Another McCain ad lie exposed for what it is

Nice spin for mentally challenged left.....

Obama ran it....Ayers gave orders, doesn't mean he was out in the public eye for all to see........

Radical ? thats a relative term.....left-leaning , radical? IMO, yeah...
Nice spin for mentally challenged left.....

Obama ran it....Ayers gave orders, doesn't mean he was out in the public eye for all to see........

Radical ? thats a relative term.....left-leaning , radical? IMO, yeah...

:lol: This is the best and only republican response so far?

Ah, so all democrats that lean left are radical? This country is at least 38% radicals?

I guess so Cali.

Reminds me of something I thought of:

Democrats call helping the poor charity.

Republicans call helping the poor socialism.

According to Arthur C. Brooks, a professor at Syracuse University, who published “Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism,” liberals are less charitable than conservatives.
If many conservatives are liberals who have been mugged by reality, Brooks, a registered independent, is, as a reviewer of his book said, a social scientist who has been mugged by data. They include these findings:

– Although liberal families’ incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).

– Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood.

– Residents of the states that voted for John Kerry in 2004 gave smaller percentages of their incomes to charity than did residents of states that voted for George Bush.

– Bush carried 24 of the 25 states where charitable giving was above average.

– In the 10 reddest states, in which Bush got more than 60 percent majorities, the average percentage of personal income donated to charity was 3.5. Residents of the bluest states, which gave Bush less than 40 percent, donated just 1.9 percent.

– People who reject the idea that “government has a responsibility to reduce income inequality” give an average of four times more than people who accept that proposition.

Brooks demonstrates a correlation between charitable behavior and “the values that lie beneath” liberal and conservative labels. Two influences on charitable behavior are religion and attitudes about the proper role of government.

Arthur Brooks: Gross National Happiness

Information above from George Will at
Conservatives More Liberal Givers
:) or it might have to do with fear....

Liberal? Conservative? Blame it on a fear factor
A new study argues the choice is tied to DNA, and one camp is scared.
By Denise Gellene
Los Angeles Times
Article Launched: 09/19/2008 12:30:00 AM MDT

Die-hard liberals and conservatives aren't made; they're born. It's literally in their DNA.

That's the suggestion of a study by a group of researchers who wanted to see if there was a biological basis for people's political attitudes.

They found to their surprise that opinions on such contentious issues as gun control, pacifism and capital punishment are strongly associated with physiological traits that are probably present at birth.

The key is the differing levels of fear that people naturally feel.

"What is revolutionary about this paper is that it shows the path from genes to physiology to behavior," said James H. Fowler, a political-science professor at the University of California, San Diego, who was not involved in the research.

The researchers, whose findings were published today in the journal Science, looked at 46 people — liberals who supported foreign aid, immigration, pacifism and gun control; and conservatives who advocated defense spending, capital punishment, patriotism and the Iraq war.

...any guesses as to which political ideology is more fearful?

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