Another Democrat In Trouble: Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D) Arrested At Immigration Protest


May 29, 2010
Here we go again with another Democrat Congressman acting unethical and getting arrested for it. This democrat is for not deporting illegals and was protesting against them being deported. This means he is a advocate for people who have broken the law. His is against people who want to support the law and deport them. This actually means Guitierrez supports criminals over the laws on the books. This man took a oath to uphold the laws and Constitution of this country. He has not done so and he should be impeached for it or step down.


Congressman arrested at immigration protest -

Washington (CNN) -- Rep. Luis Gutierrez and 10 other people demonstrating for immigration reform were arrested Tuesday outside the White House


"The U.S. Park Police gave them a warning to leave. After the third warning they were put in plastic handcuffs and taken away,"


The president has the power to stop deportations of undocumented immigrants "with deep roots in the United States, and we think he should use it," Gutierrez said in the statement.
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Members of Congress have no need for civil disobedience. Civil disobedience is for those who believe laws are unjust and have no power to change it other than through non-violent resistance. A Congressman has the power to introduce legislation and change law.

Not only that, those who engage in civil disobedience, break the unjust law. Not whatever law they feel like it. That's just criminal behavior.
Gutierrez is a racist who is long time advocate of open borders because the vast majority of illegal aliens are Hispanic like him. Nothing new with this bigot.
Cons will never grasp civil disobedience.

Liberals will never grasp that these people took an oath of office.

Something to do with defending the Constitution or some such nonsense.....

I'm just saying.

The current oath was enacted in 1884:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
Please, with Luis' constinency, his popularity probably just went up.

I remember during the first gulf war, he took his little band of followers in front of the National Guard Armory in Humboldt Park and staged a protest for the cameras. After that he went from being an alderman to a Congressman when they carved out a special district in Chicago he could win.
Cons will never grasp civil disobedience.

Are we a "nation of laws" or are we knot? moron.

Sure, but sometimes they need to be challenged. Civil disobedience has a long history. I thought CONS were against living on your knees!!! Whatever you may think of his cause, it's irrelevant to his method of bringing attention to it. ,
This actually means Guitierrez supports criminals over the laws on the books. This man took a oath to uphold the laws and Constitution of this country. He has not done so and he should be impeached for it or step down.

Mr. Fucktard, Sir:

Identify by article section and clause the constitutional proviso which authorizes the federal government to interdict detain and deport.

Cons will never grasp civil disobedience.

Are we a "nation of laws" or are we knot? moron.

Sure, but sometimes they need to be challenged. Civil disobedience has a long history. I thought CONS were against living on your knees!!! Whatever you may think of his cause, it's irrelevant to his method of bringing attention to it. ,

A representative of the US government who illegally gathers to advocate for illegality is not civillialy disobedients. He shits on the constitution he swore to uphold.
This actually means Guitierrez supports criminals over the laws on the books. This man took a oath to uphold the laws and Constitution of this country. He has not done so and he should be impeached for it or step down.

Mr. Fucktard, Sir:

Identify by article section and clause the constitutional proviso which authorizes the federal government to interdict detain and deport.




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