirmative Action racial set asides already make that point.

This nation is embroiled in a civil war. It is mostly a cold war at this moment. but the left is actively seeking to put an end to the Constitutional Republic. Hatred of everything that supports the American Republic and the system of individualism that is the foundation of the Republic is under attack. Marxist academia is ground zero for the attacks on America and have made hatred of whites and Christians the cornerstone of their efforts.

In that case, we are enemies.

And we must duel!:meow:

(Can't find dueling emoji but can picture it perfectly)

You seek to end the nation?

No. But I don't think the direction I want the US to go would sit well with you.

No. But I don't think the direction I want the US to go would sit well with you.

I support the United States Constitution. I support civil rights, this means rights that accrue to individuals, not privilege that is granted to favored groups. I support the concept of law, codified so that all know what they are subject to. An "activist judge" is a scofflaw and has no business on the bench. The Constitution is written in English, it means what is says.

That which infringes the above does not "sit well" with me.

No. But I don't think the direction I want the US to go would sit well with you.

I support the United States Constitution. I support civil rights, this means rights that accrue to individuals, not privilege that is granted to favored groups. I support the concept of law, codified so that all know what they are subject to. An "activist judge" is a scofflaw and has no business on the bench. The Constitution is written in English, it means what is says.

That which infringes the above does not "sit well" with me.

Like I said, we must fight. When the time comes, of course. I don't think we're at the armed portion of our pending civil war.

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