Another Wonderful Thing Courtesy of the ACLU & CO


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
San Diego to Move Giant Cross
City Council Votes To End Suit Over Religious Symbol

By Kimberly Edds
Special to The Washington Post
Thursday, March 10, 2005; Page A19

Sixteen years of legal wrangling over whether a 43-foot cross at the top of Mount Soledad in La Jolla, Calif., violates the separation of church and state came to a halt Tuesday when the San Diego City Council voted 5 to 3 to reject a plan to keep the cross where it is.

After more than 50 years overlooking the city of San Diego, the cross, erected as part of veteran's war memorial, will be moved. The vote, after an emotional six-hour public hearing that drew hundreds of residents, slams the door on recent attempts to retain the cross as part of a national monument, including an effort by two Republican members of Congress.

Built on land owned by the city of San Diego, the cross has been repeatedly ordered by a federal judge to be removed from its current location -- the centerpiece of several circles of granite honoring service members. more..........

Yes what a positive thing to have happen!
"San" is the spanish contraction for "santo" which means "saint"?

Guess they need to change to name of the city to "Diego".
Merlin1047 said:
"San" is the spanish contraction for "santo" which means "saint"?

Guess they need to change to name of the city to "Diego".

And Los Angeles (City of Angels) Maybe just "City"
Unreal. Hmmm, Jesus said they would hate us because of him.

I don't know, but this is a joke. What is even sicker, is that yours and mine taxpayer dollars helped fund this, ala, ACLU. I know I have called for serious inquiries into this orgs status as non profit and done nothing cause I am busy, still no excuse, but this org needs a big slap.

Btw, what is "church" and state? What does "church" mean? Only Christian church? Or is it a faith? Well I want the Hollywood sign taken down because it infringes on my right to be free of the religion of self god like attention and self god like beliefs. Everytime I see the sign I feel inferior, subject too, the greatness of godlike models and actors/actresses. I start to succomb unknowingly to the all mighty God of entertainment. My sparse savings dwindles to the offering of Hollywood's latest sermon, via it a movie that slants the truth or a preacher (actor) of that movie spouting thier belief off sermon site. Further, they even tell me what products to by!

Astounded and, well, simply astounded.

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