Another State Slides Into The Islamic Grip


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
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Counterterrorism Blog
Islamic Courts Consolidates Power in Somalia
By Bill Roggio

Map of Somalia, recent gains by the Islamic Courts marked in red. Click map to view.

Somalia continues the slide into the darkness of a radical Islamist state. Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, the al-Qaeda linked leader of the Islamic Courts is consolidating power in Somalia by taking control of vital lines of communications, organizing the army of the Islamic Courts, and instituting shariah law throughout the areas it controls.

As Daveed Gartenstein-Ross has noted, the Islamic Courts have taken control of the port cities of Harardhere, Eldher and Hoyobo, as well as Beletuein on the border with Ethiopia. The flights of arms shipments from Kazakistan reported by Douglas Farah continue to fly into Mogadishu's airport to this day.

The Islamic Courts, using money funneled from the Arabian peninsula, is arming its fighters with new weapons, and sending its fighters to receive professional training. "This is the beginning, but thousands of other gunmen will be trained. You are the ones who will disarm civilians, restore law and order and help enforce Sharia law," Aweys said to a group of 600 fighters at the Hilweyne military camp. As the army of the Islamic Courts ramps up, soldiers of the Transitional Federal Government (TGF) continue to defect. Over 100 TGF fighters stationed near Baidoa have defected to the Islamic Courts, and 500 total have defected since the Islamic Courts grabbed power in July.

16 of 17 known locations of terror training camps. Map is from 2002. Click map to view.

The Islamic Courts is further consolidating power by instituting a program to disarm Somalis not affiliated with the Islamists. They are disarming any potential rivals. The imposition of strict shariah law continues. Three Somalis caught in possession of marijuana were publicly whipped in Mogadishu. The Islamic Courts are organizing "a national forum to chart the lawless country's future," further eroding the power of the Transitional Federal Government. A Hezbollah-styled aid program is being set up to gain the loyalty of the Somalis.

The Ethiopian government is looking upon the rise of the Islamic Courts in Somalia with dismay, and continues to pour troops into the country. Ethiopian troops started reinforcing the failing Transitional Federal Government in Baidoa at the beginning of July, and this effort continues. Over 300 heavily armed Ethiopian troops have passed through the border town of Awdiinle and are reported to be heading to Baidoa. The Guardian reports Ethiopian "troops entered the town of Galkayo, driving seven pickup trucks mounted with machine guns and six trucks loaded with boxes." The Ethiopian government denies any incursions into Somalia, but Ethiopian forces have been in and around Baidoa for two months now.

Both the Ethiopians and the Islamic Courts appear to be waiting for the other to make the first move and spark the war. The Islamic Courts continues to call for Jihad "against 'the enemy of Somalia'" and warned African peacekeeprs from deploying to Somalia. The Islamic Courts may be setting their sights on the Puntland region in central Somalia before dealing with the Ethiopians. In the mean time, the Islamic Courts consolidates their hold on power in Somalia, and the 17 terror training camps continue to churn out new fighters for the Islamic Courts and al-Qaeda.

By Bill Roggio on August 23, 2006 1:01 PM
And, let's not forget the Shia leaders, our government helped install, in Iraq which are already forging ties with the Shia clerics in Iran. Gee...Thanks Chimpy!

And, of course, there is the Taliban which is making a resurgence in Afghanistan, imposing Shariat law wherever they go. Had Chimpy and Co. not gone haring off into the quagmire of Iraq, Afghanistan might have had a shot at becoming a stable democracy in the region. Gee...Thanks Chimpy!
Looks like they just took the capital city though. Somaliland and Puntland, two provinces in the north with de facto independence, still maintain total control over those areas. It's a military victory for the Islamists, but they don't control the country.
Since that time, Somalia has done quite well for itself, thank you (BBC: "Telecoms Thriving in Lawless Somalia"). But there was one major problem. The CIA couldn't come to terms with it. The US government likes to deal with other governments, whether it is paying them or bombing them or whatever. What makes no sense to central planners in DC is a country without a state.

So the US continued to talk about a "power vacuum" and secretly funneled money to its favorite warlords — a fact that the United States officially denies but which has nonetheless been widely reported. Officials who have criticized the policy have been shut up and reassigned.

Aside from the downside that comes with the creation of any government, the continuous effort to fund warlords created a problem: it left open the possibility that at some point someone would cobble together the resources to claim to be a government. The mere prospect kept the Islamic militias worried and on edge. Finally, they prevailed.

As the International Herald Tribune says: "U.S. support for secular warlords, who joined under the banner of the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counterterrorism, may have helped to unnerve the Islamic militias and prompted them to launch pre-emptive strikes."

That's hardly surprising. How many times have we seen the US establishment back something to the hilt only to discover that the plot backfires by inspiring opposition? This is one of many problems of the US government. Its crackdowns usually end up working as advertisements (think of drugs, for example). All throughout Latin America, we've seen this happen with politics: US support is often the kiss of death. Especially in a country like Somalia, with so many factions, US backing is something to hide because it can only fire up the opposition.

But governments don't think dynamically about the long-run consequences of their actions. They figure that if they want a particular policy, they only need to pay for it. It is a very short-sighted viewpoint — and a dangerous one in political terms.
Does this mean that the thousnads of dollars that my Christian Chuch has spent was money ill spent? How does the GOOD NEWS of Christianity fail so completely?


Does this mean that the thousnads of dollars that my Christian Chuch has spent was money ill spent?

In a word, NO.

How does the GOOD NEWS of Christianity fail so completely?

You DO have a hard time connecting the dots Psycho. Christianity HASN'T failed, far from it. Islam has failed, and they are making one last desperate attempt to pull the rest of the world into their "hell on Earth". Seems they've been successful with YOU ,and a few others.

Hope you enjoy the "burn"..............:blues:
In a word, NO.

You DO have a hard time connecting the dots Psycho. Christianity HASN'T failed, far from it. Islam has failed, and they are making one last desperate attempt to pull the rest of the world into their "hell on Earth". Seems they've been successful with YOU ,and a few others.

Hope you enjoy the "burn"..............:blues:[/Q

9/11 proved Islam is near it's death nell. It's defender's resort to murder. As since it's worthless/ungodly beginning Islam brings death. Islam is the lie of one man's mind. It's sad that a lie has taken over millions. That is the truth.

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