

May 25, 2004
It seems like that on some days doesn't it?

Kaloogian's Hooligans: Going After Moore and the First Amendment

By Kurt Nimmo
Now that Move America Forward has changed hands, it is time to look at the new owner. WHOIS reports the new registrant and admin as Howard Kaloogian.

So, who is Howard Kaloogian?

Kaloogian is a lawyer who previously "served" three terms in the California state legislature. He is off to the right of Bush, if that is possible.

Kooky Kaloogian is perfect for the job of denying Americans the right to see Michael Moore's latest film. He has plenty of experience. Kaloogian was behind the successful effort to intimidate CBS and stop the network from running the miniseries "The Reagans." For some reason Kaloogian believes this was a victory for free speech.

"Hundreds of thousands of Americans recently exercised their right of free speech and persuaded CBS Television not to run a mean-spirited and false miniseries about President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan," Kooky wrote on the BushCountry web site. "The liberals who are crying foul don't really believe their own spin that this populace uprising is censorship. They just cannot believe that there has been such strong opposition by the American public to seeing a prominent conservative leader defamed by liberal slander."

It wasn't enough for Kooky and his pals to urge folks to simply not watch the program -- they wanted to make sure nobody saw it, even if they wanted to. This may not be censorship in the true sense of the word -- the government stepping in and stopping CBS from showing the series -- but it is the next best thing: a former government official mobilizing people to harass CBS until they backed down.

No doubt CBS was worried. Remember the "Brooks Brothers" riot in Florida that prevented a recount of the ballot in 2000? Same thing here. CBS spinelessly caved in to Kooky and his pressure tactics. No telling what sort of phone calls, letters, faxes, and email the big wigs at CBS received before they threw in the towel. I don't know if death threats were sent to the executives at CBS, but I wouldn't doubt it. Rumors are now flying fast and furious that theater owners are receiving death threats.

Heck, I've received threats -- not death threats per se but threats of physical violence -- for saying unpopular things on a weblog that only has a few thousand visitors. I blame guys like Kaloogian for these threats because they're out there every day stirring people up with their us-versus-them, you're either with us or with the terrorists, far right-wing dogma. Guys like Kaloogian the Hooligan and David Horowitz and Rush Limbaugh and Daniel Pipes and Michael Savage incite violence against people who disagree with them. Horowitz and Savage in particular rant and rave continually about the "enemy within" and the scary thing is millions of people either listen to them or read their books and visit their web sites.

Instead of political debate, they want war. According to the former Stalinist Horowitz, "Politics is war conducted by other means. In political warfare you do not fight just to prevail in an argument, but to destroy the enemy's fighting ability. ... In political wars, the aggressor usually prevails. ... You cannot cripple an opponent by outwitting him in a political debate. You can do it only by following Lenin's injunction: 'In political conflicts, the goal is not to refute your opponent's argument, but to wipe him from the face of the earth.'" (See his "Full-Contact Politics" on the AIE web site).

Considering how these modern day political neanderthals operate, it's not a stretch to speculate that many theater owners will back down and not run Moore's film. I mean, who wants to get wiped off the face of the earth? Or have his theater trashed?

As it now stands, the Kaloogian cadres -- or those who carry their water and believe their nonsense -- have made sure the film will get an R-rating and thus millions of people will be prevented from seeing it.

Remember, Kaloogian's arm twisting organization, Move America Forward, has called Moore's film "a recruiting video for al-Qaeda," in other words Moore is a terrorist. It should be more than obvious by now what far right-wingers like Kaloogian and Ashcroft want done to those they consider terrorists. Or, for that matter, those who disagree with Bush.

Finally, on his weblog (, Kaloogian pretends to be surprised by a "handful of emails from those who support Michael Moore who are dismayed that we are speaking up. I wonder why they are so afraid of the opinion of the American public?"

It's not the "opinion of the American public" we're afraid of -- it's the fact Kaloogian claims to speak for nearly 300 million Americans and at the same time wants to deny them the right to see a movie.

Howard Kaloogian, why are you afraid of those who disagree with Bush?


Kurt Nimmo is a photographer, multimedia artist and writer living in New Mexico. He is author of Another Day in the Empire: Life in Neoconservative America (Dandelion Books, 2003). To see his photo work and read more of his essays, visit his excellent Another Day in the Empire weblog.
I'm not convinced. Someone opposes Michael Moore and he's all of a sudden trampling everyone's First Amendment rights? How does that work? Do Moore's opinions lie outside the range of debatable ideas? Or is Mr. Nimmo upset because the conservatives in America have had it with the ultra-lib revisionist history that Moore peddles, and are voicing their opinions against it?
Should we not voice our opinion when a libelous movie about an ex-President is about to be shown? Not to mention, the movie was still shown on Showtime. Big deal.
I think you vastly misunderestimate the Right, Bully. We are actually very sure we are, well, right, and we have history to prove us right.
Originally posted by gop_jeff
I think you vastly misunderestimate the Right, Bully. We are actually very sure we are, well, right, and we have history to prove us right. do...A history of morally bankrupt adminstrations.
Originally posted by OCA
Cough cough ahem Clinton ahem cough.

Was Eisenhower morally bankrupt?

Yeah...consensual sex in the Oval Office and an unjust war are moral equivalents.

Since the Nixon administration, the Republicans have been morally bankrupt. As for the Democrats...Johnson was a treacherous old wardheeler...Clinton is an amoral pig who can't keep his dick in his pants. But at least his crimes weren't crimes against humanity. Although ignoring the genocide in Rwanda comes awfully close on that count.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Yeah...consensual sex in the Oval Office and an unjust war are moral equivalents.

Since the Nixon administration, the Republicans have been morally bankrupt. As for the Democrats...Johnson was a treacherous old wardheeler...Clinton is an amoral pig who can't keep his dick in his pants. But at least his crimes weren't crimes against humanity. Although ignoring the genocide in Rwanda comes awfully close on that count.

They still think it was about the bj LOL! Would bombing an aspirin factory on the day of his impeachment vote and killing innocents qualify as crimes against humanity Bully?

LOL crimes against humanity is the new catch phrase of the lunatic fringe. I see it a lot in leftist newspapers.
Originally posted by OCA
They still think it was about the bj LOL! Would bombing an aspirin factory on the day of his impeachment vote and killing innocents qualify as crimes against humanity Bully?

LOL crimes against humanity is the new catch phrase of the lunatic fringe. I see it a lot in leftist newspapers.

They sure do...and nobody strung his dumb ass up for it either...Republican or Democrat. Just goes to show that they're just opposite sides of the same debased coin.
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
It seems like that on some days doesn't it?

Kaloogian's Hooligans: Going After Moore and the First Amendment

By Kurt Nimmo
Now that Move America Forward has changed hands, it is time to look at the new owner. WHOIS reports the new registrant and admin as Howard Kaloogian.

So, who is Howard Kaloogian?

Kaloogian is a lawyer who previously "served"
I guess only those representatives that Mr. Nimmo approves of only serve? BTW Who is Mr. Nimmo?
Three terms in the California state legislature. He is off to the right of Bush, if that is possible.

Kooky Kaloogian is perfect for the job of denying Americans the right to see Michael Moore's latest film. He has plenty of experience. Kaloogian was behind the successful effort to intimidate CBS and stop the network from running the miniseries "The Reagans." For some reason Kaloogian believes this was a victory for free speech.

"Hundreds of thousands of Americans recently exercised their right of free speech and persuaded CBS Television not to run a mean-spirited and false miniseries about President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan," Kooky wrote on the BushCountry web site. "The liberals who are crying foul don't really believe their own spin that this populace uprising is censorship. They just cannot believe that there has been such strong opposition by the American public to seeing a prominent conservative leader defamed by liberal slander."

It wasn't enough for Kooky and his pals to urge folks to simply not watch the program -- they wanted to make sure nobody saw it, even if they wanted to. This may not be censorship in the true sense of the word -- the government stepping in and stopping CBS from showing the series -- but it is the next best thing:
a former government official mobilizing people to harass CBS until they backed down. While this is not something that I would take time for, people who disagree with something, have given up the right to protest? If so, we are all in big trouble now.

No doubt CBS was worried.
Remember the "Brooks Brothers" riot in Florida that prevented a recount of the ballot in 2000? No, it's my recollection that there were numerous recounts. Many 'after' the USSC ruling. Each one resulted in a Bush win.
Same thing here. CBS spinelessly caved in to Kooky and his pressure tactics. No telling what sort of phone calls, letters, faxes, and email the big wigs at CBS received before they threw in the towel.
I don't know if death threats were sent to the executives at CBS, but I wouldn't doubt it. "Gee, I don't have any facts, but let's just speculate here on death threats, yeah, that's the ticket."
Rumors are now flying fast and furious that theater owners are receiving death threats.

Heck, I've received threats -- not death threats per se but threats of physical violence -- for saying unpopular things on a weblog that only has a few thousand visitors. I blame guys like Kaloogian for these threats because they're out there every day stirring people up with their us-versus-them, you're either with us or with the terrorists, far right-wing dogma. Guys like
Kaloogian the Hooligan and David Horowitz and Rush Limbaugh and Daniel Pipes and Michael Savage incite violence against people who disagree with them. the only thing any of these have in common is that they are conservatives. Savage and Limbaugh are not in my taste, however Pipes and Horowitz are intellectuals much of the calibre of 'the evil' Noam Chomsky. One doesn't have to agree with them to realize their thinking is first rate.
Horowitz and Savage in particular rant and rave continually about the "enemy within" and the scary thing is millions of people either listen to them or read their books and visit their web sites.

Instead of political debate, they want war. According to the former Stalinist Horowitz, "Politics is war conducted by other means. In political warfare you do not fight just to prevail in an argument, but to destroy the enemy's fighting ability. ... In political wars, the aggressor usually prevails. ... You cannot cripple an opponent by outwitting him in a political debate. You can do it only by following Lenin's injunction:
'In political conflicts, the goal is not to refute your opponent's argument, but to wipe him from the face of the earth.'" (See his "Full-Contact Politics" on the AIE web site). Something the author of this rant is practicing full-throttle.

Considering how these modern day political neanderthals operate, it's not a stretch to speculate that many theater owners will back down and not run Moore's film. I mean, who wants to get wiped off the face of the earth? Or have his theater trashed?

As it now stands, the Kaloogian cadres -- or those who carry their water and believe their nonsense -- have made sure the film will get an R-rating and thus millions of people will be prevented from seeing it.

Remember, Kaloogian's arm twisting organization, Move America Forward, has called Moore's film "a recruiting video for al-Qaeda," in other words Moore is a terrorist. It should be more than obvious by now what far right-wingers like Kaloogian and Ashcroft want done to those they consider terrorists. Or, for that matter, those who disagree with Bush.

Finally, on his weblog (, Kaloogian pretends to be surprised by a "handful of emails from those who support Michael Moore who are dismayed that we are speaking up. I wonder why they are so afraid of the opinion of the American public?"

It's not the "opinion of the American public" we're afraid of -- it's the fact Kaloogian claims to speak for nearly 300 million Americans and at the same time wants to deny them the right to see a movie.

Howard Kaloogian, why are you afraid of those who disagree with Bush?


Kurt Nimmo is a photographer, multimedia artist and writer living in New Mexico. He is author of Another Day in the Empire: Life in Neoconservative America (Dandelion Books, 2003). To see his photo work and read more of his essays, visit his excellent Another Day in the Empire weblog.
This is hilarious. The left practically invented the use of these tactics. Now they complain when the right does it. What hypocrites.
This, I know is going to be a waste of my time, but can you provide proof that the Democrats/liberals created these tactics? Something factual, maybe even proven and not your unfounded opinions?

Again, I know this is much to ask from you RWA seeing as that numerous times you have failed to do so in the past.

People, if they haven't already, will start noticing that you just give opinion, but never offer to give some sort of back up to your claims after awhile you know.
You mean like that screed you posted? I'm surprised that you would put something up like that, you lucky care bear you!

Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
This, I know is going to be a waste of my time, but can you provide proof that the Democrats/liberals created these tactics? Something factual, maybe even proven and not your unfounded opinions?

Again, I know this is much to ask from you RWA seeing as that numerous times you have failed to do so in the past.

People, if they haven't already, will start noticing that you just give opinion, but never offer to give some sort of back up to your claims after awhile you know.

Do you deny the left is very fond of protests and pressure of all kinds to effect political change?

Check the world around you. Get your head out of it for a change.

Ya, but at least I do put SOMETHING up instead of just talking out of the side of my neck, so to speak. It's always good when you can find something that backs up what you are saying.

Granted, I know not everyone will agree. Sometimes I post things just to get a discussion started, to get people thinking and stuff. This isn't one of them though, lol But a couple of the others ones I have posted are. I think it works. You got involved! :D

I have been curious for awhile, but what grade do you teach? And what do you teach (if you have a main subject)? Just curious. :cool:
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80

Ya, but at least I do put SOMETHING up instead of just talking out of the side of my neck, so to speak. It's always good when you can find something that backs up what you are saying.

Granted, I know not everyone will agree. Sometimes I post things just to get a discussion started, to get people thinking and stuff. This isn't one of them though, lol But a couple of the others ones I have posted are. I think it works. You got involved! :D

So you don't deny it. Good. Let's not force each other to do busy work on things we all know are true.

I am sorry you feel your thoughts and logic are not important unless a link backs it up. I'm not afflicted by such low self esteem.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
So you don't deny it. Good. Let's not force each other to do busy work on things we all know are true.

I am sorry you feel your thoughts and logic are not important unless a link backs it up. I'm an not afflicted by such low self esteem.

Sure, that's why your lack of evidence makes people believe you less.

I can never take you seriously and just chuckle at most of the things you say. I think your here for the most part to just start arguments that you'll never back up with facts, just what ever crap spews out of your mouth.

I wonder what it's like not being able to find people or at the very least, websites that agree with what you are talking about. Must be very sad. :(

I had sympathy for you before, but then realized that you like being that way. Good for you! :clap:
Well you're both being a bit personal about all of this. I don't see how posting 'opinion pieces' adds to the discussion, IF you don't give your own ideas before or afterwards regarding the piece.

Facts are good, :cool: , IMO they should be used more. I think posting opinion sites also good, but let's have some personal commentary too? JMO
No, I agree Kathianne. This started on another post on this board and carried over here. I wasn't taking it personally with RWA, I have just been trying to make a point and sometimes I get a little carried away.

I have my own opinions, but I do a lot of research before I form one. I just like to get all perspectives so I can formulate an intelligent opinion.

I apologize for dragging what obviously should have been left in the other post over here and I guarantee that it won't happen again with RWA.;)
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
No, I agree Kathianne. This started on another post on this board and carried over here. I wasn't taking it personally with RWA, I have just been trying to make a point and sometimes I get a little carried away.

I have my own opinions, but I do a lot of research before I form one. I just like to get all perspectives so I can formulate an intelligent opinion.

I apologize for dragging what obviously should have been left in the other post over here and I guarantee that it won't happen again with RWA.;)

No problem, you are both very good at expressing your opinions!:p: ;)

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