Another Illegal Kills Another White Girl

Hello, joe. You ask, "What harm will illegal aliens do in the long run?" Well, since you honestly answered my question, I have to respect that and give you an honest answer. I can't see the future. From my perspective, as this issue unfolds, at the present time: they bring decay, corruption and a chaotic presence. Crime, that is. They put demands on the social welfare and judicial systems, ones we can't afford anymore. They ignore the existing culture, and to add insult to injury, they seem to have a perverse satisfaction doing it under the guise of "freedom", or "diversity" . Other than that, they are just spiffy. I can't see any benefits, so, from your perspective, perhaps you can tell me what GOOD they bring now? I am not seeing what that might be. Of course, I was born here. I am over forty, and I don't make as much money as some of the pundits on this board, so perhaps my opinions are worthless. Perhaps the negative experiences I have had with illegal you can make those go away, while you are at it. Sorry, I just ain't seeing the same silver lining on that dark cloud.
RE: 'Race, Population, Incarceration' Did anybody notice the date? Print something more recent than 2000 and 2002/2003.

The most reliable data available is that of the U.S. Census, which will occur again next year. So I can assure you, I'll certainly be able to cater to that need of yours soon. Regardless, there are several empirical sources suitable for consultation here. In terms of a statewide analysis, we could refer to Butcher and Piehl's Crime, Corrections, and California- What Does Immigration Have to Do with It?. But the findings do not seem to support the claims offered.

We find that the foreign-born, who make up about 35 percent of the adult population in California, constitute only about 17 percent of the adult prison population. Thus, immigrants are underrepresented in California prisons compared to their representation in the overall population. In fact, U.S.-born adult men are incarcerated at a rate over two-and-a-half times greater than that of foreign-born men. The difference only grows when we expand our investigation. When we consider all institutionalization (not only prisons but also jails, halfway houses, and the like) and focus on the population that is most likely to be in institutions because of criminal activity (men ages 18–40), we find that, in California, U.S.-born men have an institutionalization rate that is 10 times higher than that of foreign-born men (4.2% vs. 0.42%). And when we compare foreign-born men to U.S.-born men with similar age and education levels, these differences become even greater.

A similar analysis is offered by Reid et al.'s The immigration–crime relationship: Evidence across US metropolitan areas. Consider the abstract:

Despite popular commentary claiming a link between immigration and crime, empirical research exploring this relationship is sparse. Especially missing from the literature on immigration and crime is a consideration of how immigration affects rates of crime at the macro-level. Although individual-level studies of immigrant criminality and victimization tend to demonstrate that immigrants typically engage in less crime than their native-born counterparts, the effect of immigration on aggregate criminal offending is less clear. In this research, we attempt to address this weakness in the literature by examining the effects of aspects of immigration on crime rates in metropolitan areas. We combine 2000 US Census data and 2000 Uniform Crime Report data to explore how the foreign-born population influences criminal offending across a sample of metropolitan areas. After controlling for a host of demographic and economic characteristics, we find that immigration does not increase crime rates, and some aspects of immigration lessen crime in metropolitan areas.

We can also refer to Rumbaut and Co.'s Debunking the Myth of Immigrant Criminality: Imprisonment Among First- and Second-Generation Young Men.

[T]he incarceration rate of the US born (3.51 percent) was four times the rate of the foreign born (0.86 percent). The foreign-born rate was half the 1.71 percent rate for non-Hispanic white natives, and 13 times less than the 11.6 percent incarceration rate for native black men (see Table 1)...Of particular interest is the finding that the lowest incarceration rates among Latin American immigrants are seen for the least educated groups: Salvadorans and Guatemalans (0.52 percent), and Mexicans (0.70 percent). These are precisely the groups most stigmatized as "illegals" in the public perception and outcry about immigration.

The "immigrant crime" babbling can't help but fall on its face, due to its clear conflict with the empirical research on the matter. You would be better suited to refer to illegal immigration's negative effects on low-skilled workers, but even then, you'd be referring to a somewhat mixed record that would likely still be remedied by more liberal immigration policies.

I agree, but like Agnapostate's stats show blacks and hispanics are commiting almost 3/4 of all crime even though blacks and hispanics are minority populations.

For the last time, that is not correct. The statistics indicate that a higher percentage of each respective population commit crimes than those among the white population, not that minority race populations themselves commit the majority of crimes in the country. Whites commit the majority of American crimes simply because they constitute the majority of the American population, though it is indeed accurate that the average black or Hispanic is more likely to commit crimes than the average white.

However, not because of bigotry or xenophobe. Rather it should be stopped, because America has a right to know who is coming across our borders,

Crude and empty nationalist rhetoric that cannot even be manifested through a coherent policy. Do the vast majority of Americans currently know *who* is coming across U.S. borders?

so Americans or valid foreign workers are not taking Americans jobs,

As with the allegation of such immigration lowering the wages of the low-skilled, the evidence on whether they actually are doing so in the manner that you imply is somewhat mixed (to support your claims, you'd want to refer to something such as The effects of recent immigration on racial/ethnic labor market differentials, which notes "[w]e find negative effects of recent immigration on the employment, and especially the wages, of low-skilled workers"), typically because the wide variety of factors that affect this process are not sufficiently considered. For instance, you assert that immigration depletes the American job supply without noting the role of population growth in creating an increased demand for goods and services.

so our healthcare, schools and welfare systems are not overburdened

An extremely poor argument. Are you sure you're not in favor of amnesty? You've of course failed to refer to labor market segmentation; had you done so, you would have been able to understand the nature of worker entry into the formal labor market being facilitated by legal status. For instance, let's have a look at. Undocumented Immigrants in Georgia: Tax Contribution and Fiscal Concerns.

The question lawmakers attempt to answer is: Do undocumented immigrants pay enough in taxes to cover the services used? For undocumented immigrants, the answer is unclear. However, for legal immigrants, studies have shown that first generation immigrants pay more in federal taxes than they receive in federal benefits. The same does not hold true for state taxes and services, however, as first generation immigrants often use more in services than they pay in taxes. However, the descendants of the first-generation immigrant correct that pattern and contribute more in taxes at both the federal and state level than they consume in services at both levels. Each generation successively contributes a greater share due to increased wages, language skills, and education.

I understand why you didn't care to this reality, of course: You are either ignorant of it, or are knowledgeable enough of it to realize that reference to it will not suit your agenda.

and lastly yes to prevent illegals with questionable criminal pasts from coming into this country!

Such a dubious assertion has already been extensively rebutted herein.

Well, for one thing, it let's people know that our borders are not being protected and that our people aren't being protected. Nothing will happen until we the people make it happen.

No, it doesn't. It's an anecdotal account entirely unsuitable for legitimate empirical purposes, and is thus useless for policy formation.

After 9/11, our borders should have been shut to all traffic until we had a handle on those that were already here. We still don't have a handle on them. If an illegal murderer can get in through our porous borders, what makes you think a terrorist will be stopped?

9/11 is perhaps not the best example, since 3/4 of the hijackers were legal U.S. residents. Moreover, considering the nature of 9/11 as an attack conducted through airplane hijackings and crashes, it doesn't seem as though different immigration policies would have had a substantially different effect, since the planes could have theoretically taken off from any country in relatively close proximity to the targets. Overall, I'd recommend substantial revision of Middle East policy to function as an obvious deterrent to Islamic radicalism, most obviously unconditional and unregulated support of the Israeli government's settlement construction.
America gives Mexico plenty of Foreign Aid, and 89% of illegal aliens are from Mexico.

Not that your other assertions weren't idiotic enough (and predictably, made no reference to the highly inequitable international wage differentials aggravated by trade liberalization), but you really might want to rethink that one. ;)
The time has come for the USA to let go of Mexico's 'hand' and let them sink or swim all on their very own. If they sink, oh well. How long does a parent keep a child at home? Until she/he is 18, 26, 32, 40, 48, 55???? Or ad infinitum? The same goes for any country that keeps depending on the USA to do for them! The USA is broke; Ca, the welfare state, is broke as are others. Time to start asking why and without the political correct crap.
The time has come for the USA to let go of Mexico's 'hand' and let them sink or swim all on their very own. If they sink, oh well. How long does a parent keep a child at home? Until she/he is 18, 26, 32, 40, 48, 55???? Or ad infinitum? The same goes for any country that keeps depending on the USA to do for them! The USA is broke; Ca, the welfare state, is broke as are others. Time to start asking why and without the political correct crap.

Actually, American trade liberalization has played a critical role in the aggravation of international wage differentials and displacement of laborers that prompted immigration in the first place. It was because of American intrusion that the need for immigration was caused.
The time has come for the USA to let go of Mexico's 'hand' and let them sink or swim all on their very own. If they sink, oh well. How long does a parent keep a child at home? Until she/he is 18, 26, 32, 40, 48, 55???? Or ad infinitum? The same goes for any country that keeps depending on the USA to do for them! The USA is broke; Ca, the welfare state, is broke as are others. Time to start asking why and without the political correct crap.

Actually, American trade liberalization has played a critical role in the aggravation of international wage differentials and displacement of laborers that prompted immigration in the first place. It was because of American intrusion that the need for immigration was caused.

And yet we had no shortage of illegals before NAFTA. And the biggest demonstration in favor of NAFTA took place in Mexico city.
'Actually, American trade liberalization has played a critical role in the aggravation of international wage differentials and displacement of laborers that prompted immigration in the first place. It was because of American intrusion that the need for immigration was caused.'

Here it is again. One more thing that the 'evil' USA is blamed for. What about Mexico's history of corruption? The politicians lining their pockets with millions of U.S dollars? Their laws that are never respected? The historical mordida? When do we stop blaming the ills of Mexico and the world on the USA??? The wage differences are due to their broken system that has been in place since time immemorial. When you set up a business in Mexico, the mexican government will not allow fair wages to be paid to their workers. Do your own research on this very important fact before you blame the USA for Mexico's plight.
Agnost, yer familiar with the term: INVADER? It's not something you would support, I would suppose. Like, say, when W invaded Iraq in 03'. Ya know where I am going with this. Mexico is invading America and has been for many years. But in a passive-aggressive way, not in a overt way with tanks and bombs and with a declarations of war. No, they sneak around, they hide in the shadows, deep in the weeds until nobody is looking , to invade. With stealth, lies and fraud . Are you proud to defend that? Most of us think that openness and transparency is the best option, but, illegals are neither and they rely on tricks and gambits. Is that what you represent?
Agnost, yer familiar with the term: INVADER? It's not something you would support, I would suppose. Like, say, when W invaded Iraq in 03'. Ya know where I am going with this. Mexico is invading America and has been for many years. But in a passive-aggressive way, not in a overt way with tanks and bombs and with a declarations of war. No, they sneak around, they hide in the shadows, deep in the weeds until nobody is looking , to invade. With stealth, lies and fraud . Are you proud to defend that? Most of us think that openness and transparency is the best option, but, illegals are neither and they rely on tricks and gambits. Is that what you represent?

I hate to break it to you, but they are pretty open about it and our government isn't doing ONE DAMN THING to stop it.

Just check out my signature, if you don't believe it, google it, it's on tape.
Yes, I get that impression. Mostly the Feds are conflicted, they have many factors to consider. Say, all those busy body well meaning liberals that want to coddle illegal aliens. ( For human rights). Then there's the business sector that has got addicted to cheap labor. ( For greed or practicality, take your pick. ) And, then there are folks that absolutely detest, loath and are disgusted by these illegal interlopers, on moral and ethical grounds. So, Government is caught between a rock and a hard place. Let's face it, we Americans are fickle as hell. We are all playing a game here. Illegal aliens are no secret, they may use stealth to get in, but with their numbers swelling every day, it's kind of like trying to ignore the 800 Lb. gorilla in the room. We all spout a particular brand of propaganda. I don't think we should pretend that isn't the case. But as far as dredging up web sites, studies and what not to support our views. Well, that is good and fine, up to a point. I advocate, turning off our computers and getting off our asses and actually going out into the big bad world and finding them for ourselves, thank you very much. And with that, I get off my soapbox.
A suspect is in the custody of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in Dodge County in connection with the homicide of high school student, Breanna Schneller in Wausau.

So what? Why does it have to be an illegal? Ya know, there are a good amount of white people who kill as well. Can we say anything else but the Holocaust Museum Shooting?
I find it ironic, that people that people who are for illegal aliens , don't actually know a f*cking thing about them.
It seems, to alot of you, that murder is okay as long as it's not one of YOUR loved one who is murdered. Why do so many of you make it about race? This girl would not have been murdered if the person who killed her had stayed in his country. But to all of you bleeding hearts out there and open border maniacs, keep allowing these unstable people to enter our country at whim. Apparently you don't think we have enough of our own home-grown criminals to do the 'job'.
Hi Wolf:

They'll out breed Americans and gain 51% of the vote, changing the laws and opening the borders turning American into the cesspools they came from. Americans will be taxed to death paying for social services and other cost for illegal aliens. We're a nation of laws we don't need immigration reform we need to uphold the laws already on the books.

The illegal aliens are filling up our prisons, over running our schools, bankrupting our hospitals and murdering our people. If amnesty is given to illegal aliens, each new citizen can bring 9 relatives apiece into the United States and the minute they get a green card they're eligible for welfare, public housing and other public services. Then those 9 relatives can bring in 9 of their relatives apiece and so on. We'll go broke just caring for their aging parents and school aged children.
Everything you say is true, so let's do the math. Senor Bushie and now Senor Obama (like Senor McCain and Kennedy) are all for rewarding Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals (and their unscrupulous employers) with "Amnesty" for coming to the USA in the middle of the night, through the back door, to steal U.S. Identities and JOBS. The 'do-nothing' Congress sits on their hands and allows millions and millions and millions of Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals to run around loose EVERYWHERE 'displacing' their constituency from Identities and JOBS, just like everyone from the Governor and State Police and the Mayor and the Local Sheriff down to the building inspector and the cotton-picking dog catcher. Illegal Aliens kill 25 U.S. Citizens EVERY DAY (story), but the Illegal Aliens continue the Illegal Alien Invasion 'and' the Govt wants to make them all real U.S. Citizens in direct violation of the RULE OF LAW (Wiki).

The arithmatic says that the USA is a Corrupt and Lawless Country prepared for utter destruction, because We The People :)cuckoo:) sit back and allow these things to go on day after day and month after month and year after cotton-picking year. The Citizens of this 'once-great' country are simply too stupid to continue living as free citizens in a Western Society, which means all the curses connected to Lawlessness are ready to come upon you.

There will be NO change in policy, because destruction is what the USA really and truly deserves. Watch and see (from my Mexican Flu Topic and Martial Law Topic) . . .


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Hi SW:

I find it ironic, that people that people who are for illegal aliens , don't actually know a f*cking thing about them.

Stop being so naive and silly like your avatar suggests! These Open Borders Lobby New World Order Puppets are destroying what remains of the USA very much on purpose! They need millions and millions and millions of Illegal Aliens from all over God's Green Earth to come here and create as much Lawlessness and Chaos as humanly possible, so they can place 'EVERYBODY' under Martial Law and make CanAmeriMexico the new reality.

These Open Borders Lobby Propaganda Artists know exactly what they are doing, but are you prepared for the Coming Economic Collapse of the USA (my thread)???


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