Anti-Obama Billboard Stirs Controversy

It's free speech, all right. It's about the stupidest waste of money any knuckle-dragging hick could make, but it's free speech.

God bless America!

Totally agree. It's absolutely ridiculous.... but I have to laugh at the thought that it will drive liberals crazy.
It's free speech, all right. It's about the stupidest waste of money any knuckle-dragging hick could make, but it's free speech.

God bless America!

Totally agree. It's absolutely ridiculous.... but I have to laugh at the thought that it will drive liberals crazy.

That's half the fun of it CG... :lol:

The other half is that the birth certificate issue might be real quite right now, but it hasn't by any means gone away, and it won't. It won't go away until America sees this purported birth certificate in Hawaii. Who knows when that will be. I've lost most interest in the issue, but as you say, I LOVE bringing the issue up because it brings out the obama butt kissers en mass, and they're PISSED.... :lol: ... I love it... :lol:
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It's about the stupidest waste of money any knuckle-dragging hick could make,..

As opposed to card carrying members of the obama butt kissing club of slack jawed, mouth breathing, liberal, shit for brains that couldn't care less about the law or our constitution?

Thing is the majority of Americans live in middle America, and they DO agree with the sentiments of the sign. You little obama worshipping libtards will just have to deal with it.

Only in your mind.

He was elected by a majority and very few people believe these lies about him.

You are deluded
...I LOVE bringing the issue up because it brings out the obama butt kissers en mass, and they're PISSED.... :lol: ... I love it... :lol:


someone who posts controversial or inflammatory messages in an online community, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response

Thanks for the admission.
Anti-Obama Billboard Stirs Controversy

KDVR Denver
6:20 PM MST, November 20, 2009


WHEAT RIDGE, Colo. - Call it Freedom of Speech. A billboard recently erected in Wheat Ridge compares President Barack Obama to a terrorist and questions his U.S. citizenship.

The billboard, located at 4855 Miller Road, shows two cartoonish images of Obama wearing a Muslim turban and reads "PRESIDENT or JIHAD?"

It also says "BIRTH CERTIFICATE - PROVE IT!" alluding to the conspiracy theory which claims Barack Obama was born in Kenya rather than Hawaii, which would disqualify him for the office of President.

The words "WAKE UP AMERICA! REMEMBER FT. HOOD!" appear on the bottom of the billboard.

The sign belongs to a car dealership.

"Since Fort Hood, I've had it," owner Phil West told FOX 31 News Friday. "You can't suggest things. You can't profile. You gotta call a spade a spade."

"Everything I have read about Mr. Obama points right to the fact that he is a Muslim. And that is the agenda of what Muslim is all about. It's about anti-American, it's about anti-Christianity," West said.

Anti-Obama billboard in suburban Denver, Colorado stirs controversy; asks for birth certificate - KDVR

Love it.

Nothing points to the intense radical rants of the wingnuts like these kind of signs.

These signs remind every moderate American who passes them "Why would I want to belong to this group?"
Real republicans and thoughtful conservatives think Birthers are a joke on wheels and are embarrassed by them.

**cough, cough** ... BULL SHIT ... **cough, cough**

Nice try, but everyone knows that's a lie.

No, you birthers are a joke.

To whit, you have been uncharacteristically silent about Orly Taitz's smackdown in her last two trials and Phil Berg's recent smackdown.

You guys can't win a single court case. You're a bunch of goofs.

Just keep telling yourself that you matter, though.
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It's free speech, all right. It's about the stupidest waste of money any knuckle-dragging hick could make, but it's free speech.

God bless America!

Totally agree. It's absolutely ridiculous.... but I have to laugh at the thought that it will drive liberals crazy.

That's half the fun of it CG... :lol:

The other half is that the birth certificate issue might be real quite right now, but it hasn't by any means gone away, and it won't. It won't go away until America sees this purported birth certificate in Hawaii. Who knows when that will be. I've lost most interest in the issue, but as you say, I LOVE bringing the issue up because it brings out the obama butt kissers en mass, and they're PISSED.... :lol: ... I love it... :lol:

Most likely never since there are now three federal cases, with established precedence, that are going to make it hard for a "birther" to even get in front of a judge now.

The opinions by the judges (two of them conservative appointees) are pretty hilarious as to how stupid the birthers look in court.

All the details here:

The strongest chance you guys had to even get discovery was in the Keyes case, and that one didn't even make it to trial as the government's motion to dismiss was granted. Now you are left with only what you had in the beginning; a paranoid insistence that you are right and the rest of the world is crazy.

You guys hit your high water mark with Lou Dobbs and the one week of press over the matter.

Now only the biggest wingnuts are even paying attention to it.
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I wonder if another thread will be created a month from now when the sign is still standing and no one gives a shit about some redneck bomb thrower drudge link du jour..
Real republicans and thoughtful conservatives think Birthers are a joke on wheels and are embarrassed by them.

**cough, cough** ... BULL SHIT ... **cough, cough**

Nice try, but everyone knows that's a lie.

No, you birthers are a joke.

To whit, you have been uncharacteristically silent about Orly Taitz's smackdown in her last two trials and Phil Berg's recent smackdown.

You guys can't win a single court case. You're a bunch of goofs.

Just keep telling yourself that you matter, though.

(Mr. prepared for a visit from the FBI, CIA, Secret Service and the IRS. Obammy gonna sick 'em on you). ;)

REALLY... hmmm... now WHY would he do that?

Becuase Obammy absolutely, positively DESPISES Americans who are against him and will do whatever he feels appropriate to shut them up.

Dissent is NOT allowed in Obammy's Amerika.
Latest poll has conservatives out numbering liberals. Conservatives have a deep disdain for obama. They also aren't afraid to speak out the truth, unlike you dip shit.

Now you prove that wrong, or STFU. You're gas isn't any more pertinent to anything this thread is about than a turd in a punch bowl.
You have yet to prove that Thing is the majority of Americans live in middle America, and they DO agree with the sentiments of the sign.

I've already provided more "proof" than YOU have. Now step up, YOU prove me WRONG, do something other than just run your mouth.
You said the majority of Americans identify themselves as Conservatives. I'll concede that and set it aside for now.

Prove to us that the majority of Americans agree with the sentiment of that sign. Prove that the majority of Americans are idiot birthers and conspiracy kooks. How would your contention square with a 49% approval rating?

Just because you are gullible enough to buy into the bizarre world of conspiracies and nut jobs does not make it so for THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS!
Why did this thread get moved to the "Conspiracy Theories" section. It is not a conspiracy theory. It is a story about a billboard with political intent.

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