What role did Kerry play in Iran’s attacks on tankers and the downing of a US Drone


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
What role did John Kerry play in Iran’s attacks on foreign tankers and the downing of an American surveillance drone?

What role did John Kerry play in Iran’s attacks on foreign tankers and the downing of an American surveillance drone?
June 21, 2019 ~~ By Jon Dougherty
For more than a year we’ve known that Obama’s secretary of state and longtime U.S. senator, John Kerry, has been attempting to undermine President Donald Trump’s foreign policy with the Islamic republic of Iran. In May 2018, we posed the question: “What is John Kerry doing talking to the Iranians?” — just last month — Kerry was again exposed for continuing his talks with Iranian government officials, again ostensibly to ‘save the nuclear deal.’ This time the president was animated and rightfully upset: “That’s a violation of the Logan Act, and frankly he should be prosecuted on that, but my people don’t want to do anything on that,” POTUS told reporters at the White House.
These actions, taken together, reflect an emboldened, empowered Iran, a country that cannot possibly withstand a full-on assault by the United States. Did Kerry tell the Iranians some things — about U.S. capabilities, about the Trump administration, about things that would or could force POTUS Trump to reconsider any retaliatory strikes — so their government could remain intact and compete its nuclear work? Given his history of Logan Act violations and recent discussions with this rogue regime, following by Iran’s challenging behavior, it would behoove the president to have his attorney general, William Barr, impanel a grand jury, then haul Kerry in front of it and ask him, under oath and penalty of perjury, just what it was he and his Iranian buddies talked about.

Is John Francois Kerry again playing the role of Traitor? Time for the NSA to make John Kerry’s phone conversations public, right after they pull a Michael Flynn on him.
You have to wonder why has this long term, notorious traitorous piece of scat has been investigated indicted and tried and convicted?
He was like a superman, blew up the ships and single handedly shot down the drone.

He is allowed to talk to anyone, but if he runs for an office, he needs to disclose it, unlike tramp and his admin.
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He was like a superman, blew up the ships and single handedly shot down the drone.

He is allowed to talk to anyone, but if he runs for an office, he needs to disclose it, unlike tramp and his admin.
Wrong as a private citizen he can NOT discuss anything with the leadership of another Country in regards the US Government, its policies or its capabilities. He has broken this law before with the North Vietnamese.
What role did John Kerry play in Iran’s attacks on foreign tankers and the downing of an American surveillance drone?

What role did John Kerry play in Iran’s attacks on foreign tankers and the downing of an American surveillance drone?
June 21, 2019 ~~ By Jon Dougherty
For more than a year we’ve known that Obama’s secretary of state and longtime U.S. senator, John Kerry, has been attempting to undermine President Donald Trump’s foreign policy with the Islamic republic of Iran. In May 2018, we posed the question: “What is John Kerry doing talking to the Iranians?” — just last month — Kerry was again exposed for continuing his talks with Iranian government officials, again ostensibly to ‘save the nuclear deal.’ This time the president was animated and rightfully upset: “That’s a violation of the Logan Act, and frankly he should be prosecuted on that, but my people don’t want to do anything on that,” POTUS told reporters at the White House.
These actions, taken together, reflect an emboldened, empowered Iran, a country that cannot possibly withstand a full-on assault by the United States. Did Kerry tell the Iranians some things — about U.S. capabilities, about the Trump administration, about things that would or could force POTUS Trump to reconsider any retaliatory strikes — so their government could remain intact and compete its nuclear work? Given his history of Logan Act violations and recent discussions with this rogue regime, following by Iran’s challenging behavior, it would behoove the president to have his attorney general, William Barr, impanel a grand jury, then haul Kerry in front of it and ask him, under oath and penalty of perjury, just what it was he and his Iranian buddies talked about.

Is John Francois Kerry again playing the role of Traitor? Time for the NSA to make John Kerry’s phone conversations public, right after they pull a Michael Flynn on him.
You have to wonder why has this long term, notorious traitorous piece of scat has been investigated indicted and tried and convicted?
Thanks for starting this thread, as I was wondering the same, because if you noticed the odd raise the roof dancing and happy faces on Pelosi and What looked to be Schumer, the timed chaos and unusual reaction by Dems needs to be pondered. Celebrating turmoil?
Siding with Iran? WTH?
I was thinking I hope the DOJ is watching this and considers asking Kerry for transcripts of his meetings.
Kerry in violation of the Logans act might be tip toeing into further treason if he promised them Biden or similar to reinstate the deal and that influenced Irans acts to destabilize things to
hurt markets oil prices and thus administration in a campaign year.
It would also be collusion to influence an election *slaps forehead while shaking head* facepalm.jpg
Kerry carried shitstain obama's plan to the mullahs. Bombing the tankers and shooting down the drone was obama's plan. Kerry had his meetings in May. In June Iran starts carrying out obama's instructions. This is the insurance to get Trump out when the last insurance failed. Kerry has assured Iran that the democrats will protect them and may have promised help in a future war with Israel once Trump is gone and there is a democrat president.
You mean Hillary wasn't involved? What about Obama?
You mean a Global Warming ice cap didn't melt and break away and drift into
the strait and poke holes into the hull? How ever will you reinact the scene from the Titanic then especially when Pelosi gets
*Sea Sick?
*(she acts like she gets land sick too by the way)
Can republicans get any dumber?
Can republicans get any dumber?
But if I am right 88% of the time and you are wrong 88% of the time, then what is the percentage chance of your calling what I'm saying wrong? Trick question:
Answer: 100% because your affiliation pride makes you disagree with everything opposition says 100% of the time, which is why often your affiliation flip flops and plays both sides of an issue as
"devils advocates" always argue opposition, even opposing your own former positions.

IT'S ALSO A DOUBLE NEGATIVE, a person always wrong has no credibility, especially you race baiters. You are like the Jesse Smollet of this forum or at least the MSM coverage of
Jesse Smollet.
Kerry carried shitstain obama's plan to the mullahs. Bombing the tankers and shooting down the drone was obama's plan. Kerry had his meetings in May. In June Iran starts carrying out obama's instructions. This is the insurance to get Trump out when the last insurance failed. Kerry has assured Iran that the democrats will protect them and may have promised help in a future war with Israel once Trump is gone and there is a democrat president.
Kerry made an international peace pact with Iran

Trump destroyed it
Kerry carried shitstain obama's plan to the mullahs. Bombing the tankers and shooting down the drone was obama's plan. Kerry had his meetings in May. In June Iran starts carrying out obama's instructions. This is the insurance to get Trump out when the last insurance failed. Kerry has assured Iran that the democrats will protect them and may have promised help in a future war with Israel once Trump is gone and there is a democrat president.
Kerry made an international peace pact with Iran

Trump destroyed it
There was not one day of peace during the Obama era deal, the proxy wars and many many events around the globe sponsored by Iran
makes your statement fallacious.

If you don't believe me, then why did you even get your own profile name wrong? *L*
Kerry carried shitstain obama's plan to the mullahs. Bombing the tankers and shooting down the drone was obama's plan. Kerry had his meetings in May. In June Iran starts carrying out obama's instructions. This is the insurance to get Trump out when the last insurance failed. Kerry has assured Iran that the democrats will protect them and may have promised help in a future war with Israel once Trump is gone and there is a democrat president.
Kerry made an international peace pact with Iran

Trump destroyed it

It was never ratified by Congress. Therefore it was never a peace plan....
if iran keeps messing around, their ass is glass! glass that ass!
Just a friendly reminder.. Don't mess with the USA you have been warned.
Kerry carried shitstain obama's plan to the mullahs. Bombing the tankers and shooting down the drone was obama's plan. Kerry had his meetings in May. In June Iran starts carrying out obama's instructions. This is the insurance to get Trump out when the last insurance failed. Kerry has assured Iran that the democrats will protect them and may have promised help in a future war with Israel once Trump is gone and there is a democrat president.
Kerry made an international peace pact with Iran

Trump destroyed it
There was not one day of peace during the Obama era deal, the proxy wars and many many events around the globe sponsored by Iran
makes your statement fallacious.

If you don't believe me, then why did you even get your own profile name wrong? *L*

Obama resolved the Iran crisis

Trump trashed it
Kerry carried shitstain obama's plan to the mullahs. Bombing the tankers and shooting down the drone was obama's plan. Kerry had his meetings in May. In June Iran starts carrying out obama's instructions. This is the insurance to get Trump out when the last insurance failed. Kerry has assured Iran that the democrats will protect them and may have promised help in a future war with Israel once Trump is gone and there is a democrat president.
Kerry made an international peace pact with Iran

Trump destroyed it
There was not one day of peace during the Obama era deal, the proxy wars and many many events around the globe sponsored by Iran
makes your statement fallacious.

If you don't believe me, then why did you even get your own profile name wrong? *L*

Obama resolved the Iran crisis

Trump trashed it
Obama didn't resolve anything, he gave back their witheld money and let them continue their terrorism and nuke program went underground where Obama had a Clintonian don't ask don't tell approach to it. It never made them more peaceful, so it failed and left us with less leverage while removing money that could have been used as reperations for that drone and host of other things. THIS KIND OF DEFLECTION, mistake making, poor foreign policy, complacency, and blind avoidance of the war against terror is why you guys and your 88% wrong track record need to be far away from our gov't affairs.
YOUR PARTY is even rolling out
the 3 Stooges of Politics Buttigieg is Moe, Sanders is Larry, and Booker is Curly, Honorable mention: Beto or Warren is Shemp and
John Delaney is Curly Joe *L*
And Joe Biden is that sorry guy who hires them to do the Gov'ts plumbing.
We are just starting to see the begining of the poking of the eyes and self slapping.
Trump wishes he was allowed to put this as a challenge on his show the Apprentice. *LOL*

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