Another Reason To Repeal obamacare...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
... it doesn't/won't work. It was modeled after europe, but woopsie daisy... what's this? Britain is doing away with theirs. While we're creating hundreds of new government agencies and layers of bureaucracy, the very same people our merry band of radical socialists modeled their plan after are eliminating theirs. Only goes to show, repealing obamacare is our only real choice.

Britain Plans to Decentralize National Health Care

Published: July 24, 2010

LONDON — Perhaps the only consistent thing about Britain’s socialized health care system is that it is in a perpetual state of flux, its structure constantly changing as governments search for the elusive formula that will deliver the best care for the cheapest price while costs and demand escalate.

Even as the new coalition government said it would make enormous cuts in the public sector, it initially promised to leave health care alone. But in one of its most surprising moves so far, it has done the opposite, proposing what would be the most radical reorganization of the National Health Service, as the system is called, since its inception in 1948.

Practical details of the plan are still sketchy. But its aim is clear: to shift control of England’s $160 billion annual health budget from a centralized bureaucracy to doctors at the local level. Under the plan, $100 billion to $125 billion a year would be meted out to general practitioners, who would use the money to buy services from hospitals and other health care providers.

The plan would also shrink the bureaucratic apparatus, in keeping with the government’s goal to effect $30 billion in “efficiency savings” in the health budget by 2014 and to reduce administrative costs by 45 percent. Tens of thousands of jobs would be lost because layers of bureaucracy would be abolished.
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Damn it... somebody beat me to it. Good ahead and delete this thread.

Course there's two about N. Korea threatening to nuke us and both of those are still on the board.
You're under the impression health care reform in the U.S. was modeled on the NHS? Not even close.

Anyway, under reform, health care in the U.S. remains decentralized, administered by state governments.
You're under the impression health care reform in the U.S. was modeled on the NHS? Not even close.

Anyway, under reform, health care in the U.S. remains decentralized, administered by state governments.

No I think the impression he is under is that something like the NHS is what Obama and the Dems want to get to eventually. Certainly the Guy Obama just appointed to head up Medicare says he likes the NHS, and has some interesting views on how Health care is wealth redistribution.

You are right the current bill is nothing like the NHS, but IMO and many others something like the NHS is the ultimate goal of the Left. The current Bill fails to please anyone IMO and am just do not get why so many people defend it.
No I think the impression he is under is that something like the NHS is what Obama and the Dems want to get to eventually.

In one thread I'm told they're after single-payer, in another I'm told they're after the NHS model of genuine socialized medicine. They're just after everything aren't they? Mutually exclusive or not.

Certainly the Guy Obama just appointed to head up Medicare says he likes the NHS, and has some interesting views on how Health care is wealth redistribution.

And what were Berwick's suggestions for improving the NHS in the speech that has some so riled up? Among them, "put the patient at the center – at the absolute center of your system of care" and "strengthen the local health care systems – community care systems – as a whole."

And what do the British say they're trying to do with these reforms? Things like: "We will put patients at the heart of the NHS, through an information revolution and greater choice and control" and "empower professionals and providers, giving them more autonomy and, in return, making them more accountable for the results they achieve, accountable to patients through choice and accountable to the public at local level."
Yea, I don't like that parents can now put their college age kids on their insurance policies as long as the kids attend schools. It's never good to help the Middle Class. They need to be more self sufficient. Besides it costs the companies money.

It used to be that if a family of four was insured and the son had an allergy and the father developed cancer, the entire family could be dropped. Why? Because the son had a "pre existing condition". Why should insurance companies pay for the father's cancer treatment when the son already has an "allergy"?

As far as covernig 32 million more Americans? I have to side with the Republicans on this. Fuck 'em. If they aren't rich, then why should we care what happens to them?

Health Care Reform Bill Summary: A Look At What's in the Bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Yea, I don't like that parents can now put their college age kids on their insurance policies as long as the kids attend schools. It's never good to help the Middle Class. They need to be more self sufficient. Besides it costs the companies money.

It used to be that if a family of four was insured and the son had an allergy and the father developed cancer, the entire family could be dropped. Why? Because the son had a "pre existing condition". Why should insurance companies pay for the father's cancer treatment when the son already has an "allergy"?

As far as covernig 32 million more Americans? I have to side with the Republicans on this. Fuck 'em. If they aren't rich, then why should we care what happens to them?

Health Care Reform Bill Summary: A Look At What's in the Bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

What's especialy funny is this part:

Individuals and families who make between 100 percent - 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and want to purchase their own health insurance on an exchange are eligible for subsidies.

They scream that they are "afraid" they will be put in jail They could be subsidized.

Imagine if the Republicans actually checked out what was in the bill that terrifies them?

Everything they say is so ridiculous that I wonder, "Who could possibly believe all that bullshit they spew?", then I realize, "They do".
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No I think the impression he is under is that something like the NHS is what Obama and the Dems want to get to eventually.

In one thread I'm told they're after single-payer, in another I'm told they're after the NHS model of genuine socialized medicine. They're just after everything aren't they? Mutually exclusive or not.


NHS is single payer.
The Left wants more control over health care by the government. This is the only salient fact. How far they want to go and how is their only dispute.

Actuyally I heard an interesting idea from one of our candidates. Her take was that Obamacare does not need to be repealed. All that needs to happen is for Congress to pass a resolution declaring the legislation unconstitutional. That would not even require a presidential signature.
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Yes, who are we to doubt ObamaCare?

Obama May 2010: It's Not a Tax
Obama June 2010: It's a Tax
I pray the Roberts Court declares it unconstitutional so we can then go about dismant.., er I mean reforming the rest of the Progressive agenda
I pray the Roberts Court declares it unconstitutional so we can then go about dismant.., er I mean reforming the rest of the Progressive agenda

As I mentioned, that isn't necessary. All that has to happen is for Congress to pass a resolution declaring it is unconstitutional. That would not need litigation or presidential signature.
I pray the Roberts Court declares it unconstitutional so we can then go about dismant.., er I mean reforming the rest of the Progressive agenda

As I mentioned, that isn't necessary. All that has to happen is for Congress to pass a resolution declaring it is unconstitutional. That would not need litigation or presidential signature.

But US health care still needs more market place choices so repealing ObamaCare is just the first step
You're under the impression health care reform in the U.S. was modeled on the NHS? Not even close.

Anyway, under reform, health care in the U.S. remains decentralized, administered by state governments.


Shirley You Jest.
I pray the Roberts Court declares it unconstitutional so we can then go about dismant.., er I mean reforming the rest of the Progressive agenda

As I mentioned, that isn't necessary. All that has to happen is for Congress to pass a resolution declaring it is unconstitutional. That would not need litigation or presidential signature.

But US health care still needs more market place choices so repealing ObamaCare is just the first step

Yes. Undoing the crap is a necessary first step. But even if nothng else happened, it would still be worthwhile.
As I mentioned, that isn't necessary. All that has to happen is for Congress to pass a resolution declaring it is unconstitutional. That would not need litigation or presidential signature.

But US health care still needs more market place choices so repealing ObamaCare is just the first step

Yes. Undoing the crap is a necessary first step. But even if nothng else happened, it would still be worthwhile.

That's right, support "undo" anything that helps the American People. And you have the nerve and the gall to call Democrats the party of "fuck you". And can't name a single positive thing the Republicans have done for American in 20 years. Not one.

The current Republican party is the worst thing that's ever happened to this country. They contribute nothing and want to tear down everything.
But US health care still needs more market place choices so repealing ObamaCare is just the first step

Yes. Undoing the crap is a necessary first step. But even if nothng else happened, it would still be worthwhile.

That's right, support "undo" anything that helps the American People. And you have the nerve and the gall to call Democrats the party of "fuck you". And can't name a single positive thing the Republicans have done for American in 20 years. Not one.

The current Republican party is the worst thing that's ever happened to this country. They contribute nothing and want to tear down everything.

Positive things the Republican s have done:



Newt Congress gave us budget surpluses

Well, that works for now. More as I think of them
But US health care still needs more market place choices so repealing ObamaCare is just the first step

Yes. Undoing the crap is a necessary first step. But even if nothng else happened, it would still be worthwhile.

That's right, support "undo" anything that helps the American People. And you have the nerve and the gall to call Democrats the party of "fuck you". And can't name a single positive thing the Republicans have done for American in 20 years. Not one.

The current Republican party is the worst thing that's ever happened to this country. They contribute nothing and want to tear down everything.

Id gladly contribute a straight jacket to keep you from hurting yourself
To tax or not to tax that is the question.

It's a tax! It's not a tax!

It's not a tax! It's a tax!

You got your tax on my regulation! You got your regulations on my tax!

ObamaCare, we don't know what the fuck it is, but it's good for you!

Get some today while you still have Useful Life Years!
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