Another day, another Obama nominee and tax problems

I'm hoping Tom Daschle goes down in flames. That guy is a hack. He was a terrible senate leader, and a total milquetoast.

Obama should nominate howard dean for that post. Yeeaaaahhh! Dean knows something about healthcare and medicine.

I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. I can't stand Howard Dean. I'm sure there are good people out there, though.

At least Obama takes responsibility when he hits a blip.

At least the buck stops there.....

nice change after the past eight years....though it is cute to see the wingnuts railing.
It doesn't bother you a bit that both Geithner and Dashcle were given waivers on penalties, that you know we'd have to pay? The idea that somehow accepting the resignation of Tom was saying, 'There can be no dual tax systems?' Nonsense.
Oh the claptrap leftists believe Annie. REpublican corruption accidently tapping some other dudes foot in the bathroom while trying not to piss on your gucci loafers, Democrat Corruption tax dodging
When the mob doesn't pay taxes they call it extortion. When a politician doesn't pay taxes they call it an honest mistake. (heard this from a viewers email on Lou Dobbs last night).
Seriously, does anyone vet their nominees these days? McCain/Palin, Richardson, Killerfer, Daschelle... ENOUGH already.

The whole obamalamadingdong circus is one huge cluster fuck. It's like watching a dog fuck a chicken. It's pathetic, and you people that voted for obamalamadingdong ought to be embarrassed beyond words.
I'm just going by what Joe Biden said:

Joe Biden calls it 'patriotic' for the wealthy to pay more taxes // Current

These people are wealthy. They don't even pay their regular tax bill, let alone extra taxes because they are well-off.
It's sad when you have to explain it to them.

I've got young kids at home so I'm used to it.

lol, having kids must make you feel important. You can save you preaching for your kids though: Not everyone is a liberal and not everyone agrees with what Biden says, an intelligent person like yourself should know that.
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