Another difference between Liberals & Conservatives

I consider myself a centrist, leaning to the left ever since Reagan's war on poverty ("let them eat ketchup" as opposed to LBJ's war AGAINST poverty). Class differential has been slowly creeping into our mainstream for over two decades. To me, it culminated during the Bush administration when (intended or not), the Bush Republicans divided us by wealth, religious beliefs and domestic v. foreign priorities. As a result, the far left has also begun to overreach in the opposite direction by a misguided effort on many issues to balance it out.

So in my humble opinion, the battle royal over party ideologies and how they translate into our culture and economy will continue until BOTH "sides" start admitting failures and work hard together to repair the damage. It's not enough to simply say "we can do it better" without admitting accountability for what has gone wrong.

Ok, I just went off on a tangent. I'll stop now. I hope this isn't all over the place:

I think the Democrats have taken the side of the people on every issue. They just stab us in the back behind closed doors. But the GOP are clearly the anti labor and pro corporation party. They were unashamed about it for so long. Great example is how McCain thought he could get away with voting against the troops 80% of the time and STILL say he was pro troops. And voters almost bought it. That's because republican voters will defend their party even against their own financial interests. Why? Maybe it hasn't hurt them yet. But then their 401K's and homes lost value too, yet they still defend the GOP. That's because the GOP appeals to their conservative values. God, Gays, Guns and Less Taxes. And it is now obvoius the GOP doesn't care about any of those things. They just used those wedge issues to get people to vote outside of their tax brackets. Also the GOP caters to the racist vote.

The Dems don't have anything to admit or apologize for. The last 8 years are a direct result of GOP policies. Deregulations, tax shelters, loopholes, speculation, gouging, emptying the treasury, hiring illegals to lower wages, outsourcing, etc. That was all Republican free market bullshit. Sure Clinton signed NAFTA, but look at how the GOP loves NAFTA and they don't want to change a thing.

Now we do need to stay on the Dems, because they are just as easily corruptable as the GOP. But if you paid attention the last 8 years, you know the GOP was corrupted from the top down. Tom Delay and Bush had complete control of government. They got the votes they needed by any means necessary. And they passed laws that hurt us. Helped them, but hurt 95% of us.

So if you see the dems passing laws that give corporations tax breaks for sending jobs overseas, like the GOP did, then you can say they are anti American too.

Dodd is a great example. That son of a bitch tried to sneak in bonus' to AIG execs? We need to kick his ass to the curb if the does that again. But don't throw him out until he proves to be a sellout who can't reform. Because what is the alternative? Replace him with a Republican who would do the exact same thing, only he wouldn't be ashamed about it?

While your specific points are valid, when I speak of mistakes made by both parties, I'm thinking more in general terms of Democrats being guilty of taking the easy way out on major problems. For example, just pumping more money into poverty pockets doesn't address the root problem. If there's little or no accountability (and resulting fraud) for poverty assistance programs at the local level, the cycle just continues and gathers momentum. There should be boots on the ground in those areas, building community coalitions to keep the areas drug free, parental guidance centers, incentive programs to put low- and non-income producing people working so they can one day be proud of their neighborhoods and families that live there. That won't happen overnight, but just imagine how far along the end result could be by now if that had been the direction 30+ years ago, instead of just continued "bailouts" after people fall through the cracks.
"Liberals demand that the social order should in principle be capable of explaining itself at the tribunal of each person's understanding." Jeremy Waldron

First, many things that are labeled or presumed to be liberal are not. 'Liberal' for some is just a 'bad' (four letter) word without any specific defining qualities. Conservatives accomplished that through corporate think tanks and the likes of coulter limbaugh et al.

Whenever a conservative (C), as PoliticalChic PC)does above, defines liberal, the ideas are simply a rehashing of a long string of rhetoric whose purpose grew out of an effort to bring down the New Deal, equal rights legislation, environmental protection laws, and the Great Society. If there is one key element of C it is hierarchy.

Let me just briefly touch on PC's long list of faulty premises:

#1 No liberal thinks harmony is natural, individual freedom is not harmony. If liberal philosophy believed in harmony we could banish regulation or a strong constitutional government. We could believe in that free market you guys worship. Obviously number one is off base.

Since Reagan ran from Beirut, and Cheney Bush and most republicans are draft dodgers aka chickenhawks, and they had power during the years in question they too made America weak through their inaction. 911 happened on your watch. PS FDR won the biggest war of all in case you forgot. Another point wrong by PC.

#2 This one is too simple, I refer the conscientious reader to: The Conservative Nanny State The Fannie et al had little to do with the financial crisis, it was too small. It actually has done some good - I say that in spite of some poor administrative work and bad management. But, oh sorry, I forgot we believed in harmony and the goodness of people. NAH! Regulations were destroyed starting with Reagan. Leave people to do as they please and you see what happened. Can you spell S&L? Another wrong.

#3 Again see reply to 2. It does not follow that giving people a vote to join a union will lead to the place corporate tools assume (I'm not even sure where that place is?). But if you consider the alternative, I wish you well on walmart's third world wages.

#4 This is countered by anyone who has even the slightest knowledge of liberalism. See my quote at top. Read Rawls, Waldron, Berlin, Starr. Wrong again.

#5 This one lost me? I can surely defend myself here, think I do that often enough. Explain, examples, this made no sense.

#6 This is repeated so often one wonders does the person who says it think, even for a second. The example is equally absurd and if taken as proof of anything shows the poster does not follow the news as studies have shown it does help recruiting. Terrorists don't appear out of the wood work - things do motivate them. But maybe feeling intuition aren't so bad as Bush Jr stuck to ideology and failed.

I had an epiphany concerning the fundamental differences between L and C but will share that another time.


Reply to Manifold's original thread.

The proof my friend is in the pudding. I can sit here all day and tell you I am the greatest cook and lover but if I can't perform and don't, then it is just words. Politics must be pragmatic if it is anything. Since Reagan we have seen the results of lower taxes, of the incursion of religion into society, of deregulation, of military hubris, of the neglect of the infrastructure, of growing corporate power and weakening worker rights and the results are clear no need to repeat. Shame it took so long for most to see this too, we 'harmonious' liberals saw it long ago. LOL

"The peculiar internal tension of liberal constitutions is that they constrain power even as they authorize it—that is, they attempt to curb the despotic power and ambitions of individual rulers and officials and, by doing so, to permit stronger systemic capacities." Paul Starr

Good retort, Midcan. And it didn't seem the least bit "canned"!!
It's iteresting sometimes to sit back an observe the turf war between competing political philosposhies as they battle for our hearts and minds, and especially the territory they control. While there is such a thing as going too far and exceptions notwithstanding, I've generally observed the following: Liberals can more or less be as bigoted as they like with impunity, but if a conservative levies even the slightest criticism on anyone the liberals have identified as protected he is an intolerant bigot. Half of you know this to be true and the other half denies it vehemently and labels me a bigot for pointing it out. Conversely, conservatives can shit all over this country, it's CIC and it's military with impunity, but if a liberal expresses even the slightest disapproval of this country, it's policies, the CIC or any military action, he is unAmerican and unpatriotic.

And we all buy it. Well, at least half of it anyway.

DISCLAIMER: I am using the terms liberal and conservative in accordance with my general understanding of common, contemporary usage, not as I would define them if it were up to me. To me, liberal is the opposite of authoritarian and conservative is the opposite of progressive. That's why I label myself the oxymoronic liberal-conservative. As best as I can estimate contemporarily speaking, liberals are authoritarian-progressive and conservatives are authoritarian-conservative. They are both authoritarian, they just prioritize differently.

Sorry, I don't see the equivalence, as liberals are usually childlike in their faith in things just working out. Some thoughts on libs:

1. A Liberals axiom is that harmony is natural, a misreading of human nature. It should be remembered that when Woodrow Wilson asked Georges Clemenceau, prime minister of France, “Don’t you believe that all men are brothers,” Clemenceau replied “Yes- Cain and Abel.” The result of this belief is that country’s defenses are lowered by liberals, as represented by the Church Committee hearings, the Pike committee, the Torricelli Amendments, all of which tied the hands of the intelligence community, and made it necessary for the Bush Administration to use enhanced interrogation methods. And, of course, the liberal community raged that we were not treating terrorists like our brothers. To gain an understanding of human nature, consider reading The Naked Ape, by Desmond Morris.

2. Liberals believe that political philosophy should inform economic policy. So we saw the Community Reinvestment Act, and GRE’s such as Fannie and Freddie, which put pressure on lending institutions to give loans with less stringent requirements.

3. Another liberal axiom is that everyone will behave, not in their own best interests, but in the best interests of society, as in “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.” We see this false posit of the way people act in the Employee Free Choice Act, where we are expected to assume that there will not be pressure and intimidation if we do away with the secret ballot.

4. Liberals always see utopia as an attainable goal. At the heart of the philosophy is the view that the supposedly unique wisdom of government officials should be trusted to plan the lives of the people. The term “politburo” seems fitting here. In fact, for many American Liberals, Western Europe has been nothing less than an abstract symbol of progressive utopia. “Liberals seek utopia but reap dystopia.”

5. Liberals hunt for reasons to be insulted the way pigs hunt for truffles. Once they find a satisfactory mote in this category, they feel that it is entirely appropriate for then to use, not logic, facts, nor accepted debating techniques, but ad hominem attacks on the physical appearance, personal history, or imaginary mental defects.

6. For liberals, feeling passes for knowing. We see this in the oft-repeated claim that the use of “torture” techniques has been a recruiting tool for Al Qaeda. Where is the proof of this claim?For liberals, taking guns away from lawful citizens is tantamount to solving the crime problem. Where is the proof?

There is one core difference between liberals and conservatives... and it explains every difference...

Liberals believe people are basically good. Conservatives believe people are basically evil. That core difference drives beliefs, attitudes and behavior...

Liberals are trusting, confident, optimistic and forward looking. Conservatives are suspicious, fearful, pessimistic and rigid.

I am amused at the "feeling passes for knowing"...

Liberals have empathy; an emotion defined as understanding and appreciation (knowing).
Fear; the dominant driver in conservatives is defined as alarm and apprehension which leads to anxiety, phobia and panic...not rational emotions...

It explains why conservatives cling to their guns, cheer the curtailment of civil liberties like the Patriot act, support invasion of privacy through government surveillance and love a gestapo police force and a court and penal system that PUNISHES... a needed feel good emotion in conservatives...

In answer to "the use of “torture” techniques has been a recruiting tool for Al Qaeda." How about someone that interrogated al Qaeda in Iraq?


I learned in Iraq that the No. 1 reason foreign fighters flocked there to fight were the abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Our policy of torture was directly and swiftly recruiting fighters for al-Qaeda in Iraq. The large majority of suicide bombings in Iraq are still carried out by these foreigners. They are also involved in most of the attacks on U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq. It's no exaggeration to say that at least half of our losses and casualties in that country have come at the hands of foreigners who joined the fray because of our program of detainee abuse. The number of U.S. soldiers who have died because of our torture policy will never be definitively known, but it is fair to say that it is close to the number of lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. How anyone can say that torture keeps Americans safe is beyond me -- unless you don't count American soldiers as Americans.

Matthew Alexander led an interrogations team assigned to a Special Operations task force in Iraq in 2006.
Thanks for asking.
1) Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent. The result of infracting these truths will be atrocities and social disaster. Liberals believe in a privatization of morality so complete that no code of conduct is generally accepted, practically to the point of ‘do what you can get away with’. These beliefs are aimed at the gratification of appetites and exhibit anarchistic impulses.

2) Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

3) Liberals are impulsive, and imprudent. They believe in quick changes, and risk new abuses worse than the ‘evils’ that they would sweep away, since remedies are usually not simple. Plato said that prudence is the mark of the statesman. There should be a balance between permanence and change, while liberals see ‘progress’ as some mythical direction for society.

4) Conservatives believe in the principle of variety, while liberal perspectives result in a narrowing uniformity. Under conservative principles, there will be differences in class, material condition and other inequalities. Equality will be of opportunity, not necessarily of result. The only uniformity will be before the law. Society will not be perfect. Consider the results of the rule of ideologues of the last century.

5) Freedom and property are linked. Private property results in a more stable and productive society. Private property and retaining the fruits of one’s labor has been proven successful from the Puritan’s Bradford, to the Stakhanovite Revolution!

6) Conservatives believe in voluntary community and charity, based on duties to each other, with the assumption that each person must do whatever he could to avoid requiring assistance, as opposed to involuntary collectivism, as in “let the government do it.. Burke's understanding that the "little platoon" - family, neighborhood, professional organizations etc - is the "first principle" of society has been consistently identified as providing the necessary inspiration for conservativism. And explains why conservatives give more to charity than liberals.

7) Conservatives view people as both good and bad, and for this reason believe on restraints on power, as in checks and balances, while liberals see power as a force for good, as long as the power is in their hands.

8) Liberals and Conservatives differ in the way to proceed. For Conservatives, data informs policy. (“More Guns, Less Crime” and“Mass murderers apparently can’t read, since they are constantly shooting up ‘gun-free zones.’”- Coulter) We use Conservative principles to the best of our ability, but when confronting new and original venues, we believe in testing, and analysis of the results of the tests. For liberals, feeling passes for knowing; it is based on emotion often to the exclusion of thinking.

9) Conservatives view results differently from Liberals. Liberals respond to success and material wealth with envy and hostility, encourage class warfare and an attempt to obviate any chance that it might happen again. The exception is when it is a Liberal with the wealth. Conservatives see success as the validation and culmination of the application of Conservative principles, most prominently Liberty.

10) Since Liberals see their view as a higher calling that that of Conservatives, they mistakenly believe that it is entirely appropriate for then to use, not logic, facts, nor accepted debating techniques, but ad hominem attacks on the physical appearance, personal history, or imaginary mental defects. Notice how the Liberal replaces intellect with emotion. This is, no doubt, based on a medieval concept of recognizing witches and demons. In fact, Liberals attempt to deal with opponents in similar fashion: recall Clarence Thomas’ “High Tech Lynching.”

Aren't you going to give credit to whatever conservative manifesto you gleaned all that from? The repetitive stuff, plus other clues suggest it's been plagiarized. But that's okay. You simply list ten repititious tenets that can be found a gazillion other places which are based on ideology only rather than modern day realities. And reality is what Republicans (conservatives particularly) need to wake up to.

If everything you posted were real instead of being SURREAL, then Republicans would be in power. I mean it's all so compassionate and majestic at the same time.

With all due respect to the more thoughtful among us on this forum, I, too, recognize what PC has outlined. My readings reveal these to be the accepted nostrums of conservatism.

What I would like to see, and have never encountered personally, is a table with the critique outlined by PC on the left with a defense of each point (at the same level of reasoning) on the right. Anyone?

Believe it or not, but I initially tried, and then deleted what I had begun. PC's listing is for the most part way too generalized. Much of what is there could fit individuals of both party persuasions. So it's ridiculous to tag an entire group of people, to-wit:

7) Conservatives view people as both good and bad, and for this reason believe on restraints on power, as in checks and balances, while liberals see power as a force for good, as long as the power is in their hands.

And her characterization that "liberals are impulsive and imprudent." I mean how does anyone "argue" that absurd blanket statement? Except to say, NO--not all of us are. Correction: Hardly ANY of us are!!

Then there are the insulting remarks. I find it offensive that anyone would think I would delight in making up physical defects about someone just for laughs...because that's what "liberals" do.

Frankly, it's the sweeping assumption by PC that the "conservative" way is so super-perfect as to be indisputable, so why even bother trying to construct a tit for tat? That said, in the past I have seen posts by PC on a specific issue where she was well-read on the facts and articulated her opinions well.
If there is no golden goose, there are no golden eggs to be distributed to anyone. Get it now???

You all will very soon realize that the socilaistic policies of this President will do little to nothing to improve YOUR human condition. This includes your finances, your retirement, your employment situation, that is, if you are still lucky enough to keep your job within the next 4 years. If you think the Reagan years were bad, with 20 years of growth promoted by his tax cuts across the board I am going to want to hear from you after just 4 of this President's term. It' gonna be very UGLY and very PAINFUL, even for you libs.

Unemployment does not discriminate between conservatives and liberals, sorry libs you are not exempt from this disaster.

The health of the golden goose is important and right now the goose is being starved to death.

Sounds just like all those Republican quotes from '93 I'd posted earlier.

Exactly. And the same hysterical premonitions every time the minimum wage gets hiked a few cents. O MA GOD!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA BE IN THE POOR HOUSE AND WITHOUT JOBS. Ironically, the massive government programs of the New Deal are still in place today, just as they were during the 'wonderful' Reagan years, and the boom of the 90's when the tax rate for the wealthier was at 39%, which is exactly where Obama wants to return it to.

But how easily people forget that the current economic crisis is far more critical than Reagan had to face, and without a healthy dose of spending to jolt it back into action, "disaster" would be guaranteed.
It's iteresting sometimes to sit back an observe the turf war between competing political philosposhies as they battle for our hearts and minds, and especially the territory they control. While there is such a thing as going too far and exceptions notwithstanding, I've generally observed the following: Liberals can more or less be as bigoted as they like with impunity, but if a conservative levies even the slightest criticism on anyone the liberals have identified as protected he is an intolerant bigot. Half of you know this to be true and the other half denies it vehemently and labels me a bigot for pointing it out. Conversely, conservatives can shit all over this country, it's CIC and it's military with impunity, but if a liberal expresses even the slightest disapproval of this country, it's policies, the CIC or any military action, he is unAmerican and unpatriotic.

And we all buy it. Well, at least half of it anyway.

DISCLAIMER: I am using the terms liberal and conservative in accordance with my general understanding of common, contemporary usage, not as I would define them if it were up to me. To me, liberal is the opposite of authoritarian and conservative is the opposite of progressive. That's why I label myself the oxymoronic liberal-conservative. As best as I can estimate contemporarily speaking, liberals are authoritarian-progressive and conservatives are authoritarian-conservative. They are both authoritarian, they just prioritize differently.

Sorry, I don't see the equivalence, as liberals are usually childlike in their faith in things just working out. Some thoughts on libs:

1. A Liberals axiom is that harmony is natural, a misreading of human nature. It should be remembered that when Woodrow Wilson asked Georges Clemenceau, prime minister of France, “Don’t you believe that all men are brothers,” Clemenceau replied “Yes- Cain and Abel.” The result of this belief is that country’s defenses are lowered by liberals, as represented by the Church Committee hearings, the Pike committee, the Torricelli Amendments, all of which tied the hands of the intelligence community, and made it necessary for the Bush Administration to use enhanced interrogation methods. And, of course, the liberal community raged that we were not treating terrorists like our brothers. To gain an understanding of human nature, consider reading The Naked Ape, by Desmond Morris.

2. Liberals believe that political philosophy should inform economic policy. So we saw the Community Reinvestment Act, and GRE’s such as Fannie and Freddie, which put pressure on lending institutions to give loans with less stringent requirements.

3. Another liberal axiom is that everyone will behave, not in their own best interests, but in the best interests of society, as in “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.” We see this false posit of the way people act in the Employee Free Choice Act, where we are expected to assume that there will not be pressure and intimidation if we do away with the secret ballot.

4. Liberals always see utopia as an attainable goal. At the heart of the philosophy is the view that the supposedly unique wisdom of government officials should be trusted to plan the lives of the people. The term “politburo” seems fitting here. In fact, for many American Liberals, Western Europe has been nothing less than an abstract symbol of progressive utopia. “Liberals seek utopia but reap dystopia.”

5. Liberals hunt for reasons to be insulted the way pigs hunt for truffles. Once they find a satisfactory mote in this category, they feel that it is entirely appropriate for then to use, not logic, facts, nor accepted debating techniques, but ad hominem attacks on the physical appearance, personal history, or imaginary mental defects.

6. For liberals, feeling passes for knowing. We see this in the oft-repeated claim that the use of “torture” techniques has been a recruiting tool for Al Qaeda. Where is the proof of this claim?For liberals, taking guns away from lawful citizens is tantamount to solving the crime problem. Where is the proof?

There is one core difference between liberals and conservatives... and it explains every difference...

Liberals believe people are basically good. Conservatives believe people are basically evil. That core difference drives beliefs, attitudes and behavior...

Liberals are trusting, confident, optimistic and forward looking. Conservatives are suspicious, fearful, pessimistic and rigid.

I am amused at the "feeling passes for knowing"...

Liberals have empathy; an emotion defined as understanding and appreciation (knowing).
Fear; the dominant driver in conservatives is defined as alarm and apprehension which leads to anxiety, phobia and panic...not rational emotions...

It explains why conservatives cling to their guns, cheer the curtailment of civil liberties like the Patriot act, support invasion of privacy through government surveillance and love a gestapo police force and a court and penal system that PUNISHES... a needed feel good emotion in conservatives...

In answer to "the use of “torture” techniques has been a recruiting tool for Al Qaeda." How about someone that interrogated al Qaeda in Iraq?


I learned in Iraq that the No. 1 reason foreign fighters flocked there to fight were the abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Our policy of torture was directly and swiftly recruiting fighters for al-Qaeda in Iraq. The large majority of suicide bombings in Iraq are still carried out by these foreigners. They are also involved in most of the attacks on U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq. It's no exaggeration to say that at least half of our losses and casualties in that country have come at the hands of foreigners who joined the fray because of our program of detainee abuse. The number of U.S. soldiers who have died because of our torture policy will never be definitively known, but it is fair to say that it is close to the number of lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. How anyone can say that torture keeps Americans safe is beyond me -- unless you don't count American soldiers as Americans.

Matthew Alexander led an interrogations team assigned to a Special Operations task force in Iraq in 2006.

This it true to a point...When it comes to conservatives or Replublicans, liberals are suspicious, fearful, pessimistic and rigid.
I always thought this article put it best:

Perverted, God-Hating Frenchies vs. Inbred, Sex-Obsessed Yokels
Understanding the truth (and lies) about liberals and conservatives By Steven Waldman -

Good article. Thanks for posting it. The bottom line, though, is that faith and religion WERE used as a political ploy during the 04 election. A liberal could argue until s/he was blue in the face that he has Christian values but just doesn't need to hear the message given from a pulpit, but he would still be labeled as morally corrupt simply because he wasn't a regular church-goer.
If there is no golden goose, there are no golden eggs to be distributed to anyone. Get it now???

You all will very soon realize that the socilaistic policies of this President will do little to nothing to improve YOUR human condition. This includes your finances, your retirement, your employment situation, that is, if you are still lucky enough to keep your job within the next 4 years. If you think the Reagan years were bad, with 20 years of growth promoted by his tax cuts across the board I am going to want to hear from you after just 4 of this President's term. It' gonna be very UGLY and very PAINFUL, even for you libs.

Unemployment does not discriminate between conservatives and liberals, sorry libs you are not exempt from this disaster.

The health of the golden goose is important and right now the goose is being starved to death.

Sounds just like all those Republican quotes from '93 I'd posted earlier.

Exactly. And the same hysterical premonitions every time the minimum wage gets hiked a few cents. O MA GOD!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA BE IN THE POOR HOUSE AND WITHOUT JOBS. Ironically, the massive government programs of the New Deal are still in place today, just as they were during the 'wonderful' Reagan years, and the boom of the 90's when the tax rate for the wealthier was at 39%, which is exactly where Obama wants to return it to.

But how easily people forget that the current economic crisis is far more critical than Reagan had to face, and without a healthy dose of spending to jolt it back into action, "disaster" would be guaranteed.

Reagan had an economy that was suffering from the cure of inflation -- Carter had appointed Volcker to the Fed to limit the money supply to control inflation, and Volcker did, resulting in high interest rates that zapped the economy. But it was a short term phenonemon and as interest rates came down adjusting to the new equilibrium, the economy took off.

There was nothing like the credit freeze caused by wholesale decimation of banks' assets on the scale it is happening today.
Last edited:
Sorry, I don't see the equivalence, as liberals are usually childlike in their faith in things just working out. Some thoughts on libs:

1. A Liberals axiom is that harmony is natural, a misreading of human nature. It should be remembered that when Woodrow Wilson asked Georges Clemenceau, prime minister of France, “Don’t you believe that all men are brothers,” Clemenceau replied “Yes- Cain and Abel.” The result of this belief is that country’s defenses are lowered by liberals, as represented by the Church Committee hearings, the Pike committee, the Torricelli Amendments, all of which tied the hands of the intelligence community, and made it necessary for the Bush Administration to use enhanced interrogation methods. And, of course, the liberal community raged that we were not treating terrorists like our brothers. To gain an understanding of human nature, consider reading The Naked Ape, by Desmond Morris.

2. Liberals believe that political philosophy should inform economic policy. So we saw the Community Reinvestment Act, and GRE’s such as Fannie and Freddie, which put pressure on lending institutions to give loans with less stringent requirements.

3. Another liberal axiom is that everyone will behave, not in their own best interests, but in the best interests of society, as in “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.” We see this false posit of the way people act in the Employee Free Choice Act, where we are expected to assume that there will not be pressure and intimidation if we do away with the secret ballot.

4. Liberals always see utopia as an attainable goal. At the heart of the philosophy is the view that the supposedly unique wisdom of government officials should be trusted to plan the lives of the people. The term “politburo” seems fitting here. In fact, for many American Liberals, Western Europe has been nothing less than an abstract symbol of progressive utopia. “Liberals seek utopia but reap dystopia.”

5. Liberals hunt for reasons to be insulted the way pigs hunt for truffles. Once they find a satisfactory mote in this category, they feel that it is entirely appropriate for then to use, not logic, facts, nor accepted debating techniques, but ad hominem attacks on the physical appearance, personal history, or imaginary mental defects.

6. For liberals, feeling passes for knowing. We see this in the oft-repeated claim that the use of “torture” techniques has been a recruiting tool for Al Qaeda. Where is the proof of this claim?For liberals, taking guns away from lawful citizens is tantamount to solving the crime problem. Where is the proof?

There is one core difference between liberals and conservatives... and it explains every difference...

Liberals believe people are basically good. Conservatives believe people are basically evil. That core difference drives beliefs, attitudes and behavior...

Liberals are trusting, confident, optimistic and forward looking. Conservatives are suspicious, fearful, pessimistic and rigid.

I am amused at the "feeling passes for knowing"...

Liberals have empathy; an emotion defined as understanding and appreciation (knowing).
Fear; the dominant driver in conservatives is defined as alarm and apprehension which leads to anxiety, phobia and panic...not rational emotions...

It explains why conservatives cling to their guns, cheer the curtailment of civil liberties like the Patriot act, support invasion of privacy through government surveillance and love a gestapo police force and a court and penal system that PUNISHES... a needed feel good emotion in conservatives...

In answer to "the use of “torture” techniques has been a recruiting tool for Al Qaeda." How about someone that interrogated al Qaeda in Iraq?


I learned in Iraq that the No. 1 reason foreign fighters flocked there to fight were the abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Our policy of torture was directly and swiftly recruiting fighters for al-Qaeda in Iraq. The large majority of suicide bombings in Iraq are still carried out by these foreigners. They are also involved in most of the attacks on U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq. It's no exaggeration to say that at least half of our losses and casualties in that country have come at the hands of foreigners who joined the fray because of our program of detainee abuse. The number of U.S. soldiers who have died because of our torture policy will never be definitively known, but it is fair to say that it is close to the number of lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. How anyone can say that torture keeps Americans safe is beyond me -- unless you don't count American soldiers as Americans.

Matthew Alexander led an interrogations team assigned to a Special Operations task force in Iraq in 2006.

This it true to a point...When it comes to conservatives or Replublicans, liberals are suspicious, fearful, pessimistic and rigid.

Clever... but partial truth... suspicious when they gain power, fearful when they abuse it, but not rigid.
Clever... but partial truth... suspicious when they gain power, fearful when they abuse it, but not rigid.

I think so especially when thinking about Sarah Palin....

Suspicious of someone that believes Jesus will return in her lifetime and that Iraq is God's will, but not fearful that she will ever be president...

She appeals to the GOP base, about 20% of the population. Democrats, independents and moderate Republicans will never vote for her...
I always thought this article put it best:

Perverted, God-Hating Frenchies vs. Inbred, Sex-Obsessed Yokels
Understanding the truth (and lies) about liberals and conservatives By Steven Waldman -

Good article. Thanks for posting it. The bottom line, though, is that faith and religion WERE used as a political ploy during the 04 election. A liberal could argue until s/he was blue in the face that he has Christian values but just doesn't need to hear the message given from a pulpit, but he would still be labeled as morally corrupt simply because he wasn't a regular church-goer.

There is another article that I really like:

The Fundamentalist Agenda -- is absolutely natural, ancient, and powerful—but the liberal impulse makes us humane.

It looks at both conservatism (fundamentalism is not just religion) and liberalism in an evolutionary way. There's a need for both, in balance.

Conservatives seek to conserve and preserve - protect traditions and values. Conservatives have an exclusive definition of what is "us" and a suspicion of what is "other".

Liberals seek to push the envelope - to challenge boundaries. They have an "inclusive" definition of what is "us" and constantly seek to expand it.

It's impossible to look at it in just current politics because what was once "liberal" eventually becomes the accepted status quo and hence the value being protected by the conservatives. It's constantly changing.
as a liberal....i dont find anything you have said insulting or untrue....democrats like to come off as pollyanna's in blue jeans while robbing the candy from the babies....republicans like to come on as high and mighty moral and just...while just robbing everyone...

on here i am amazed at the people who claim to be moral and yet their posts reflect a total immorality..
they claim to live by the word of their bible yet spew hate and venom. all religions are guilty of this mindset and people today..have made poltical parties a religion...referring to the president as "the messiah" shameful

I read a story the other day about how poor people in California pick fruit from people's trees if they hang over their fences.

How many Republicans would SCREAM get off my lawn! Even though they pretend to be Christians.

Nancy Pelosi would have them arrested and waterboarded, then lie about it........
It's iteresting sometimes to sit back an observe the turf war between competing political philosposhies as they battle for our hearts and minds, and especially the territory they control. While there is such a thing as going too far and exceptions notwithstanding, I've generally observed the following: Liberals can more or less be as bigoted as they like with impunity, but if a conservative levies even the slightest criticism on anyone the liberals have identified as protected he is an intolerant bigot. Half of you know this to be true and the other half denies it vehemently and labels me a bigot for pointing it out. Conversely, conservatives can shit all over this country, it's CIC and it's military with impunity, but if a liberal expresses even the slightest disapproval of this country, it's policies, the CIC or any military action, he is unAmerican and unpatriotic.

And we all buy it. Well, at least half of it anyway.

DISCLAIMER: I am using the terms liberal and conservative in accordance with my general understanding of common, contemporary usage, not as I would define them if it were up to me. To me, liberal is the opposite of authoritarian and conservative is the opposite of progressive. That's why I label myself the oxymoronic liberal-conservative. As best as I can estimate contemporarily speaking, liberals are authoritarian-progressive and conservatives are authoritarian-conservative. They are both authoritarian, they just prioritize differently.

I'm curious. When have you ever seen a conservative shitting on the US, the President, and the military?
Are you stating a question or making a statement? Are you saying all repulicans are Christians? Can a non-Christian be a republican? Can a Christian be a democrat? What does being a Christian mean?

are you claiming that the repub party isn't the party of the christian right?

how viable is a christian left?

When did we go from liberal and conservative to Democrat and Republican? They aren't interchangeable, you know.
It's fairly simple:

A liberal is more concerned about distributing the eggs that the golden goose produces, a conservative is more concerned about the health of the golden goose.

I liked that, funny.

I thought of it like this, we're all on the same ship. The Conservatives are checking the horizon and watching for shoals and reefs.

The Liberals are making sure that everyone gets an equal chance at shuffleboard.
It's fairly simple:

A liberal is more concerned about distributing the eggs that the golden goose produces, a conservative is more concerned about the health of the golden goose.

I liked that, funny.

I thought of it like this, we're all on the same ship. The Conservatives are checking the horizon and watching for shoals and reefs.

The Liberals are making sure that everyone gets an equal chance at shuffleboard.

Are you kidding, both sides are fighting over meaningless squabble whilest lord knows what is happening in the bridge and on the horizon.

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