Another USMB Palin Thread


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
by Jack Cafferty

Cafferty File: Tell Jack how you really feel Blog Archive - Palin's reaction to Tucson massacre end her chances of being president? - Blogs


You see, before Palin opened her mouth, there was a good deal of sympathy for her. Many believed it was wrong to drag her into the debate.

But then she spoke. And it was just awful. Defiant and inflammatory, Palin invoked the historically painful term "blood libel" in attacking the media. This is a phrase used to describe anti-Semitic myths about how Jews killed children to use their blood in rituals.

NBC news correspondent Andrea Mitchell suggested the use of the phrase "blood libel" was "ignorant." Which it was. A CBS analysis suggested Palin played "the victim card." Which she did. And ABC said Palin "once again, has found a way to become part of the story." True.

It is being suggested that the scope of the Tucson situation is simply beyond Palin's limited skill set. And when you compare Palin's response to the uplifting speech we heard from our president last night, well, you can draw your own conclusions.


Jack is on the money.
She becomes part of the story when Ed Schultz and the rest of the hosts on MSNBC have dedicated a good portion of their shows for a week now in coverage about Sarah Palin.Then when she responds to the incident which was something that Schultz was demanding,then they bash her for that.....

I have never seen hatred like this for some one.And the left will not rest until they push it to a point that something bad happens.This should be a concern.The President called for talk to be toned down which the left demanded and they are the ones cranking it up.
by Jack Cafferty

Cafferty File: Tell Jack how you really feel Blog Archive - Palin's reaction to Tucson massacre end her chances of being president? - Blogs


You see, before Palin opened her mouth, there was a good deal of sympathy for her. Many believed it was wrong to drag her into the debate.

But then she spoke. And it was just awful. Defiant and inflammatory, Palin invoked the historically painful term "blood libel" in attacking the media. This is a phrase used to describe anti-Semitic myths about how Jews killed children to use their blood in rituals.

NBC news correspondent Andrea Mitchell suggested the use of the phrase "blood libel" was "ignorant." Which it was. A CBS analysis suggested Palin played "the victim card." Which she did. And ABC said Palin "once again, has found a way to become part of the story." True.

It is being suggested that the scope of the Tucson situation is simply beyond Palin's limited skill set. And when you compare Palin's response to the uplifting speech we heard from our president last night, well, you can draw your own conclusions.


Jack is on the money.

Nope. They attacked Mrs. Palin. She told it from her point of view aka she defended herself. Then she was attacked for that. You hate. Plain and simple You own it. If doofas had been a real leader he'd have walked into that Memorial with Mrs Palin on his free arm. But of course he's not the type to be that magnanimous. You hate You own it. Mrs. Palin was unecessarily attacked. That hate and your party owns it. You now have a PR problem of gigantic proportions. Notice he would not sit anywhere near Mrs. Brewer either.. Yep..
She becomes part of the story when Ed Schultz and the rest of the hosts on MSNBC have dedicated a good portion of their shows for a week now in coverage about Sarah Palin.Then when she responds to the incident which was something that Schultz was demanding,then they bash her for that.....

I have never seen hatred like this for some one.And the left will not rest until they push it to a point that something bad happens.This should be a concern.The President called for talk to be toned down which the left demanded and they are the ones cranking it up.

Not for a week. For 3 years.
by Jack Cafferty

Cafferty File: Tell Jack how you really feel Blog Archive - Palin's reaction to Tucson massacre end her chances of being president? - Blogs


You see, before Palin opened her mouth, there was a good deal of sympathy for her. Many believed it was wrong to drag her into the debate.

But then she spoke. And it was just awful. Defiant and inflammatory, Palin invoked the historically painful term "blood libel" in attacking the media. This is a phrase used to describe anti-Semitic myths about how Jews killed children to use their blood in rituals.

NBC news correspondent Andrea Mitchell suggested the use of the phrase "blood libel" was "ignorant." Which it was. A CBS analysis suggested Palin played "the victim card." Which she did. And ABC said Palin "once again, has found a way to become part of the story." True.

It is being suggested that the scope of the Tucson situation is simply beyond Palin's limited skill set. And when you compare Palin's response to the uplifting speech we heard from our president last night, well, you can draw your own conclusions.


Jack is on the money.

Oh palease.... the hatred that has been spewed towards that woman, her husband and her children has been over the top and disgusting.. since day one.

Peddle your sanctimonious hypocrisy elsewhere.

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