
Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I'm preparing a proposal for a Medicare Advantage plan to sign up their 4,000+ physicians with our business and in researching,
ran across this direct from Medicare a 22 page summary that I downloaded and copied the below excerpt:

"National Health Expenditure Projections 2010-2020 Forecast Summary"
On Page 1 of the summary...

"Out-of-pocket spending is projected to grow 3.9 percent in 2013, up from 1.8 percent in 2010, as growth in household incomes is expected to lead to more health care spending and as employers are anticipated to increase cost-sharing requirements in employer-sponsored insurance plans."

Now ignore the crap about income growth leading to more health care spending..
(by the way.. doesn't that go against the meme.."dwindling middle class income"???)
Folks..what they are saying isL

Because employers' health insurance rates are increasing faster due to the following:

1) "pre-existing conditions" are not allowed in determining premiums.
Insurance companies WILL NOT know what potential claims they will have to pay! i.e. NO pre-existing conditions" to plan to pay claims and build reserves for those claims! NO way of knowing how much or how many claims based on historical data.. i.e. smokers file more cancer claims then non-smokers..FACT!

But with smokers and non-smokers not distinguished, the companies must raise the rates on every one!
As a result employers will require employees to make a larger co-pay!
Hence "out of pocket" spending increasing by 200% PROJECTED by Medicare to grow from 1.8% to 3.9%!

Considering 2020 projected Health expenditures will be $4.6 trillion that means
increase of out out of YOUR pockets for co-pays,etc. by $170 BILLION in 2020!

AND OBAMACARE was to do WHAT???????

2) living at home to age 26 allowed coverage under employer health plans.
Again..faulty thinking that increasing the "pool" would lower costs,
IDIOT Obamacare "planners" TOTALLY ignorant that insurance companies would
HAVE to raise RATES to cover those at home adults!
a friend's son's employer's insurance increased $600/month because of their adding
a new BABY!!!

And OBAMACARE was to do what.. make health care universal???

NOTE: "Out-of-Pocket Expenditures are:
relates to provisions of health insurance or third-party payers for beneficiaries to cover part of the medical cost via a fixed amount per service (co-payment) or a set share of the price tagged to services (co-insurance, also labeled in some countries 'ticket modérateur') or a fixed amount to be born before the third-party gets involved (deductible).
OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms - Out-of-pocket expenditure by households on health Definition

So folks OBAMA MUST go so Obamacare can be repealed BEFORE further damages are done!
So you are upset that a social program that got some budget cuts is costing more money out of pocket this this year? Damned sure looks that way.
Funny how rw's are against affordable health care insurance UNTIL they need it. Then, they're in favor of it but they're still not in favor of actually having to PAY for it. Until the rw is willing to pay for their own health care insurance, I'm afraid the rest of us might have to go on paying for them.

Its a lot like Social Security. Anyone believe these hypocrites will send their SS checks back? Hell no because when its convenient for them, its a Good Thing. Same with the fire dept, law enforcement, driving on public roadways ....

IOW, they're all in favor of SOCIALISM when is benefits them.

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