Anti-Abortion and Anti-Gun People are cut from the same cloth...

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017
Both are authoritarian busybodies carrying out their attack on liberty under the guise of "Think of the CHILDREN."

The anti-abortion crowd's real objective is to license, regulate, and even outlaw sex because Jesus said so.

The anti-gun crowd really wants to keep us from resisting when they bring their communism to America, because Commie Jesus and his disciples said so (Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Che, Chavez, Obama, etc.). Guns in the hands of citizens are the only thing protecting all other liberties.

Can we line up these two groups of people and give them a good cane flogging?
Both are authoritarian busybodies carrying out their attack on liberty under the guise of "Think of the CHILDREN."

The anti-abortion crowd's real objective is to license, regulate, and even outlaw sex because Jesus said so.

The anti-gun crowd really wants to keep us from resisting when they bring their communism to America, because Commie Jesus and his disciples said so (Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Che, Chavez, Obama, etc.). Guns in the hands of citizens are the only thing protecting all other liberties.

Can we line up these two groups of people and give them a good cane flogging?

Congrats, you are the first member to ever make it to my ignore list because of the ignorance conveyed in one single post.
Congrats, you are the first member to ever make it to my ignore list because of the ignorance conveyed in one single post.
Ignore all you want, but you and everyone else knows good and goddamn well that the real objective is to stop people from fornicating. The bible said no fornicating (allegedly), therefore, we must make it law. There are other, side-issues that everyone talks about, but obeying Jesus is the real reason. It is a legal work-around to make religious beliefs (particularly "chastity") law. :dunno:

Everyone on both sides of both issues is justifiably afraid to move an inch one direction or the other because they don't trust the other side.
Both are authoritarian busybodies carrying out their attack on liberty under the guise of "Think of the CHILDREN."

The anti-abortion crowd's real objective is to license, regulate, and even outlaw sex because Jesus said so.

The anti-gun crowd really wants to keep us from resisting when they bring their communism to America, because Commie Jesus and his disciples said so (Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Che, Chavez, Obama, etc.). Guns in the hands of citizens are the only thing protecting all other liberties.

Can we line up these two groups of people and give them a good cane flogging?
Shut up commie asswipe.

There. Now I'm putting you on ignore also.
Another statist shows up to tell me I am the commie.

No, Virginia. Defending human rights (for example, the right to live) is not *statist*.

You are the statist. What statists are best at (besides telling people they need to die for the good of humanity) is pretending the people they persecute are the monsters.

We know who the monsters are. It's the ghouls who kill children for profit, and who don't believe anybody has a right to successfully protect themselves from violence.
The point of this is that you can't have it both ways. You are either a statist authoritarian, a libertarian, or you are confused as fuck and fall somewhere in the middle. Just because I hate abortion does not mean I must surrender my principles and allow government to control a woman's body. especially when doing so causes mother to take on a huge physical and psychological burden. Don't get mad at me because I am consistent. :dunno:
The point of this is that you can't have it both ways. You are either a statist authoritarian, a libertarian, or you are confused as fuck and fall somewhere in the middle. Just because I hate abortion does not mean I must surrender my principles and allow government to control a woman's body. especially when doing so causes mother to take on a huge physical and psychological burden. Don't get mad at me because I am consistent. :dunno:
False premise. You are consistently stupid, nothing else.


"Americans should be imitating the 8,000 people who signed onto a website declaring that the President is “not welcome” in Oregon to deliver his “Loathing American Liberty Speech”.

"Dead dictator Benito Mussolini dealt with protestors like this by stating to the Italian Senate in 1931, “The measures adopted to restore public order are: First of all, the elimination of the so-called subversive elements. … On the morrow of each conflict I gave the categorical order to confiscate the largest possible number of weapons of every sort and kind. This confiscation, which continues with the utmost energy, has given satisfactory results.” Mr. Obama, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini all Agree with Your Gun Control Measures! | The American View
Another statist shows up to tell me I am the commie.

No, Virginia. Defending human rights (for example, the right to live) is not *statist*.

You are the statist. What statists are best at (besides telling people they need to die for the good of humanity) is pretending the people they persecute are the monsters.

We know who the monsters are. It's the ghouls who kill children for profit, and who don't believe anybody has a right to successfully protect themselves from violence.

You're the one asking government to butt its nose into pregnancy, not me.
Another statist shows up to tell me I am the commie.

No, Virginia. Defending human rights (for example, the right to live) is not *statist*.

You are the statist. What statists are best at (besides telling people they need to die for the good of humanity) is pretending the people they persecute are the monsters.

We know who the monsters are. It's the ghouls who kill children for profit, and who don't believe anybody has a right to successfully protect themselves from violence.

You're the one asking government to butt its nose into pregnancy, not me.
No, you are. You think the government needs to pay for pregnancy, for contraception, and for abortions.

You think the government should give money to abortionists.

You think the government should be able to force employers, including religious organizations, to pay for insurance that in turn pays for abortions.

That's YOU sticking YOUR nose into pregnancy. Not me.
Defending human the right to life. In doing so, you are asking another to sacrifice her right to not carry that burden. Who has the superior right? Who got here first?

You at least have to take the mother's burden into account.
You think the government should give money to abortionists.
As a pro lifer I am against abortions. However contraception is and has been a huge positive and since it prevents pregnancy which everyone agrees is a great thing no needless abortion will need to take place. All pro lifers believe that. Ignorant ones don't. We just shouldn't pay for your personal should.
Both are authoritarian busybodies carrying out their attack on liberty under the guise of "Think of the CHILDREN."

The anti-abortion crowd's real objective is to license, regulate, and even outlaw sex because Jesus said so.

The anti-gun crowd really wants to keep us from resisting when they bring their communism to America, because Commie Jesus and his disciples said so (Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Che, Chavez, Obama, etc.). Guns in the hands of citizens are the only thing protecting all other liberties.

Can we line up these two groups of people and give them a good cane flogging?
I dunno, I see a lot of anti abortion zealots popping up in gun related threads and taking pro gun positions. Even Chuz Birth(or else) is pro gun. Maybe he wants to shoot up abortion clinics or something. Don't think Jesus ever said anything definitive on regulating or licensing sex, or the benefits of automatic weapons vs semi-auto, or the sinful nature of bump stocks.
Defending human the right to life. In doing so, you are asking another to sacrifice her right to not carry that burden. Who has the superior right? Who got here first?

You at least have to take the mother's burden into account.
There is no right to "not carry the burden" if that burden has to be killed to eliminate the burden. What a ridiculous idea. You do not have the *right* to kill your burdens.

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