Antarctic ice shelf thinning accelerates


Gold Member
May 10, 2014
Antarctic Ice Shelf Thinning Speeds Up

Scientists have their best view yet of the status of Antarctica's floating ice shelves and they find them to be thinning at an accelerating rate.
Fernando Paolo and colleagues used 18 years of data from European radar satellites to compile their assessment.
In the first half of that period, the total losses from these tongues of ice that jut out from the continent amounted to 25 cubic km per year.
But by the second half, this had jumped to 310 cubic km per annum.
"For the decade before 2003, ice-shelf volume for all Antarctica did not change much," said Mr Paolo from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, US.
"Since then, volume loss has been significant. The western ice shelves have been persistently thinning for two decades, and earlier gains in the eastern ice shelves ceased in the most recent decade," he told BBC News.
The satellite research is published in Science Magazine. It is a step up from previous studies, which provided only short snapshots of behaviour. Here, the team has combined the data from three successive orbiting altimeter missions operated by the European Space Agency (Esa).
Faster flow
The findings demonstrate the value of continuous, long-term, cross-calibrated time series of information.
Many of Antarctica's ice shelves are huge. The one protruding into the Ross Sea is the size of France.
They form where glacier ice running off the continent protrudes across water. At a certain point, the ice lifts off the seabed and floats.
Eventually, as these shelves continue to push outwards, their fronts will calve, forming icebergs.
If the losses to the ocean balance the gains on land though precipitation of snows, this entirely natural process contributes nothing to sea level rise. But if thinning weakens the shelves so that land ice can flow faster towards the sea, this will kick the system out of kilter. Repeat observations now show this to be the case across much of West Antarctica.
"If this thinning continues at the rates we report, some of the ice shelves in West Antarctica that we've observed will disappear by the end of this century," said Scripps co-author Helen Amanda Fricker.
"A number of these ice shelves are holding back 1m to 3m of sea level rise in the grounded ice. And that means that ultimately this ice will be delivered into the oceans and we will see global sea-level rise on that order."
Prof Fricker was speaking on this week's Science In Action programme for the BBC World Service.
Modelling capability
Various studies have now confirmed that the land, or grounded, ice in Antarctica is losing mass.
Esa's current polar observing spacecraft, known as Cryosat, recently reported that the continent's ice sheet was diminishing at a rate of 160 billion tonnes a year. Cryosat found the average elevation of the full ice sheet to be falling annually by almost 2cm.
It is thought that all this thinning is predominantly the consequence of warm water getting under the floating ice at the continent's margins to melt it from below.
This warmer water appears to be being drawn towards Antarctica by stronger westerly winds in the Southern Ocean.
But the precise drivers at work and their scale are poorly understood. And until scientists get a better grasp of some of these issues, their ability to project future change will be limited.
Prof David Vaughan is the director of science at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), and was not involved in the Paolo paper.
He commented: "We need three components: we need to understand the changes in the grounded ice; how the floating ice is behaving; and finally how the oceanographic conditions under the floating ice have changed. With those three things, we have the basis for building really good models. Ten years ago, we didn't have any one of those elements. Today, we've made good progress on two, but on the oceanographic side we're only just beginning."
BAS recently placed moorings in the Amundsen Sea in West Antarctica to gather data on ocean conditions. In the same sector, BAS also sent a sub under the floating shelf ahead of Pine Island Glacier to better understand how water moves under the ice.
I think we're going to find that, like the rest of the world, Antarctica has been responding to ongoing global warming just about precisely as it was expected to do so.

The Earth continues to warm. The primary cause of that warming is human GHG emissions and deforestation. Claims that it is not, that there is no greenhouse effect, that CO2 does not behave as scientists have understood it to behave for the last hundred years, are going to make some bitter crow on which some will be forced to dine.
emoticon panic-ky stickmen.gif

Where will the penguins go!!!
It is already too late to do anything. We have already gone off the cliff. Even if it were not, those who could do something have too much invested in the status quo to do anything. Those who currently deny anything is actually happening will continue to do so until it is undeniable, and then blame those who told them it was happening for not doing something about it. Human behavior is entirely predictable.
Folks just love to keep their heads buried in the sand. Eventually, there will be plenty of it for everyone.
East Antarctica Melting Could be Explained by Oceanic Gateways
March 16, 2015

AUSTIN,Texas — Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin’s Institute for Geophysics (UTIG) in the Jackson School of Geosciences have discovered two seafloor gateways that could allow warm ocean water to reach the base of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica’s largest and most rapidly thinning glacier. The discovery, reported in the March 16 edition of the journal Nature Geoscience, probably explains the glacier’s extreme thinning and raises concerns about how it will affect sea level rise.

Totten Glacier is East Antarctica’s largest outlet of ice to the ocean and has been thinning rapidly for many years. Although deep, warm water has been observed seaward of the glacier, until now there was no evidence that it could compromise coastal ice. The result is of global importance because the ice flowing through Totten Glacier alone is sufficient to raise global sea level by at least 11 feet, equivalent to the contribution of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet if it were to completely collapse.

A map showing the previously-hidden landscape beneath Totten Glacier. Orange arrows indicate seafloor valleys deep enough to allow warm water to enter beneath the glacier's ice. The solid orange arrow leads to the deeper of the two gateways, a three-mile-wide seafloor valley. Image: Jamin Greenbaum

“We now know there are avenues for the warmest waters in East Antarctica to access the most sensitive areas of Totten Glacier,” said lead author Jamin Greenbaum, a UTIG Ph.D. candidate.

The ice loss to the ocean may soon be irreversible unless atmospheric and oceanic conditions change so that snowfall outpaces coastal melting. The potential for irreversible ice loss is due to the broadly deepening shape of Totten Glacier’s catchment, the large collection of ice and snow that flows from a deep interior basin to the coastline.

“The catchment of Totten Glacier is covered by nearly 2½ miles of ice, filling a sub-ice basin reaching depths of at least one mile below sea level,” said UTIG researcher Donald Blankenship.

Greenbaum and Blankenship collaborated with an international team from the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom and France.

Because much of the California-sized interior basin lies below sea level, its overlying thicker ice is susceptible to rapid loss if warm ocean currents sufficiently thin coastal ice. Given that previous work has shown that the basin has drained its ice to the ocean and filled again many times in the past, this study uncovers a means for how that process may be starting again.

East Antarctica Melting Could be Explained by Oceanic Gateways News

Not just the West Shelf.
It is already too late to do anything. We have already gone off the cliff. Even if it were not, those who could do something have too much invested in the status quo to do anything. Those who currently deny anything is actually happening will continue to do so until it is undeniable, and then blame those who told them it was happening for not doing something about it. Human behavior is entirely predictable.
Climate change has frequently been likened to slavery in the U.S. before the Civil War. The same denial of stark truths, by people who do not see how we could live without slavery, on the one hand, fossil fuels, on the other. Horrific injustice towards millions--of blacks on the one hand, and of the young and unborn generations, on the other.

It is useful therefore to recall that, going into the Civil War, almost no-one thought that slavery would be ended in just a few short years.

Change CAN happen rapidly. It can happen virtually overnight. Even when it seems like the institutions in question are impregnable, invincible.
It is already too late to do anything. We have already gone off the cliff. Even if it were not, those who could do something have too much invested in the status quo to do anything. Those who currently deny anything is actually happening will continue to do so until it is undeniable, and then blame those who told them it was happening for not doing something about it. Human behavior is entirely predictable.
There is no status quo. Why you folks won't accept the fact you can;t control nature is beyond me.
It is already too late to do anything. We have already gone off the cliff. Even if it were not, those who could do something have too much invested in the status quo to do anything. Those who currently deny anything is actually happening will continue to do so until it is undeniable, and then blame those who told them it was happening for not doing something about it. Human behavior is entirely predictable.

It's already undeniable yet they still deny it. We may conclude, then, that they are not rational or sufficiently intelligent to understand what's happening.
It is already too late to do anything. We have already gone off the cliff. Even if it were not, those who could do something have too much invested in the status quo to do anything. Those who currently deny anything is actually happening will continue to do so until it is undeniable, and then blame those who told them it was happening for not doing something about it. Human behavior is entirely predictable.
Climate change has frequently been likened to slavery in the U.S. before the Civil War. The same denial of stark truths, by people who do not see how we could live without slavery, on the one hand, fossil fuels, on the other. Horrific injustice towards millions--of blacks on the one hand, and of the young and unborn generations, on the other.

It is useful therefore to recall that, going into the Civil War, almost no-one thought that slavery would be ended in just a few short years.

Change CAN happen rapidly. It can happen virtually overnight. Even when it seems like the institutions in question are impregnable, invincible.

The difference between the two situations was slavery was entirely under the control of human beings. To stop it all we had to do was stop doing it. What is currently going on is now out of our hands. We have already passed the point of no return. The best we can do now is perhaps slow it down a bit and mitigate some of the damages, but that is it. And to do that will take a global effort that simply is not going to happen. By the time we begin to do something concrete, nothing we can do will matter. I wish I was wrong about that, but I don't think I am.
It is already too late to do anything. We have already gone off the cliff. Even if it were not, those who could do something have too much invested in the status quo to do anything. Those who currently deny anything is actually happening will continue to do so until it is undeniable, and then blame those who told them it was happening for not doing something about it. Human behavior is entirely predictable.
There is no status quo. Why you folks won't accept the fact you can;t control nature is beyond me.

Why you folks can't see the obvious is beyond me.
Yeah whatever, ice has been receding for the past 12,000 years, so what?

Moreover, there's an 800,000 year data set demonstrating that CO2 lags temperature and never leads it, not once.

Finally, the death worshiping, Doomsday AGWCult have never once shown any evidence linking a wisp of CO2 to temperature increase. This is their standard MO, find a news item and blame it on the their God, the CO2 molecule. It fails as science
It is already too late to do anything. We have already gone off the cliff. Even if it were not, those who could do something have too much invested in the status quo to do anything. Those who currently deny anything is actually happening will continue to do so until it is undeniable, and then blame those who told them it was happening for not doing something about it. Human behavior is entirely predictable.
There is no status quo.
If you could point to the last time temperatures rose this quickly I'd love to know about it.

Why you folks won't accept the fact you can;t control nature is beyond me.
That appears to be merely a belief you hold, not backed by evidence or logic.[/QUOTE]

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